Saturday, 27 December 2014

Unboxing Malifaux - Where the Hell is the Next Batch?!?

Most unboxing articles and videos are terrible...

A Typical Unboxing Picture...
I know this with certainty because a) I look at a lot of them and b) my early ones were also pretty damn terrible...

We do however learn from our mistakes. The downside to that learning process is whereas my early attempts took about 15 minutes to put together and basically consisted of a crappy picture of a box, some low definition views of sprues and if you were very, very lucky I might have taken a picture of an actually finished model...however, my newer ones take a bit longer...

My 'Black Friday' order consisted of sixteen different kits of varying degrees of complexity ranging from full crews to single models containing somewhere in the region of forty models between them. I tend to now do at least four views of each model as well as a few close-ups of significant areas and there's also the box, sprue, card and instruction pictures to sort out...the 'assembly tips' section that accompanies the assembled models also adds to the complexity. I then made it even trickier for myself by foolishly adding comparison pictures to one of them which every-one thought was brilliant and now I'm stuck doing them with pretty much every article, lol.

But I'm betting that none of you really care about that just want to know what's coming next...

Here's some clues...

So the assembly process is well on it's way though I would like to base them before taking the 'final' pictures. There's also a few of the above kits where I never actually bothered to assemble the old metal versions so I need to do that for the comparison pictures.

So that's what's happening...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

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