Sunday, 9 December 2012

The Witch Coven of Egregore - Assembled

So I suppose I better get started on Warmachine by actually assembling something...

I've drilled a hole in a clear plastic stand so I can have the Egregore looking like it's floating a bit higher than it would have had I used the model in it's original form with the tab still attached. This also means I can detach it from it's base for transportation purposes.

They're apparently called Selene, Morgaen and Helleana...but I've no idea which is which.

You'll notice that there are gaps on the bases.

These will be filled with some kind of black water effect to represent the ichor that the background tells me pours from Egregore pretty much all the time. When I purchase the force to go with my caster choice I'll do the same with their bases so the whole army has a similar look. Initially my plan is to make two will be a tiered list from the main Cryx rulebook and I'd like to make a 2nd based around the list in this months 'No Quarter' magazine (Issue 45, Page 47).

Undoubtedly I'll have to make additional purchases after play-testing but I'd like to have a pretty solid core right from day one...any advice will be gratefully received ;-)

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.