Monday, 31 August 2015

The Next Wave of Unboxings

I've been getting the usual "So when are we getting unboxings of *insert crew name here*" e-mails and messages so I thought a 'heads-up' might be in order.

This is what I got...

My budget was limited so certain choices had to be made and I went with the crew boxes and the limited edition stuff. The books, starter set and small boxes I intend to acquire via my local gaming store Titan Games as they're released normally so you'll all have to wait for those. The amount of people who seem to think I get stuff early and/or for free is quite astonishing but I can assure you I don't. If I was a pretty girl blogger then I might stand more chance...but I'm not, lol...I'm also not a blog dedicated to one specific thing which doesn't help either.

The first two crew boxes I do features on will be Ulix and Shenlong though the Shenlong stuff will probably be unbased as I'm waiting on some 'Asian Zen' bases so they match my other models in that theme. Fortunately I have quite a lot of 'Bayou' bases stockpiled so the Gremlins will be actually on nice scenic bases.

Expect one or the other to appear late tomorrow (GMT) with the other appearing Thursday or Friday as I always save Wednesdays for 'gallery' purposes. Here's some sprue pics to keep you going till then...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

1 comment:

  1. I see that the mannequin sword for the Dark Carnival was broken in your box as well
