Sunday, 14 May 2017

Sunday Round-up

I've unsuccessfully tried to shake my dogged pursuers...

...with a trip to a land apparently inhabited by a variety of anthropomorphic animals...Though unfortunately the Fennec Fox and Frog Fixer from Oathsworn were a bit on the small side to be expected to fight off an army of steampunk assassins... it was time to move on. After getting involved in a brief skirmish between Wild West Exodus's Enlightened and the Union...

...I decided that maybe that dark looking world might be a decent hiding place after long as I can find some gullible allies as bodyguards that is...hopefully you can join me there next week....

...Of course if that doesn't work then I'll have to find another unguarded breach and do some recruiting back in Malifaux...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

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