Sunday, 1 March 2015

UK Games Expo - Some RPG news

More events news from the people at UK Games Expo...

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We have a Game for you.

The UKGE roleplaying schedule is next to go live for players to book into.
On Monday 2nd at 9pm* the schedule will go live and RPG gamers will be able to fill up their weekend with a choice from 250+ RPG games.(More are likely to be added in coming weeks).
So whether your gaming tastes are Pathfinder or Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, Paranoia or Squadron UK, Call of Cthulu, Traveller, Savage Worlds or Sleeper or any of 50+ different game systems we have a game for you.
Games run typically from 10 till 2pm, 3pm till 7pm and 8pm till MIdnight on Friday and Saturday and from 10 till 2pm, 3pm till 7pm on Sunday. So you can play in up to 8 games if you wish. They cost £4 a game.
So that is Monday 2nd March at 9pm.*
*Note that the exact go live time MAY vary a little - keep an eye on Facebook and Twitter.
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