Friday, 24 August 2018

Modiphius Entertainment - Newsletter

More Mutant: Year Zero releases via Modiphius...

Today we're really pleased to announce the release of two new awesome Zone Compendiums for the Mutant: Year Zero RPG, Eternal War which complement the recent release of Mutant: Mechatron and the original Mutant: Year Zero game.

Both are available in print and PDF as part of our Mutant: Year Zero Collection on, and are also available on
Zone Compendium 4 - Eternal War
Slowly, the robot boots up again. It feels its circuits wake up, system after system coming online. Recharging and repairs are complete. The robot runs a quick diagnostic scan of its key functions. 73% capacity. It will have to do. The order must be completed. The robot draws its laser rifle and assumes a firing stance, bracing the rifle on a rusty metal beam, scarred by enemy fire. The robot scans the darkness. Large drone cranes hang from the ceiling high above like huge claws. Rusty old submarines rest silently in the black waters below.
“Unit KAN-738 reports. Day 7,298. The operations continues. The enemy must be destroyed.”
This Zone Compendium for Mutant: Year Zero and Mutant: Mechatron includes four exciting Special Zone Sectors:
  • The Eternal War. Robot fights robot in an underground duel without end.
  • Fort Robot. An abandoned Wild West-themed amusement park from the Old Age has new, artificial, inhabitants.
  • Northbay Nandeep 23. The warning message from the ancient farming facility contains only two words: “WARNING! Nano contamination.”
  • The Robot Factory. Thick smoke rises from the smokestacks of the old dilapidated factory in the Zone. Who has moved in?
Zone Compendium 5 - Hotel Imperator
In the dimly lit room, serious-looking men and women sit around a long table. At the short end, a man with long silvery hair and wearing a black suit presides over the meeting. His left eye lacks both iris and pupil, the white of it tinged by an unnatural icy blue.

An old machine on the table projects a photo of a scrap village on the wall. The door to the room opens. Two people enter, cloaked in shadows.
“Number 2 and Number 3, report,” the white-haired man demands.

“Thank you, Number 1,” one of the newcomers responds. “We have much to do.”

This Zone Compendium for Mutant: Year Zero includes four exciting Special Zone Sectors:
  • Hotel Imperator. The mysterious Brain Ring has established its headquarters in an ancient hotel. What are the psionics’ nefarious plans?
  • The Long Road. A nomadic tribe of mutants travel through the Zone. What can the player characters learn from them?
  • The Zone Fair. A robot has reopened an ancient amusement park in the Zone. What dirty secrets do its visitors bring with them?
The Great Zone Walker. A colossal machine is rumbling through the Zone. Who controls it, and where is it going?
We hope you enjoy these two brand new releases which expand the award-winning Mutant: Year Zero even further, and look out for more great releases coming soon!

Best wishes,

Modiphius Entertainment
Late Breaking News: Modiphius has just announced a team up with with Gale Force Nine to produce a brand new Dune RPG! Sign up at to get more information on plans for the official tabletop roleplaying game for DUNE from Modiphius Entertainment
About Modiphius Entertainment
Modiphius Entertainment is a London, England-based entertainment publisher of tabletop games and related hobby merchandise. The company launched its first game, the Achtung! Cthulhu Roleplaying Game, in 2013, followed by the Mutant Chronicles RPGDUST Adventures RPG based on Paolo Parente’s DUST universe, Infinity The Roleplaying Game based on the best-selling miniatures game, Conan, Adventures in Age Undreamed of, the official roleplaying game of Robert E Howard’s barbaric universe, Matt Leacock’s Thunderbirds, a cooperative board game based on the classic 60’s show and the official Kung Fu Panda Boardgame.

Modiphius Entertainment seeks to inspire with its tales of heroism, adventure and courage. Modiphius also works to combat global child trafficking through raising awareness of and funds for Vision Rescue. For more information, please visit

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