Saturday, 11 January 2014

Guest Article - Warzone Resurrection Model Review

Gareth Roach, A local hobbyist and former Games Workshop employee who has worked on their Fanatic Magazine amongst other thingss (though we wont hold that against him) has recently been looking at the models for Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection and as a massive fan of the Imperial Guard I suppose it was inevitable that he'd gravitate towards Capitol. Here's his opinion of the model quality in his own words...


Hi, I recently bought a copy of Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection along with a Capitol army from my local Games shop Titan Games, and as I've been involved in the gaming hobby for a number of years (too many to be honest about really) Martin the guy who owns the business asked if I could knock up a few words about the quality of the miniatures.

You may notice when reading this that I tend to compare the products from Prodos to the products from Forge World and there are two main reasons for this.

1) Most of us at sometime or another have dabbled with Games Workshop, in fact many of us started out in this hobby through the Games Workshop route, either with 40k or fantasy or maybe one of their other games (my first game was Space Marine, but you probably didn't need to know that), and as such will be aware of Forge World.

2) In my opinion the figures from Forge World are probably some of the finest resin miniatures you can buy, so they are a good thing to compare other companies products to.

Now I vaguely remember Warzone from the mid to late nineties but never really looked at it, the only thing I can really recall is that everything seemed to have huge shoulder-pads, so at first I was a bit blasé about the re-release but as friends of mine including GMort and Martin from Titan started to get more into it my curiosity was aroused, so I decided to take the plunge.

To say I was blown away with the new figures is an understatement. I think one of the first comments I made was how much they can hold their own detail and casting wise against Forge World. The level of detail on some of the figures is astounding and the casting is excellent. There are little to no mould line issues with the casts and what flash there is from the casting process is very easy to remove. To give you an idea of this I have taken a few pictures to show you how they look straight from the bag. The resin seems to be of a slightly softer material than Forge World use and sometimes you may need to heat it up slightly to straighten things out. I’ve had to do this on a few of the weapons, but its not difficult and I've had to do the same with Forge World kits in the past.

To begin with I started with Captain Henry Thomas. This was a nice and clean cast and even though the pose might not be quite as dynamic as a Forge World figure (but sometimes even they can go over the top with their poses) with a small amount of work you can create a really nice figure to lead your force with. I've included some shots of front and back and completed construction to show you what I mean.

The next unit I stuck together was a squad of Sealions, again nice clean casts with a small amount of flash. More pictures of straight from the bag and constructed for you to look at.

On the whole I can say I am really impressed with the new figures, they are easily comparable in quality to Forge World and price wise they can't be faulted. I can't wait until I get them all stuck together and start playing. Now where is my super-glue?


Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

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