Thursday, 16 June 2016

Unboxing Malifaux - Bayou Base Inserts

Wyrd Games produce a number of styles of base insert in a number of themes suitable for a wide variety of their crews though you can also get them through hobby stores as I usually order mine from my FLGS Titan Games. These particular ones are Bayou themed and are ideal for any crew that might hang around in the swamps.

Editors Note - These bases are no longer produced by Wyrd Games so if you want some then prepare to scour eBay or the various miniature trading forums.

They come in three different sizes with the 30mm ones coming in a pack of five, 40mm coming in a two pack and the 50mm one containing a single base.

30mm Bayou Base Inserts
Without bases...
With bases...

40mm Bayou Base Inserts
Without bases...
With bases...

50mm Bayou Base Inserts
Without bases...
With base...
Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

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