Monday, 3 December 2012

Hormachine...I mean Warmahordes...

Finally jumped on the bandwagon and bought some Warmachine...

I liked the look of the Witch Coven and their pet floaty ball thing and who doesn't want something called a 'Deathjack'.

If any-one knows a decent 'Tier 1' Witch Coven of Garlghast list at whatever points value I should be playing this game at then feel free to chip in with a comment.


  1. Good choices so far; the Coven are bloody excellent, if a bit fragile and backfieldy.

    As far as lists go, you could do worse than adapt this bad boy; you'd be trading either the Harrower or Malice plus one Deathripper for the Deathjack, which combines their roles anyway. I might also suggest Bane Knights and Thralls, as the Coven's spell suite compensates for the drawbacks of both units and generates two units of Stealthy, Ghostly Weapon Masters... but I'd recommend some range in the rest of the list if you did that.


    Battle college has never steered me wrong so far
