Wednesday, 6 July 2016

The Wednesday Gallery

This weeks Steampunk gallery will have a musical theme...

I've been quite prolific with unboxings and features over the last few weeks so if it's the hobby articles you come here for rather than the Steampunk, Gothic or occasional Cosplay feature then there's plenty of that about as well if you want to peruse the various header tabs and sidebar links.

If you only come here for the Steampunk stuff or like both then by all means scroll down.....






As I apparently don't have many pictures of Steampunk guys with musical tendencies I've padded out this section with a couple of musicians looking vaguely steampunk...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

1 comment:

  1. And "Ant Music" starts playing on the stream I'm listening to as I'm viewing this.
