Saturday, 28 April 2018

Privateer Press - New Releases

New releases for April via Privateer Press...
APRIL 27 2018
Misery cages are a cruel twist on the gibbets used on the mainland to punish pirates. While a mundane gibbet holds a living prisoner to waste away, a misery cage wrings arcane power from the flesh and souls of any locked away within. Cryxians stuff the dead and dying into misery cages so warcasters can draw upon their essence to fuel their profane magic, which renders the body within to crumbling ash, a terrifying but relatively merciful end.
PIP 34147
MSRP: $19.99
Most of the living humans who serve Cryx do so as part of the pirate raiding fleets. They are notorious for being willful and bloodthirsty scoundrels of volatile temperament. Sailors in the Cryxian fleets bear marks of the Dragonfather’s blessing in the forms of scales, bony protrusions, and horns growing out of their flesh. These pirates are hardy due in part to the blight toughening their bodies but much more so because their lives are brutal and their battles frequent.
PIP 34149
MSRP: $59.99
The time has come: ’Caster Draft is now officially available! What’s ’Caster Draft, you ask? It’s our newest (and by far one of our wildest) casual formats for WARMACHINE and HORDES.
Many of you may remember Spell Draft from the MK II days. Spell Draft was a format in which your ’casters lost all of their spells, but before the event began, you drafted a new spell list while in a pod of eight players using specifically designed cards and draft packs. Well, ’Caster Draft is that concept…but kicked up a notch.
Read more in today's Insider.
The format rules to play a ’Caster Draft are available online now!
You can purchase print-on-demand ’Caster Draft decks (each deck contains enough cards for 4 players) here!
Enjoy the madness, folks. Given our test runs at AdeptiCon and the Southern Ontario Open, you’re in for a real (crazy) treat.
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Privateer Press, Inc. 1705 136th Pl NE Suite 120 Bellevue, WA 98005

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