Monday, 14 May 2018

Scale 75 - Newsletter

Scale 75's May releases...
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Scale75 News MAY 2018



75mm figure. Gold rush, California 1849, Platinum series

SPS-007 Gold rush, California 1849

This miniature accurately represents one of the forty-niners who came to California in the famous gold rush, in the mid-nineteenth century, in search of golden nuggets that could make them rich. The figure is produced in 75mm in high quality resin.

Esta miniatura representa con precisión a uno de los forty-niners que llegaron a California durante la famosa fiebre del oro, a mediados del siglo XIX, en busca de pepitas de oro que pudieran hacerles ricos. La figura está producida en 75 mm en resina de alta calidad.
EUR 45,45*
*Price VAT not included

Platinum series



1/12 scale bust

1/12 scale bust. Irina Meier, cosplayer

SNG-006 Irina Meier

This bust is based on an iconic picture of one of the most known cosplayers in the world, Irina Meier, a beautiful and chameleonic model whose steampunk cosplays are truly amazing. The bust is produced in a 1/12 scale in high quality resin.

Este busto se basa en una fotografía icónica de una de las cosplayers más conocidas del mundo, Irina Meier, una guapa y camaleónica modelo cuyos cosplays steampunk son realmente sorprendentes. El busto está producido en una escala de 1/12 en resina de alta calidad.
EUR 33,06*
*Price VAT not included

More Naugthy Gears busts

Scale75 C/ Cadmio, 12 - 28500 Arganda del Rey (Madrid) SPAIN
Tel +34 91 870 74 71

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