Sunday, 1 February 2015

Sunday Round-up

On Friday I got ran over by a car...more correctly my bike got hit by a car while I was coming home from work but unfortunately I was sitting on it at the time and as I was at the top of a hill at that moment gravity helped out and ensured that I landed at the bottom of the hill...after a few bounces on the concrete. As luck would have it a concrete kerb stopped my descent by virtue of hitting me in the face... wasn't even a cool motor bike was a bicycle so I don't even have the street cred that comes from a really good motorcycle crash...

I now have two sprained wrists*, a damaged shoulder and an eye that looks like it's been hit with a rock...possibly because it hit some rock...I now feel quite nostalgic about both depth perception and the ability to brush my own teeth...

*Those of you with dirty minds can insert your own joke here.

...looking on the bright side it got me out of a Saturday at work by virtue of me coming out of accident and emergency that same morning...but I'll have to wait till Monday to see if anything's been damaged permanently...

Anyway, back in the world of blogging...two weeks of blogging in fact as I didn't do a round-up last Sunday...

I've written some quite good articles on the basics of the .Through the Breach. RPG character creation process, A guide to Kickstarters, a write up of the next part of our Malifaux RPG campaign as well as posting a couple of Wyrd Games Previews that you may have missed consisting of a model render and a lovely new map of Malifaux...

I've also updated the Malifaux crew soulstone value resource as it was very slightly out of date. It now contains all the currently available crews model contents and soulstone values and can be found here.

I was also going to update the newsletter tab today but to be honest my wrists feel like they're on fire just from typing this lot...

Thoughts an comments are (as usual) most welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Ouch!
    Dude, so sorry to hear you were (effectively) run over. Fingers crossed there's no permanent damage :(
