Monday, 18 April 2016

Hasslefree Miniatures Newsletter

An after Salute discount offer from Hasslefree Miniatures...

Thanks Everyone at Salute!
We have just returned after a punishing few days, all made worth it by the great reception at Salute.

I'd like to thank the Whites, Wyn, Neil, Dave, Matt, Garry, Andy, Alan, Rich And Ian.

Special thanks to Scott Hockley for some beautiful lil gifts we shall see on the website soon, and John for some lil gifts I shall be drinking tonight ;)
(I think the Whites also picked up some gifts and would like me to pass on their gratitude)

I would not like to thank Matt Lucas and he knows why! :D

We'd all like to thank all of the customers, visitors and demo players throughout the day. Everyone was a delight and helped our day go a lot easier. We hope you enjoyed your purchases and being cut off halfway through a conversation as we rushed off to serve someone or solve a problem! ;)

Lastly I'd like to thank my beautiful wife for all of her hard work and enduring endless mockery for wearing a fur-trimmed coat all day in a room that also housed a few thousand sweltering, and sweating, men.

Now that's out of the way, let's get to why you're all reading this...
It's over 9000!!!!
Orders placed while we're recovering from Salute, and putting everything back where it's supposed to be, will be delayed.

As a reward for the delay there is a 10% code now active until 9000 minutes from now (I shall leave the math up to you ;) ). 
The code name comes from the fact that this week we passed 9000 FB likes! :D
The code for orders while we are away is therefore 'OVER9000' :D
Use this code on the 'confirmation page', the last one before payment, to get 10% off your order.
(For anyone who has no clue whatsoever what I am on about, see this video).

That's it, back to regular newsletters next Sunday,

'til next time,


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