Monday, 1 February 2016

Warhammer Digital Newsletter - The Realmgate Wars

Something new for the Age of Sigmar players...

The Realmgate Wars rage across the Mortal Realms, drawing more and more of the hosts of Chaos and their enemies into the struggle. From the immortal might of the Everchosen himself to the vengeful fury of the Fyreslayers, armies clash and the future will be forged. 'Balance of Power' adds to the battle with a whole host of new rules to use in your games, including:
  • 41 warscrolls and 9 warscroll battalions with rules for units and characters from the story
  • 10 battleplans, new scenarios that give you loads of new ways to play
  • 4 Time of War rules sets, each of them providing a new setting for your games
Choose the Format that's right for you

Own an iPad or iPhone?
The Enhanced Edition is for you
Tablet and Mobile Editions
For your Windows and Android devices
There are no pre-orders in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar app, so you'll find Balance of Power available to download from midnight on Friday. There will also be a Battle Pack to accompany it, containing all the rules from the new book, and of course, all the warscrolls for the units included will be available to download for free.

If you don't have it already, download the app now, ready to read Balance of Power next weekend.
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