Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Fixing C:CSM - Part 6 - Obliterators

Editors Note - Modified based on feedback, got rid of champion option as it seemed out of place. I think It's about spot-on now.

Obliterators have always been the 'Swiss Army Knife' of units. Unfortunately 5th. Ed. has made vehicles a lot harder to kill and Kill Point missions have made single Obliterator suicide Deep Strike units a bit of a liability.

Stuff we'll be keeping.
1) Without all those weapon options they wouldn't be Obliterators now would they?

Stuff they need.
1) Increased Survivability - How difficult is it to kill a standard Terminator? How about 2? The answer is 'Not Very' therefore our unit needs to be as tough as a shape changing gun platform with Plasma for blood should be ;-)
2) An anti-infantry weapon option
3) Appropriate points cost - In 4th. Ed. they were probably priced about right, now...not so much.

Stuff that would be cool.
1) An upgrade character of some kind - I've changed my mind about this.

Obliterator Cult - 70 Points Each

Obliterator - WS 4, BS 4, S 4, T 5, W 2, I 4, A 2, Ld 10, Save 2+/5+

Unit Type - Infantry, Number/Squad 1-3

Wargear - Power Fist, Obliterator Weapons*

* Obliterator Weapons - The unit may select one of the following weapons per turn - Lascannon, Multi-Melta, Plasma Cannon, Multi-Laser, Heavy Flamer, Twin-Linked Plasma Gun, Twin-Linked Meltagun.

Special Rules
Fearless, 5+ Invulnerable Save, Slow and Purposeful, Deep Strike.

There you go. They're now slightly harder to torrent to death and slightly more survivable Vs. Heavy weapons than they were before and they have a ranged anti-infantry weapon option. Their points cost has been reduced to take into account there limitations in this new world of Mech.


  1. can I make a slight change can there profile be toughness 4(5) same as a bike. multi lasers seem fair but make them 70pts (they are 75 now right?) as that would reflect there new diversity. plus a multi laser again last speeders at 36" is not great but 9 shots hitting on 3+ well you mathhammer it

  2. I'll up the points cost but I think the toughness should be 5 not 4(5). The whole point is so you have to hit them twice with decent anti-tank rather than once. If their going to be 4(5) then they might as well stay at T4.

  3. I know they don't have them currently but what do you guys think of a 'Champion' equivalent for Obliterators?
    Not sure what benefit he'd have/give but I like the idea of Obliterators who have been subject to the Virus longer getting 'better' in some way.

  4. nah leave obliterators with out champions, there's no real need for them. otherwise i pretty much agree, defiantly need the multilaser

  5. I got rid of the 'Champion' option as it didn't really fit with the background now I've looked into it a bit more.

  6. I would still like to see the 4(5) thing as i really can not see why they would be ultra tough to a krak missile as even with the viris at full effect they are only marines who can shape weapons not tougher marines
