Friday, 24 March 2017

Warlord Games Newsletter

Warlord Games Friday newsletter...

Welcome to the Warlord Games Friday Newsletter, featuring all this coming week's New Releases and other wargaming news.

Land of the Rising Sun

The Japanese empire has waited long enough to bloom and with the new plastic Chi-Ha platoon they are poised to take the entire pacific...

Stick Beats Gun!

Japan's last stand to defend their nations homeland in the form of the new metal 10 man bamboo spear fighter squad...

G'Day Mate

Fighting off the enemy as much as the dense jungle, the Australian Independent 10 man metal Commando squad lie in wait...
Take on the might of Imperial Japan with the Empires In Flames campaign book. Packed with new army lists entries scenarios and background for the participants in the Pacific and Far East battles!
Then build your battlefields with an authentic pacific theme - hot and steamy...
You can even add a few Japanese style buildings in preparation for the invasion of the homelands, don't forget your Sampans and landing craft...

Lets Make!

YouTube Video:
In this Let's Make, The Terrain Tutor starts his battlefield pacific series with palm trees... Very t(r)opical:

FREE Antares Army Lists!

Mr Rick Priestley has been hard at work creating these evolving PDF's. So for all of you who have started with Strike On Kar'A Nine now's the time to organise your forces for this Easters battles!

Discover Your Army!

Peruse the vast armies of Antarean space, choose your faction and vie for supremacy of the Gates in a bid to find ancient Builder technology and expand your Empire...

Start Here!

If you've yet to start your Antares journey then look no further than this perfect Introductory set. Packed to the brim with everything you'll need to learn the basics and build 2 strike forces upon which you can build your future Empires...
Tension is building as Parliament defy the King, tearing the English people in half. Will you help the King defeat the defiant Parliamentarians or help Parliament overthrow the unfit King?
If you'd like to contribute an article or promote an event, please get in touch at
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Alternatively you can be all retro and actually write to us at:

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