New Warhammer Underworlds tales from Josh Reynolds...
Shadespire: The Mirrored City Josh Reynolds |
Amidst the ruins of the once-great Mirrored City, cursed by Nagash himself, ex-freeguild soldier Seguin Rayner and his allies seek secrets – but even if they retrieve them, can they ever escape Shadespire?
It's a whole novel exploring the treacherous streets and mysterious curse of the City of Mirrors – and it's by Josh Reynolds, so you know it's going to be packed with fascinating characters and awesome battles.
Hardback | eBook
Shadespire: The Darkness in the Glass Annandale | Guymer | Haley |
In the shattered ruins of the City of Mirrors, three tales unfold. A Stormcast Eternal and Khorne Bloodreaver are linked by dreams of the past, a lone Stormcast seeks his brethren amidst the mirrors, and an aelven prince looks for something lost…
CD | MP3
Tell your own stories and forge your own adventures in the city of Shadespire with the Warhammer Underworlds game. Choose your warband, customise your deck of objectives, upgrades and ploys, and engage in tactical combat with your enemies, for glory… and for victory!
Taker of Heads Ian St. Martin |
In the jungles of Aztlan, a losing campaign against the alien T’au Empire is reinforced by the fearsome Mortifactors, as the neophyte Adoni seeks to become a Taker of Heads.
Inhumanly savage Space Marines, deadly and efficient t'au Fire Warriors, and Astra Militarum troopers caught in the middle: sounds like the makings of a fine drama to us.
CD | MP3
This month's Black Library Community Competition could get you a copy of Robbie MacNiven's new novel – in its lavish special edition, no less. Just guess the character from the description on Facebook to enter.
Coming your way over the next couple of months will be a series of brand new short audio dramas designed to liven your commute. Find out more about them now.
3rd-4th November 2018 Belfry Hotel, Nottingham |
Meet Gotrek Gurnisson at the Black Library Weekender – or the actor who plays him anyway. That's right, Brian Blessed himself will be there. Pick up your ticket now to meet him.
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