Sunday, 12 December 2010

New Daemon List

For those of you who browse other blogs and forums* the list in this post may come as no surprise as It's been discussed already here and then a bit more here.

* After checking mine first, obviously ;-)

A bit of background info.
Both me and Brent started Daemon armies at about the same time, though Brent went down the more 'shooty' path while I went down the 'Cavalry' path.

The list is here if your interested.

The Cavalry list of mine did pretty well at the time but as more and more people have 'meched-up' my lack of shooting has become a much greater issue.

Though I had the number of attacks to crack transports I was left having to endure another round of shooting (which incidentally Daemons aren't fond of due to their abysmal save) before I could get stuck in. Of course knowing that they were going to be charged anyway I inevitably got shot first and then charged by the unit I had just deprived of a transport as well as any other spare fire-power that they had available.

I was stuck in a rut of this chain of events.

1) Charge Vehicle
2) Vehicle explodes killing several of the things that had charged it.
3) The rest of my army is doing the same thing or has only just arrived from deep strike and therefore I have nothing spare to charge in with.
4) Unit inside shoots my unit and does a few more wounds (or a lot more if the have a Flamer type weapon)
5) If still able, transported unit charges what's left of my Daemons and deprives me of either some attacks (Fiends) or Furious Charge and some attacks (Flesh Hounds).
6) I'm now either tied up in combat or am forced to start back at stage 1 with a lot less guys.

In a vague attempt to keep to theme but actually kill vehicles more efficiently I added basic Daemon princes with no upgrades. They killed Dreadnoughts with remarkable efficiency but would struggle against anything that could move quickly and still shoot. With Imperial Guard players being far more common and both Blood Angels and Dark Eldar being able to move 12" and still fire at me the problem has increased in magnitude at a far greater rate than expected.

This particular game highlights the issues quite well.

I therefore have redesigned the list completely and have done so for the 2000 point mark.

2000 Pts - Chaos Daemons Roster

HQ: Herald of Tzeentch (1#, 95 pts)
1 Herald of Tzeentch @ 95 pts (Bolt of Tzeentch; Chariot of Tzeentch)

HQ: Herald of Tzeentch (1#, 95 pts)
1 Herald of Tzeentch @ 95 pts (Bolt of Tzeentch; Chariot of Tzeentch)

HQ: Herald of Tzeentch (1#, 95 pts)
1 Herald of Tzeentch @ 95 pts (Bolt of Tzeentch; Chariot of Tzeentch)

HQ: Herald of Tzeentch (1#, 95 pts)
1 Herald of Tzeentch @ 95 pts (Bolt of Tzeentch; Chariot of Tzeentch)

Elite: Fiends of Slaanesh (6#, 180 pts)
6 Fiends of Slaanesh @ 180 pts

Elite: Fiends of Slaanesh (6#, 180 pts)
6 Fiends of Slaanesh @ 180 pts

Elite: Fiends of Slaanesh (6#, 180 pts)
6 Fiends of Slaanesh @ 180 pts

Fast Attack: Flesh Hounds of Khorne (10#, 185 pts)
9 Flesh Hounds of Khorne @ 185 pts
1 Karanak, Hound of Vengeance

Troops: Plaguebearers of Nurgle (5#, 75 pts)
5 Plaguebearers of Nurgle @ 75 pts

Troops: Plaguebearers of Nurgle (5#, 75 pts)
5 Plaguebearers of Nurgle @ 75 pts

Troops: Bloodletters of Khorne (10#, 160 pts)
10 Bloodletters of Khorne @ 160 pts

Troops: Bloodletters of Khorne (10#, 160 pts)
10 Bloodletters of Khorne @ 160 pts

Heavy Support: Daemon Prince of Chaos (1#, 140 pts)
1 Daemon Prince of Chaos @ 140 pts (Mark of Tzeentch; Bolt of Tzeentch)

Heavy Support: Daemon Prince of Chaos (1#, 140 pts)
1 Daemon Prince of Chaos @ 140 pts (Mark of Tzeentch; Bolt of Tzeentch)

Heavy Support: Daemon Prince of Chaos (1#, 140 pts)
1 Daemon Prince of Chaos @ 140 pts (Mark of Tzeentch; Bolt of Tzeentch)

Total Roster Cost: 1995

I've also decided to split the waves more distinctly than before as in my previous list both halves were almost identical.

This time I think I'll be doing it like this.

Preferred Wave
Heralds x4, Bloodletters x2, Fleshhounds x1, Daemon Prince x1
2nd Wave
Plaguebearers x2, Daemon Princes x2, Fiends x3

Ideally this gives me 5 shooty units to de-mech the opposing army and 3 scary assault units to draw fire. The 2nd wave will reinforce objectives (Plaguebearers) and finish off survivors (Fiends).
If I get the wrong wave I can at least get a couple of shots from the Daemon Princes and position the Fiends for charges against vehicles like they had to in the old list, lol.

Modelling will be interesting as I really want to keep in theme.
Therefore I'll be sticking with my original plan of basing my Daemon Princes off Spawn.

How I do Heralds of Tzeentch and Bloodletters will take a bit more consideration however...

Thoughts, Comments and brilliant modelling ideas are (as usual) most welcome.


  1. Great post! I was looking forward to seeing this come up on your blog. I'm going to follow your army with great interest, for obvious reasons.

  2. @ Brent - I appreciate the interest. I've started work on the 2nd and 3rd Spawn 'Princes' but I'm struggling to come up with a Tzeentchy version of my Herald that will keep to the existing theme.
    I really don't want to have to buy another 4 Talos's, lol. I was hoping GW were going to release a plastic version with their first wave of Dark Eldar releases that I could use but unfortunately they didn't...
    I'm sure inspiration will strike soon though ;-)

  3. What about a slamming match between wrathlords and choas/deamon kits with say horrors warping along the thing and somthing with a staff on/replacing the head?

    looking forward to playing it at some point and you always know I have to ask, what about scaling it down?

  4. @ Ska_punk_boy - If I have to scale it down I'll drop a Daemon Prince, a Herald and a couple of Daemons from the squads to get it down to 1750. That's as low as I'll bother going with this particular list.
    It's only Jervis that keeps the 1500 points value as a standard anyway. Everybody else abandoned it a long time ago.

  5. Ah jervis will keep going and then torneys can grow once he has died of what look like natural causes.

    Then again I like 1500, taught lessions of why wolf scouts are awsome at 1500 and have been played at it for 12ish yeah some im subborn.
