Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Scale 75 - March Newsletter

All the new releases from Scale 75...
Download the PDF for more information 
Scale75 News February 2018


75mm 1/24 scale

Degenesis series
Degenesis series, new figure. Chronicler. 75mm. Resin

SDG-003 Chronicler

Another figure from the DEGENESIS universe. This time, we have a member of the Chroniclers, the Omniscients, one of the cults trying to win the batte for Earth's legacy. The figure is in 75mm, highly detailed and casted in high quality resin.
EUR 41,32*
*Price VAT not included

Degenesis Series. Falberg and Biokinetic figures



1/12 scale

Sarah Kilmister. Bust 1/12 scale

SNG-005 Sarah Kilmister

The new addition of our Naughty Gears range, the bold Sarah Kilmister. Great sculpt to practice different materials like flesh, leather, hair, garments... You won't regret it! And if you do, you'll see the devil in her eyes! Sculpted in 1/12 scale and casted in high quality resin.
EUR 33,06*
*Price VAT not included

More Naughty Gears busts



Acrylic paints for AFV and uniforms - Valid for brush and airbrush
super-matt finish - 17ml - Aluminum tray included

WarFront collection. 64 acrylic colors for AFV and uniforms. super-matt finish. For brush and airbrush.
List of colors included in the WarFront Collection box  

SSE-049 WarFront Collection

Now available our complete acrylic paints of our Warfront range. 64 colors for military uniforms and AFV. Mixable with our Scalecolor and Fantasy&Games ranges.
EUR 167,78*
*Price VAT not included

More WarFront products (figures 1:35, 1:48, 1:72, paints and accessories)

Scale75 C/ Cadmio, 12 - 28500 Arganda del Rey (Madrid) SPAIN
Tel +34 91 870 74 71 info@scale75.com

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