Friday, 9 February 2018

Wreck and Ruin - Kickstarter

Lets hope they have better luck this time around.....

The 6th March is fast approaching

I won't lie, when my campaign failed I was a bit down - I had poured my heart and soul into my game, I had met all you lovely people, and I felt like I had done everything I could have. But I don't believe in failing - there's successes and then there's lessons: so I learnt from the experience, I dusted myself off, and prepared for my return. The time is finally upon us!

So what's changed?

The game itself hasn't changed - I'm still tinkering with a couple of rules but nothing too major. The components and quantities are the same, it's more how the campaign will be structured.
I'm putting more money into the game myself and looking at other manufacturers to set the funding goal as low as possible. Shipping will be added to the pledges this time so you know where you are.

How can I help?

Trying to be seen on kickstarter looks a bit like this - no matter when I launch I will be competing with some major players. Any shares, likes, comments - all these things add to the visibility of the campaign, and if I fund quick enough I may even get the project we love badge!

Airecon 2018

I'll be attending Airecon a few days after launch(9-11 March), so I'll be demoing all weekend and hope to point people to the page to join our ranks. I never said I was pretty - luckily the game is what people are there to see!

What can I expect?

I hope to get a lot more content out over the next few weeks, as well as a load more reviews come in at launch time. I'll be launching live from Wasteland HQ(my office) so be sure to join me for that here. Be sure to read my tales from the wasteland stories on the facebook page too, and get a feel for wasteland life!
Copyright © 2018 Dream Big Games, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Dream Big Games
The dream factory
Glasgowsouth lanarkshire g75 0ut
United Kingdom

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