Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Warlord Games Newsletter

Warlord Games mid-week newsletter...

Spring into a new Army!

Welcome to the Warlord Games Wednesday Newsletter, featuring all this week's hobby activity and latest articles.

Final days to pre-order
Test Of Honour!

Pre-orders close 12 noon GMT Friday 17th:
This is your last call to pre-order the complete bundle for Test of Honour with the FREE special Geisha and un-armoured Samurai models!
The Test of Honour game goes on general release Saturday 25th March, the individual expansions will be due to release on the webstore late April.
A note from the Warlord Factory:
Our great new samurai miniatures game ‘Test of Honour’ is proving incredibly popular. So popular in fact that we are going to stagger the release to ensure that we have enough stock to fulfil the demand for our bundle deal offer.
Traders and mail order customers in the UK and US will receive their products by the 25th of March. Traders and mail order customers in the Rest of the World and Europe will have their orders shipped before the 1st of April.
Thank you for your patience and help in making Test Of Honour a great success!

Test of Honour Game Play

YouTube Video:
We've been releasing a series of quick videos over on the Test Of Honour Facebook page introducing the game play mechanics step by step - check out the basics in this quick starter game...full battle video to come soon!
YouTube Video:
In this tutorial The War Gamer shows you how to paint a Samurai from Warlord Games Test of Honour miniatures game in the colours of the Takeda Clan.
Must End This Friday 17th, 12pm GMT:
Sarissa Precissions fantastic 10% discount off their range of Japanese buildings ends Friday. The perfect accompaniment for your future battles of Test of Honour!

Awesome Galleries!

Warlorder JoshB has been on a mission to find some of the awesome miniatures that have recently been seen on the forum and facebook pages:


Grab yourself a cuppa and listen in on the guys at WWPD, they talk about Battle of the Bulge...
Event Report:
Numerous battles were fought over the weekend, but now that the dust has settled it’s time to see the carnage...
Antares Showcase:
Warlorder Aaron was also sent on a mission to gather the universes finest warriors, or at least the finest painted warriors...

Warlord Workshop!

Learn to build the Bolt Action Stug III plastic Tank from Warlord Workbench! Our goal with these videos will be to introduce fast & effective techniques, tips and more for those who are just starting out on the battlefield!

Coming Soon!

If you'd like to contribute an article or promote an event, please get in touch at
All Warlord Games products are available from our online store or by calling +44 (0)115 978 4495. Our products ship worldwide.

Alternatively you can be all retro and actually write to us at:

Warlord Games
T13/T15 Technology Wing - The Howitt Building
Lenton Business Centre - Lenton Boulevard
NottinghamNottinghamshire NG7 2BD
United Kingdom

Add us to your address book
Copyright © 2017 Warlord Games, All rights reserved.

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