Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Warlord Games Newsletter

Warlord Games mid-week newsletter featuring their latest articles...

Welcome to the Warlord Games Wednesday Newsletter, featuring all this week's hobby activity and latest articles.
A dangerous intelligence has been discovered on Chryseis 3... Find out what new forces are arriving for 'The Chryseis Shard'
With the Chryseis Shard now available for pre-order, it is time to look into the intriguing back story of the special book figure, Nurk 27!
A new threat looms, what will Batu and his Freeborn do next?
We spotted Jean Sebastien Denis' fanatastic painting and we just had to know how he did it - so we gave him a couple of Jackal Walkers to experiment.
Just what do all those markings mean? Lou Passejaïre brings us a fantastic insight into French vehicle markings, learn the system and you too will be able to identify nearly any french vehicle unit...!
Missed out on the Test of Honour Boot Camp? Fear not, Kieran Bryne brings you a write up of exactly what happened in all of its dishonourable detail!
The War Gamer will be teaching you how to paint those Late War Germans of yours!
Pre-orders for the British Airborne ends Friday at 12pm GMT!
Want to know the rules of our new game? You can now download the FREE EXTERMINATE PDF!
Come on down for a full-on day of Antares on Saturday 1st of July. We have plenty of room to join battles, seminars, displays and more!
If you'd like to contribute an article or promote an event, please get in touch at
All Warlord Games products are available from our online store or by calling +44 (0)115 978 4495. Our products ship worldwide.

Alternatively you can be all retro and actually write to us at:

Warlord Games
T13/T15 Technology Wing - The Howitt Building
Lenton Business Centre - Lenton Boulevard
NottinghamNottinghamshire NG7 2BD
United Kingdom
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