Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Unboxing Malifaux - Mounted Guards


The Mounted Guards box contains enough parts for two miniatures...namely the Mounted Guards. It also contains stat cards for them though there are no upgrade cards.

Mounted Guards - Sprue
The box has two sprues in it as well as the aforementioned cards. Here's pictures of both sides of them...

Mounted Guards - Stat Cards
Wyrd Games didn't like my publishing pictures of both sides of the stat cards so you'll have to make do with this...

Should there be any assembly issues with the model then they will be listed in the appropriate section and you can view larger versions of the smaller pictures or instruction pictures by clicking on them.

Mounted Guards - Instructions
There's some significant issues with the instructions for the Mounted Guards that I'll go into in the assembly section...

Some General Notes on Assembly
Many of these models contain quite small parts so depending on how dexterous you are you might consider getting yourself some tweezers. Dry-fitting is also always a good idea in case a part needs a tiny bit of extra filing or filling as some of the fits are quite tight. Where the parts on the sprue are quite thin (chains, weapon shafts, cables and the like) then it might be better to remove parts with a sharp scalpel rather than cutters.

Mounted Guards

For some reason the instructions use numbers to identify one model from the other while the sprue uses letters...

Mounted Guard A/1 - Assembled
You cant assemble the rider and then attach him to the horse like the instructions indicate as there's a raised piece on the side to which it attaches. The legs fit too snuggly to slot the rider on around this bit so you'll more than likely need to glue one leg on first and then assemble the rider around the horse. I assembled the two cloak sections together before attaching to body as while dry-fitting it became apparent that putting them on the model a piece at a time raised some alignment issues. There's also a slight indentation on the hat rim piece that aligns with the hat that you might miss unless you're looking for it...though you could probably put the hat rim on upside-down without it looking odd as it's fairly generic both sides. There's also a fairly easy to miss flat piece on the sword that matches a location position on the riders leg.

Mounted Guard B/2 - Assembled
The riders legs and waist are not one piece like the instructions indicate and as with the above model there are location points on the legs which make it impossible to assemble the rider separately from the horse. Also the horses head is on the horses body piece not attached to the arm like on the instructions as the arm is actually a small separate piece. Also you'll need to attach the lower cloak piece before the upper one as the lower piece slots into an indent on the body rather than attaching to the upper cloak piece.

Mounted Guards - Rotational Views
Here's a couple of rotational views featuring the Mounted Guards.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.


  1. That's such a small contact point for the horse in model A/1

    1. True. The plastic is quite light though so it's not completely terrible. Of course I've never had to transport it anywhere, lol.
