Sunday, 21 October 2018

Raging Heroes - New Releases

Some Void Elf releases from Raging Heroes...
Vengeance of the Void: new pre-sale packs to get the Executrix and more!
Well, Winter's coming, so you better stock some troops now for your Void Elves army. Here's an exclusive pre-sale deal to get our famous and dangerous Executrixbefore their release in a few weeks! Get them now with a great deal!
Get 24% OFF on EXECUTRIX Troops now!
The Vengeance of the Void Packs are also featuring some great Dark Elves Troops like the TGG2 edition of the Blood Vestals, or the insane Stingray Riders!
Save UP TO 24% and build this evil army now!
Oh, I almost forgot: these packs are starring the hunholy trinity of our Void ElvesSinzirith, Sephea, and Shiveryah, 3 creatures from darkness you don't want to upset...

Photos and paintjob by Claudia Zuminich:
Turn your army to the AWESOME level!
Free Minion Deal extended to Friday!
Ha! These damn minions are rogues! Last Saturday, the code for the FREE minionwasn't working, we're sorry if you tried... To apologize, we're extending the code to Friday! Here's how to get 1 Sisters’ Minion for FREE in your parcel:
1 - Add the Minion named Nope to your cart
2 - Add the War Pulpit (or a pack including it)
3 - Use Discount code: AltarMinion

Launch Deal only until next Friday!
Discover 10 Striking Heroines!
Ever heard about Comander Elektra Eisenstein? Or the Shaman Sorceress Baba-Yaga? Here's a fun list of 10 heroines to give you some inspiration on how to use our minis, or just to goof around...

Copyright © 2018 MFBG Productions SARL, All rights reserved.

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