Sunday, 29 April 2018

Board in Brum - Hobby Store Review

My friendly local gaming store Titan Games unfortunately closed it's doors permanently a month or so ago leaving me in need of somewhere local to annoy people into playing games with me...fortunately two gentlemen of my acquaintance chose this time to open a store of their own in Walsall which while not exactly around the corner for me is still close enough to be practical...
 The store itself is situated on an industrial estate so there's plenty of parking and the nearest unit has a handy sign in the window pointing in their direction and amusingly there's a video on their Facebook page of how to find them...anyway...One spiral staircase later and you'll find yourself in the place where Simon and Jez try and sell you things...
They're also pet friendly which is helpful as my partner basically doesn't go anywhere the dog can't go...
As you can see they currently have a decent stock of Games Workshop sets and paints, Bolt Action, Star Wars: Imperial Assualt and Star Wars: Legions and a good selection of the more popular board games. They also have stock of some of the newer miniature games such as Gangs of Rome and Blood Red Skies and some Battle Systems terrain sets. Obviously as a new store they can't keep one of everything ever made but seem open to stocking other product lines as long as there's a demand for them. The former Malifaux 'Henchman' of Titan Games and myself are already nagging them about Malifaux so hopefully that'll appear on those shelves soon, lol. There's also several painting stations available should you be unable to wait until you get home...

A short walk down past the (suspiciously clean for a hobby store) toilets there's also a room full of gaming tables that are in the process of being filled with terrain...not that they're exactly sparse at the moment...Games nights are Tuesday and Thursday though I doubt they start hurling you and your toys out of the door if your games over-run a little on the other days*. They're also currently canvassing people about what games they'd like to see campaigns organised for so if there's something you'd like to play then it's definitely worth having a chat.
*I's possible I suppose...

There's plenty of space to move between the tables and the room is well lit and tidy. Should you become peckish they also have a selection of snacks and drinks for sale.
 Both Simon and Jez have been in the hobby for more years then they'd probably like me to quantify and have a lot of knowledge on a wide variety of game systems so are always ready for a's a terribly unflattering picture of them both I found...Jez also isn't as insane as the picture seems to indicate...not quite anyway...
Should you be interested in paying them a visit then all their details can be found at their Facebook page HERE. Just to prove there's actually stuff going on there here's some pictures taken from their Facebook page with actual people in them...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

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