Thursday, 30 September 2010

UKGT - List Option 4 - Tyranids

I'm not convinced about Tyranids at low points values, but the advantage of this list is that it's pretty much built so all I'd need is painting time.

1500 Pts - Tyranids Roster - 1500

HQ: Hive Tyrant (1#, 255 pts)
1 Hive Tyrant @ 255 pts (Lash Whip & Bonesword; Old Adversary; Regeneration; Armoured Shell; Leech Essence; Paroxysm)

: Tyrant Guard Brood (2#, 130 pts)
2 Tyrant Guard Brood @ 130 pts (Lash Whip)

Elite: Hive Guard Brood (2#, 100 pts)
2 Hive Guard Brood @ 100 pts

Elite: Hive Guard Brood (2#, 100 pts)
2 Hive Guard Brood @ 100 pts

Elite: Hive Guard Brood (2#, 100 pts)
2 Hive Guard Brood @ 100 pts

Troops: Tervigon (1#, 195 pts)
1 Tervigon @ 195 pts (Cluster Spines; Adrenal Glands; Toxin Sacs; Catalyst)

Troops: Tervigon (1#, 195 pts)
1 Tervigon @ 195 pts (Cluster Spines; Adrenal Glands; Toxin Sacs; Catalyst)

Troops: Termagant Brood (10#, 50 pts)
10 Termagant Brood @ 50 pts

Troops: Termagant Brood (10#, 50 pts)
10 Termagant Brood @ 50 pts

Troops: Termagant Brood (12#, 60 pts)
12 Termagant Brood @ 60 pts

Heavy Support: Tyrannofex (1#, 265 pts)
1 Tyrannofex @ 265 pts (Rupture Cannon; Cluster Spines; Thorax Swarm (larvae))

Total Roster Cost: 1500


  1. Obviously doesnt have the redundancy of a man sized list, but if needs must ;)

    overall, i think it should work, you may have trouble with land raiders but i'm guessing you knew that but at least you know which is the scissors to this paper list and can plan accordingly

  2. @ Mike - 1 Land Raider I can deal with, however Land Raider Spam is going to be an issue but I've beaten those lists with no Melta before now on more than 1 occasion.

    Playhammer beats Theoryhammer and Superior Tactics trump both ;-)
