Wednesday, 15 February 2017

The Wednesday Gallery

This weeks Wednesday Steampunk gallery will have an engineering theme either because I recently created a Techmarine model for my role-play character in our current Deathwatch RPG campaign or because that was the first folder I found thirty pictures I liked in...feel free to pick whichever of reasons you like best...

If you've popped over to my blog for the miniature war-gaming features rather than the Wednesday Steampunk stuff then there's plenty of that to look at as well and can be accessed via the links in the blog header, the blog archive in the sidebar on the left or via the links in the incredibly messy 'Label Cloud' in that same sidebar.....

If for some reason the idea of ladies (and a few gentlemen) in Steampunk outfits bothers you in some way then scrolling down is going to be a terrible idea.....






Here's a few gentlemen along the same theme just to even things out a little...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

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