Saturday, 10 February 2018

Modiphius Entertainment - Newsletter

A new Kickstarter from Modiphius...

Finally some good news coming out of occupied Europe - the Kickstarter for the Achtung! Cthulhu TACTICS PC game has funded and the Pathfinder Demonhunters are being air-dropped in to join the fight!

Now this is good news in more than just one way - as well as adding to the digital game, together we have unlocked the first new miniature; a new sculpt of the Pathfinder Demonhunter for the Achtung! Cthulhu miniatures line.

If you've been on the fence about getting our Achtung! Cthulhu Skirmish rulebook it's now free! See here.
That’s is not all! We can now reveal two new reward tiers the Overlord and Supreme Commander in the Kickstarter.

The Overlord pledge gets £150 worth of credit for newly unlocked or existing Achtung! Cthulhu miniatures alongside the PC game, and unlocked PDF's of new tabletop game material for the RPG and skirmish game.

The Supreme Commander gets you the Overlord plus the nine books in print and £150 for miniatures.
As each pledge in the Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics Kickstarter unlocks a new character or trooper for the game, we're going to add a new miniature to the range which will become Add On's in the Kickstarter

We have also added the new sculpt to the Add Ons if you just want to grab the miniatures along with your current pledge level. Please note image below does not show final sculpt we'll be revealing those as soon as they're ready.
The team are making great progress on the game - we gave them the Nazi base floor plans that we sell in PDF to work from for inspiration. You can see an untextured screen grab from in game here showing a battle in progress.
In this screen grab they're working on the lighting because theconcept of being in the light or dark is key to the game.

In the next update about we're going to be talking about plans for the RPG, the living campaign and new launches for the Skirmish game this year. Plus Shoggoths in Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics! (What else?)
Thank you so much for the support
Contact Us +44 207 736 7020 (Mon-Fri 10am-6pm)
39 Harwood Road, London. SW6 4QP

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