Thursday, 12 January 2017

UK Games Expo

I know quite a few people who will be going to these events...


FFG European Championship tickets to go live

Massive new event

The 2017 European Championships are at the UK Games Expo, June 2nd - 4th!
Offering a main tournament for each of their competitive Organized Play games, the European Championships will be a convergence of players ready to vie for the prestige and glory this event offers. Climb the ranks and win travel and accommodations for the World Championships, as well as an opportunity to affect the future of your favorite game!
Tournaments include: Star Wars: Armada, Star Wars: Destiny, Star Wars: Imperial Assault, Star Wars: The Card Game, X-Wing™ Miniatures , Game of Thrones: the Card Game and Android: Netrunner.
IMG 2235
The Worlds largest Xwing event last UKGE.

More Questions?

There is a detailed article on this event on the Fantasy Flight Games Website here.

Where do I buy tickets?

The tickets for this event will go live on the UK Games Expo website this Friday the 13th January at 6 pm. So get in from work, order your curry and then login and get entered. We have setup a dedicated page on the UKGE site. Right now you can go and find out more about the schedule.
Good luck!
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