Wednesday, 25 January 2017

The Drowned Earth Newsletter

Some news on the upcoming 'The Drowned Earth' Kickstarter...the Beta is already available to download for free...

Welcome to the TDE January Newsletter. 

Greetings once and all. It's been an exciting month, and I'd like to thank you all for subscribing to this newsletter so that I can share all the recent news and updates with you. As I've already mentioned I will only send one of these out when there's meaningful news- I hate spam as much as you do!

Our April Kickstarter feels like it's both a long time away, and hardly any time at all! There's so much to do and make, and as you no doubt know, I am committed to raising the bar wherever I can. So, lets get right to it!

We now officially have a Youtube channel! Over the next few weeks I will be updating it with some <1 3d="" a="" already-="" also="" and="" be="" br="" button="" corian="" could="" factions.="" first="" have="" head="" hit="" if="" is="" like="" look="" masters="" minute="" nbsp="" not="" of="" on="" over="" print="" showing="" subscribe="" super.="" that="" the="" there="" two="" up="" videos="" why="" would="" you="">
A new website is looming, but more on that next time D:
Youtube Channel!
Hit the button below to subscribe.
Blog Entry
Part one of a multi-part series on fluff. 
Read Here
Short Animation 
A first attempt at bringing some of our stills to life! 
Check it out!
Perhaps the most exciting news of all: I have arranged a production deal with a very professional workshop who make some of the highest quality metal minis I've seen.
You can see their workshop in all its glory here!
Once again thanks for following, and I'll keep you updated as and when exciting things happen! Please do feel free to support us by following us on social media (buttons below), and remember you can download and play the Beta completely free right now!
Copyright © 2017 The Drowned Earth, All rights reserved.

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