Saturday, 2 July 2016

Petersen Games Newsletter

Some upcoming new releases from Petersen Games...

Arachne Solara Lives!  

Soon Petersen Games is going to launch Sandy’s newest game – Glorantha: The Gods War. And we have a gift for you, our loyal fans. Anyone who is signed up for our newsletter before the day of the Kickstarter’s launch (currently planned for July 25th) AND you sign up for any named pledge at or above the $125 level, then along with your other rewards we will ship you a free sculpt of Arachne Solara, greatest of the greater gods(and a value of $25).

This is a unique reward just for those of you that are signed up for our newsletter!  Everyone who backs the Kickstarter, but is not on the Newsletter, will have to pay for the figure.  

All of you that get this email are already signed up and are eligible for the free figure!  If you have friends or family that may be interested, please feel free to share this with them.  But only send it if they are interested, we do not want to spam uninterested people and we want to make sure that the people who are our core backers and newsletter subscribers get the rewards.  
Her base is a map of the world of Glorantha – she straddles it like a giantess. She’s a large figure – more than 70mm across.
Some philosophers theorize about gods beyond the gods. Sometimes these theorizations are labeled as powerful impersonal forces, like Time. Sometimes they remain mysterious and unfathomable, such as Arachne Solara. Mystics and philosophers say that the web of Arachne Solara is the binding of the universe — the universal fabric which connects all parts of the world.

She’s practical, too! You can use her to replace the cardboard First Player marker – She’s pointing with her hand, so you simply aim her in the direction of play for this turn!
To sign up for the free Arachne Solara figure, follow these steps below.
  • Follow or share this link
  • Sign up for our mailing list using the same email address that you use to log in to Kickstarter (that is how we verify your account and make sure you get your figure).
  • Hit subscribe to be added to our newsletter, and you will be added to the mailing list.
  • If you are already on our newsletter Congratulations! you are already signed up and eligible for the Kickstarter rewards!  No need to subscribe again. 
  • Share this page with your friends.  No really, share it with your friends if they are into really great games with really great figures!  

Share this link with your friends to receive the blessings of Orlanth.  

Copyright © 2016 Petersen Games, All rights reserved. 

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