Sunday, 24 November 2013

Aliens Vs Predator Kickstarter - Lets ROCK!!!!!

With new stretch goals unlocking at a steady rate and lots of new pictures being these for example...

Rulebook pictures,
Aliens, Colonial Marines
and Predators

As well as a steady addition of freebies this has rapidly become an amazing deal and lets be honest who doesn't want to see a load of Aliens, Predators and Colonial Marines clawing, plasma casting and smart-gunning each other...

...nobody...that's who...

Despite the fact that the game itself will be available at some point in the future I think your going to miss out on a great deal by not pledging to this at the Kickstarter stage.

Certain models such as this guy...

...will only be available through the Kickstarter.

If you haven't yet pledged or are just curious then the Kickstarter page can be found here and the current status can be seen in a neat little widget on the right-hand side of this blog. Also they're only a few thousand pounds worth of pledges away from unlocking these rather cool looking bastards...

I'm hoping to be able to get some actual play-testing in once I've managed to get my hands on the rules though I've been told that at it's most basic level it uses the same rule-set as Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection and that's incredibly well done indeed and I can see how the simple addition of a levelling up mechanic to those rules would easily make the perfect system for a game such as AvP...

Also if that hasn't convinced you...then what about this...

I swear he was there a moment ago.....
I should also be able to get a few more sneaky Predator pictures before the Kickstarter finishes...if I ask the right people...very nicely...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

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