Thursday, 17 January 2013

Nicodem the Undertaker Progress - Part 2

Nicodem now has a few more layers of wash and drybrushing and his Vulture also has a bit of colour,

After looking at the models I've used for Mindless Zombies I decided to use washes to bring their clothes up to a dirty 'just arisen' look as I think it suits the models as well as the general theme. I've decided that they were all either inmates or wardens/staff at an asylum before their demise. 'Women Only' Asylums were actually very common in Victorian times as basically 'not doing exactly what your husband said' was considered perfectly acceptable reasons for claiming your wife was nuts....though it was also a way of getting rid of elderly relatives, annoying sisters and children that wouldn't tidy their rooms ;-)

They still need hair colour, facial features and some blood and splintered bone...but here's the progress so far...

The Staff.

The Inmates.

Hopefully I can get the zombies finished tomorrow night and then get started on the more important (less expendable) members of the group.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.


  1. I like the way you think about Malifaux. Been struggling to find room for personalisation in that game, but you may be nailing it.

  2. Many people paint their models exactly in the colours of the artwork and that's fine if that's the look you like.

    Personally I select a 'theme' for a crew that I like and paint and base them appropriate to that selected theme. I also add a bit more personalisation with minor conversion work and the occasional insertion of a 'counts-as' model.

    I'm enjoying Malifaux games more than I enjoyed 90% of my 40K ones...and more than all of my 6th ed ones.
