Monday, 25 July 2016

Infamy: Welcome to the Big Smoke - The Monstrous Menagerie

Some background for these features on Infamy Miniatures 'Welcome to the Big Smoke' can be found in this post here and also contains some useful links. This feature however will be looking at a particular faction and some specific miniatures from it. This time we'll be looking at The Monstrous Menagerie...

The Monstrous Menagerie
It's amazing what you can make with a little effort...

Henrietta Jekyll
Henrietta Jekyll - Unassembled
Here's pictures of both sides of the unassembled pieces...

Henrietta Jekyll - Assembled

A most dubious gentleman has entered the world of Infamy: Welcome to The Big Smoke! Alucard is an evil man obsessed with the occult and believes that power resides in the blood of others. He drains his victims and saves up their blood in his complex backpack, which can create potent cocktails for him to drink down!
Alucard - Unassembled
Here's pictures of both sides of the unassembled pieces...

Alucard - Assembled

Frank Hyde
There are several versions of Frank Hyde...this is the Kickstarter exclusive version...
Frank Hyde - Unassembled
Here's pictures of both sides of the unassembled pieces...

Frank Hyde - Assembled

Here's a comparison between this version and the none Kickstarter version.

As well as the other versions of Hyde this faction also contains Edwin Gorr and Lamplighter. You'll have to make do with website pictures for now though as I don't yet own the other models.

If any of that caught your eye you might also be interested in one of the other factions that I've done features on...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome...or you could send me some stuff to review...either is fine...

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