Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Privateer Press Newsletter

Some release and event news from Privateer Press...

No Quarter
Arcane and Sickly Necrotite Glows!

Join Studio Painter Brendan Roy as he demonstrates two different ways to achieve glow effects for your models. Be it tabletop quality or better, he's got some tips for you to explore. 
Get Locked & Loaded! Events Now Live!
July 14th is right around the corner, and the events at Lock & Load® have just gone live! Convention Manager JR Godwin walks you through the process of signing up on Regonline.
In order to register for events, you will need to have purchased a badge. You did already buy your badge, didn't you? If not, sign up soon. Spots are going quick, and this year promises to be big! 
Battle Engines and Banes on the Horizon!

Today, CID for Grymkin™ ends, but worry not, as the new cycle of CID starts soon! Marketing Manager Jackson Wood talks about what's to come in two overlapping CID cycles starting in mid-April. We'll also be having a special five-hour hyper-focused session for a selection of models. Read to find out more!
Snatch up Wrath of the Dragonfather with Print on Demand Now!
Ever since the release of Zachary C. Parker’s action-packed novella Wrath of the Dragonfather in 2016, readers have clamored for a print edition of this climactic battle between dragons to add to their Skull Island eXpeditions’ library. Thanks to the new [amazon.com]Amazon.com print-on-demand service, we have a whole new way to deliver Skull Island eXpedition titles to you. Check out Wrath of the Dragonfather, our first Skull Island book available in print-on-demand!
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