Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Privateer Press Newsletter

More news from Privateer Press...

No Quarter
Too Much Metal for One Hand!

Join Studio Painting and Hobby Manager Dallas Kemp as he demonstrates the all-new Formula P3 Super Metallic System that is going to revolutionize the way you paint metallics on your models!
Get Locked & Loaded! Events Now Live!
July 14th is right around the corner and the events at Lock & Load® have just gone live! Convention Manager JR Godwin walks you through the process of signing up on Regonline.
In order to register for events, you will need to have purchased a badge. You did already buy your badge, didn't you? If not, sign up soon, spots are going quick, and this year promises to be big! 
The Fate of Holden Rests in Your Hands!

Join Hobby and Terrain Specialist Michael Archer as he walks through the planning and creation of a special eight foot table he is working on for Lock & Load 2017. From sourcing references to hewing stone (or at least pink foam), Archer gives you a sneak peek into the events awaiting Holden.
This table will be the stage for the Crossroads of Courage Narrative Finale held at Lock & Load. Event space is limited so make sure to get your name on the waitlist now!
Snatch up Wrath of the Dragonfather with Print on Demand Now!
Ever since the release of Zachary C. Parker’s action-packed novella Wrath of the Dragonfather in 2016, readers have clamored for a print edition of this climactic battle between dragons to add to their Skull Island eXpeditions’ library. Thanks to the new [amazon.com]Amazon.com print-on-demand service, we have a whole new way to deliver Skull Island eXpedition titles to you. Check out Wrath of the Dragonfather, our first Skull Island book available in print-on-demand!
Buy Your Ticket to Lock & Load While They Last!

The events are live! Sign in now to register for your favorite Lock & Load experiences. From the massive finale for the Crossroads of Courage League to the top level competition found in our Masters Tournament, this Lock & Load will be big. Clawing their way up from the hells of Urcaen, the Defiers lead the Grymkin into the light this year, and once freed they will change the landscape of Immoren forever. Where will you be when history is made?
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