Sunday, 4 January 2015

Sunday Round-up

Well today is the last day of my Christmas holiday and I'm back at work tomorrow and I spent it delving into the gateway to hell that passes for my hobby room again. Those of you who follow me on social media will be aware that I've been attempting to organise my many half finished or barely started projects into some sort of order and in that mission I've been partially successful...

 ...well I found a lot of my missing Malifaux and Warzone cards at least, lol. I've ordered some proper card folders for these from my FLGS so they'll get a proper sort out when those arrive. I also sorted out several of my armies into a bit more of a coherent form...

My Star Trek : Attack Wing went from this...

To this,,,

My Warmachine army also got organised...

...Well...kind of...

I also sorted out several other armies and game systems but didn't take any pictures of those but they included Judge Dredd, Dreadball, Deadzone and Warzone Resurrection amongst others. I also had a look at D&D Attack Wing which managed to halt my progress by giving me a bright idea...

...which I'll elaborate upon in another blog post. The upshot of that messing about is that I didn't update any of the blog tabs but to be fair I can do that during the week. I do now have most of the plastic M2E Malifaux kits that are missing from the unboxing articles assembled and based so there will be a number of those articles appearing next week. So that's pretty much an apology for my lack of blog-ably interesting activity here's a star trek themed picture...

...and a Star Wars themed one so as not to show favouritism...

Here's to a productive new year and thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

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