Monday, 10 October 2016

Unboxing The Devils Run - Freelancer 'Night Driver'

"Pieces through superior firepower..."

The Night Driver is a 'Freelancer' model for Word Forge Games post-apocalyptic miniatures game 'The Devils Run'. Of course if you've never seen the game before then those terms are meaningless to first here's some background...also the missions, instructions, advanced instructions and some 'print and play' tiles, tokens and stat cards from the 'Route 666' starter set can be downloaded from here.

The Devils Run
The Devil's Run: Route 666 is a fast-moving and hard-hitting vehicular combat board game set in a post-apocalyptic America; Each player controls a gang of ramshackle vehicles and their characterful drivers as they race across the remains of America to lay claim to aid drops, food and fuel. Each gang will do whatever it takes to get to there first...bash, crash, smash, race, win!

Some seek solace in the sanctity of isolation, whereas others are shunned and cast out by the community they once called home. Whatever the reason they find themselves alone in the wild, it is a difficult and dangerous existence. Some of these lost souls (or are they found?), eke out a living by offering their services to the gangs. Collectively they are known as Freelancers, but this is really all they have in common.

Night Driver
The Nightdriver pack comes with lots of equipment. The Car represents a specific class of vehicle, the 'Speedster'. It is fast and furious, but relatively weak.

A Note About Resin Models.
Due to the moulding process many resin models come with extraneous bits of resin that needs to be removed ranging from large lumps to smaller bits of flash and this should be removed carefully in order to avoid damaging any detail. Also it's worth noting that many resin models have a slightly greasy feel caused by the substance they use to stop them sticking to the moulds during production and this can cause issues with paint not sticking to the model properly. Carefully washing the parts in soapy water will remove this should your model be unduly affected. Parts that are bent (or that aren't and you want to be) can be corrected by heating up slightly in warm water and then bending into the required configuration.

Night Driver - Unassembled
Here are some pictures of the unassembled parts.

Night Driver - Stat and Upgrade Cards
Night Driver comes with six cards. There's a stat card for the vehicle itself, one for the character driver and four weapon upgrades. The upgrades are generic and can in theory be used with any vehicle though the 'Rocket Array' is built onto the model.

Night Driver - Assembled
This model is for the most part a single piece with the exception of the 'Mini Gun' and 'Twin Sniper' which require attaching to the model. These weapons require some flash removing before attachment but are otherwise issue free. Some extra clean-up was required around the spikes on the wheels and there was a minor section of slippage on the lower part of the main body that required a tiny bit of scalpel work to fix.

Here's a few close-up pictures as well.

Night Driver - Painted
Here's an official picture from their website of a painted version.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

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