Friday, 7 December 2012

More Started, Nothing Finished...

I'm reasonably sure that most people reading this are exactly the same as me...If you happen to be one of those rare hobbyists who starts a project and completes it before moving onto the next one then well are most definitely in the minority though, lol.

As a Henchman for Malifaux I'm often asked to demo the game to people. For this task I usually let them beat up Seamus and some zombie hookers with Lady Justice and some Death Marshal's  I however only have the 'Dead' version of the aforementioned lady which has on occasion caused some confusion to the recipient of the demonstration. I have therefore decided to purchase an actual Lady Justice model and pals to paint up so as to remove this particular issue ;-)

I have also put together the 'Miss Terious' that I acquired via eBay,

As yet again a photo reveals a mould line that I missed....
 As well as one of the two boxes of Oiran I bought,

This one's my favourite ;-)

I've also under-coated the conversion that I did to 'count-as' Hamelin the Plagued,

I'm looking forward to painting the following model as well that will be used as a Nurse with my McMourning crew,

There's a few other bits and pieces as well,

Due to the amount of overtime I've been doing it's been tricky to find time to do any significant hobby. Hopefully I can get some painting done when I finish up the extra five hours work I foolishly 'volunteered' for on Saturday morning.....

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.


  1. It's always a good sign when you're buying extra models to demonstrate with!

    1. Lady Justice is quite a 'signature' model and character so using the decapitated pole dancer version doesn't really show her in the proper light when demoing the game to new people ;-)
