Monday, 6 April 2015

Brotherhood of the Rail - Player Characters

As well as chronicling our adventures in the Privateer Press Iron Kingdoms RPG I thought it also might be worthwhile charting the progress of the characters themselves. I've now separated the NPC's into their own section here as this page was getting a bit too big with them included though any NPC's that will spend a significant amount of time being controlled by PC's will also end up on this page.

For those of you who missed our introductory adventure it and the subsequent ones can be found here.

Editors Note - All of these were created using the standard character creation template though we swapped a few things around as per the rules in the 'Customisation and Options' section of the core rulebook. We've also occasionally gained an ability we're not normally entitled to through role-playing such as the massive bar fight that got us 'Unarmed Combat' or the trek through the wilderness that entitled people to take 'Climb' and 'Sneak' if they wished and this means that most of the characters have more Skills and Abilities than they would get if following the advancement table to the letter. We also decided that should some-one wish to take a third career when the option presented itself that they could have some of the appropriate starting abilities despite the fact that the rulebook says you get bugger all and this means that characters with three careers may have quite a lot of skills and abilities indeed...

Rafaldo Scorgiani - Senior Lieutenant
As a young man he was drawn to the sea and joined Ordic naval officer training he excelled in his initial training and was soon aboard a ship blockading Khador ships transporting war equipment  as a midship man. 

During a small ship to ship skirmish he demonstrated talents that seemed to bolster shipmates in combat, helping the with ranged weaponry fire-fights and preventing death is some ferocious combats, for this he was promoted to second lieutenant and was sent ashore to be tested for caster powers, it was discovered that he possessed arcanist skills and further training was given to enhance these skills.

After  two years he returned to serve on destroyer class ships with the Ordic navy again his skills bolstered the crew throughout out combat actions,at times it seemed he controlled storm elements as he smote foes by controlling the wind itself. He was given command of his own ship reaching the rank of lieutenant commander and for another 5 years he continued to fight against Khador stalling their movement of equipment by sea.

He retired from the service due to a family crisis, by the time he returned home all had been destroyed of what was his family life and home, he now wonders as a mercenary joining bands trying to find out who was responsible for the destruction of his family.

Race - Human
Level - Hero, XP - 54
Height - 74 inches, Weight - 195 pounds
Careers - Military Officer/Ordic Arcanist
Archetype - Gifted
Languages - Five Cant, Khadoran, Llaelese, Ordic
Connections - Draegyn, Helstrom Family, Order of Fraternal Wizardry (Corvis), Ordic Military, Thorn Company (Tarna), Transcontinental Rail Company

Quote - "Not convinced?...You will be...just give me a minute..."

PHY - 7, SPD - 6, STR - 4, AGL - 4, PRW - 4, POI - 4, INT - 5, ARC - 6, PER - 5

Willpower - 12, Initiative - 15
Defence - 14, Armour - 12
Command Range - 8

Abilities and Benefits
Battle Plan - Call to Arms, Combat Caster, Expert Rider, Fast Caster, Feat: Strength of Will, Great Power, Natural Leader, Powerful Caster, Rune Reader, Team Leader
Military Skills
Hand Weapon (2), Pistol (2), Unarmed Combat (1)
Occupational Skills
Climb (1), Command (2), Detection (2), Interrogation (2), Medicine (2), Navigation (1), Negotiation (2), Rider (1), Sneak (1).
Blow the Man Down, Dead-eye, Earthquake, Fog of War, Influence, Powder Keg, Razor Wind, Triage.

Custom Battle Armour - SPD (0), DEF (-1), ARM (6)
Mechanikal Weapons
Staff, Battle (AM 0, Reach) - MAT (6), P + S (8), Arcane Force*
*The weapon is attuned to give it's bonus damage to spells rather than direct melee attacks.
Melee Weapons
Cutlass (AM -1) - MAT (5), P + S (8)
Sword Cane (AM - 0) - MAT (6), P + S (6)
Springblade - MAT (5), P + S (5)
Ranged Weapons
Pistol, Repeating - RNG (8), RAT (6), POW (10)
Manacles (1 of each type), Military Rations x2, Officers Uniform, Rope and Grappling Hook, Runeplate (Blank), Spyglass.

Danika Jansen - Lieutenant 
Danika was born in the border Provence of Llael south of Merywyn to a family of farmers who were brutally murdered by Khador insurgents during the fall of Llael. As the sole survivor Danika ended up in the hands of the Morrowan church and was raised in an orphanage in Corvis in northern Cygnar. 

When she was finally old enough to take her vows and be fully inducted into the priestly order she chose the warrior cast as the years of bitterness has left her with a yearning for revenge that has become all consuming. She keeps this dark heart hidden from all those of her order and lets her ulterior motives guide her path as she fights for the church. By finding and "questioning " some of the soldiers she knew to be involved in the murder of her family she learnt that elements of the Thamarite cult were involved in the slaughter and that there may have been more to the story than she currently knows. 

By taking employ as a mercenary Danika can investigate without tipping off the Thamarites and continue her quest for revenge. She has also recently taken on an acolyte who is in service to Morrow as penance for a past indiscretion and an apprentice 'Dora' who was orphaned by Bandits...

Race - Human
Level - Hero, XP - 39
Height - 66 inches, Weight - 120 pounds
Careers - Arcanist/Knight/Priest
Archetype - Gifted
Languages - Five Cant, Llaelese, Ordic
Connections - Church of Morrow, Church of Morrow (Corvis), Helstrom Family, Thorn Company (Tarna), Transcontinental Rail Company

Quote - "I can make all that pain go soon as you answer my questions that is..."

PHY - 6, SPD - 7 (6), STR - 6, AGL - 3, PRW - 5, POI - 4, INT - 4, ARC - 4, PER - 3

Willpower - 10, Initiative - 15
Defence - 10, Armour - 15
Command Range - 4

Abilities and Benefits
Cleave, Combat Caster, Defender, Empower
Military Skills
Great Weapon (2), Hand Weapon (1), Shield (1), Unarmed Combat (1)
Occupational Skills
Command (1), Etiquette (2), Interrogation (2), Intimidation (1), Lore - Knightly Order (2), Lore - Morrowan Faith (2), Medicine (2), Research (2), Rider (1)
Aura of Protection, Blade of Radiance, Blazing Effigy, Hand of Fate, Solovin's Boon, Star Fire, True Sight

Mechanikal Full Plate - SPD (-1), DEF (-3), ARM (8), Halo of Fire, Quicken
Mechanikal Weapons
Warhammer (AM -1) - MAT (6), P + S (12), Flame
Melee Weapons
Flail (AM -1) - MAT (6), P + S (10)
Mace (AM -1) - MAT (6), P + S (10)
Springblade (AM 0) - MAT (6), P + S (7)
Staff, Battle (AM 0) - MAT (7), P + S (10)
Warhammer (AM -1) - MAT (6), P + S (11)
Combat Shield  (AM -1) - MAT (5), P + S (9)
Ranged Weapons
Book of Morrow, Hatchet, Priestley Raiment's, Travelling Clothes.

Unofficially adopted by the Brotherhood after the massacre of her own family by bandits she has been taken under the wing of their Priestess Danika who has began to teach her the fundamentals of the Morrowan faith as well as other basic skills. Given her tendency to seek comfort in the quarters of her rescuers she has also being picking up some other bits and pieces of knowledge (and things...) from the other Brotherhood officers...not all of which are necessarily positive ones. She is somewhat eager to please though only accepts instructions from her rescuers and to be honest some of those are obeyed...creatively...if at all. Only Danika can get her to do anything reliably...well...fairly reliably...with Bosh being a close second...

Bosh has been teaching her the rudiments of self defence and though this has caused some amusement amongst the rank and file they have been careful to keep this to themselves. Bosh is notoriously lacking in anything approaching a sense of humour...

Danika has began to use her on missions in urban environments as an advance scout and she has taken to this new role with some relish...possibly because it gives her new opportunities to 'acquire' things for herself as she's exploring and partially due to the praise she gets from her mistress when she brings her useful titbits of information. In light of these new activities Bosh has begun to teach her some far more unpleasant ways of defending herself and she has taken to these new skills with worrying efficiency.

While her mistress engages in other duties she has began to be trusted to represent the Church of Morrow on Brotherhood operations and is currently accompanying a contingent led by Bosh on a mission for Cygnar against the forces of Cryx. She is considered somewhat of a 'mascot' or good luck charm by the Men at Arms and they would defend her with extreme prejudice against any perceived threats to her person.

Race - Human (Teen)
Level - Hero XP - 39
Height - 62 inches, Weight - 84 pounds
Careers - Guttersnipe, Priest (Morrow), Thief
Archetype - Gifted
Languages - Cygnaran, Five Cant (She can however make herself understood in a wide variety of human and none human languages picked up from Brotherhood members including a surprisingly large vocabulary of exotic swear words...)

Quotes - "It was just lying there!" "I thought you meant..." "You'll never guess what I found out..." "So the knife goes in here or here?" "Morrow is with us...probably..."

PHY - 5, SPD - 7, STR - 4, AGL - 5, PRW - 5, POI - 5, INT - 3, ARC - 4, PER - 5

Willpower - 8, Initiative - 17
Defence - 17 (16), Armour - 11
Command Range - 3

Abilities and Benefits
Adaptable (Urban), Backstab, Camouflage, Choir, Conniver, Dodger, Find Cover, Lost in the Crowd, Low Breeding, Magic Sensitivity, Perfect Timing, Prowl, Rune Reader
Military Skills
Hand Weapon (2), Sling (2)
Occupational Skills
Bribery (1), Climbing (2), Deception (2), Escape Artist (2), Jumping (2), Lock Picking (2), Lore - Morrowan Faith (2), Medicine (2), Pickpocket (2), Sneak (2), Streetwise (2), Survival (2), Swimming (1)
Aura of Protection, Blade of Radiance, Crusader's Call, Eyes of Truth, Solovin's Boon, True Sight

Custom Armour (Commissioned for her by Bosh) - SPD (0), DEF (-1), ARM (6)
Melee Weapons
Trench Knife (One of Bosh's spares) - (AM 0) - MAT (7), P + S (6)
Springblade (The Brotherhood armoury needs a better lock) - (AM 0) - MAT (2), P + S (5)
Ranged Weapons
Sling (Her brothers...) - RNG (10), RAT (7), POW (8)
Concealed Pouches, Goggles, Neophyte Priestess Robes, Notebook and Writing Implements, Sling Bullet Pouch, Symbol of Faith (Holy Symbol of Morrow), Thief's Tools.

'Bosh' Skullsplitter - Lieutenant 
The life of honour and adventure that a career in the military seemed to hold was a great disappointment to Bosh Skullsplitter as there seemed to be more waiting than actual action and the boredom was excruciating. He attempted to fill these gaps by volunteering for any jobs that could fill the time ranging from bodyguard duties for those officers who most courted danger to the most dangerous of missions 'behind enemy lines' and everything in between though nothing seemed to satisfy his need for adventure for very long. The collection of scars and battle wounds acquired over this time have added to his intimidation value considerably...though not his looks.

His natural intimidation factor and combat ability made him much valued as a bodyguard and the added level of loyalty meant that he could be trusted with 'cleaning up' after the occasional 'accident' by one of his employers. After a period of time dealing with the decadent and morally ambiguous he became weary of the routine and decided to move on.

Hoping that the 'thrill of the chase' might be the answer he turned his hand to Bounty Hunting. After some minor successes he began to gain a reputation as some-one able to deal with the more dangerous of criminals on their own brutal terms and after bringing to justice a particularly violent murderer whose evasion of the authorities was causing them considerable embarrassment he generously allowed the aforementioned authorities to take the credit for the return for their gratitude at a future date...

However boredom is beginning to set in...perhaps it's time for another change...

Editors Note - The last mission had some unfortunate consequences for Bosh...which will make for some interesting role-playing moments if discovered by his comrades in arms...

Race - Blighted Ogrun
Level - Hero, XP - 40
Height - 105 inches, Weight - 500 pounds
Careers - Bounty Hunter/Man at Arms/Monster Hunter/
Archetype - Mighty
Languages - Five Cant, Molgur-Og, Ordic, Rhulic
Connections - Helstrom Family, Local Law Enforcement (Various), Thorn Company (Tarna), Transcontinental Rail Company

Quote - "If you wanted one alive you should have mentioned it earlier..."

PHY - 7, SPD - 6 (5), STR - 8 (9), AGL - 5, PRW - 5, POI - 3, INT - 4, ARC - 0, PER - 4

Injuries - Battle Scars (Multiple), (-1 on Social rolls, +1 on Intimidation rolls)

Willpower - 11, Initiative - 15
Defence - 13, Armour - 18
Command Range - 6

Abilities and Benefits
Battle Master, Berserk, Big Game Hunter, Binding, Blight Gifts (Blight Senses), Blood Mad, Cleave, Defensive Line, Feat: Back Swing, Feat: Revitalise, Girded, Huge Stature, Hulking Presence, Hunting Ground (Mountains), Load Bearing, Precision Strike, Retaliatory Strike, Shield Guard, Specialisation - Halberd, Take-down.
Military Skills
Great Weapon (2), Hand Weapon (2), Shield (2), Unarmed Combat (1)
Occupational Skills
Climb (1), Command (2), Craft - Metalworking (2), Craft - Skinning (2), Deception (1), Detection (2), Driving (1), Intimidation (2), Law (1), Lore - Extraordinary Zoology (2), Negotiation (2), Rope-Use (2), Survival (2), Tracking (2)

Mechanikal Full Plate - SPD (-1), DEF (-2), ARM (9), Aegis, Heightened Strength, Steady
Full Plate - SPD (-1), DEF (-2), ARM (9)
Mechanikal Weapons
Ogrun Warcleaver (AM 0, Reach) - MAT (8), P + S (17), Accuracy, Arcane Force
Combat Shield  (AM 0) - MAT (8), P + S (13), Accuracy, Cold
Melee Weapons
Ogrun Warcleaver (AM 0, Reach) - MAT (7), P + S (15)
Spear, War (AM 0, Reach) - MAT (7), P + S (15)
Kelkax (AM 0, Reach) - MAT (7), P + S (15)
Halberd (AM 0, Reach) - MAT (7), P + S (14)
Nyss Claymore (AM 0) MAT (7), P + S (15)
Trench Sword (AM -1) - MAT (6), P + S (13)
Trench Knife x2 (AM 0) - MAT (7), P + S (11) or (AM -1) - MAT (5), P + S (11)
Knuckleduster x2 (AM 0) - MAT (6), P + S (10)
Spiked Buckler  (AM -0) - MAT (7), P + S (12)
Combat Shield (AM -1) - MAT (6), P + S (12)
Ranged Weapons
Man-O-War Shield Cannon - RNG (4), RAT (2), POW (14)
Manacles x3, Reinforced Manacles x2, Rope (20') x2, Rope and Grappling Hook x2, Spring Spike Trap x3, Steel-Jawed Trap x3, Various trophies taken from defeated enemies (Carnivean Fang, Drinking horn made from Titan tusk, Feral Warpwolf Cloak (Counts as Winter Cloak), Necklace of Teeth, Various Skulls).

Toborg Lugosh - Sergeant 
Tuborg was once a member of a prominent kriel in the Thornwood forest, that all changed with the rise of Lord Carver. On one of his scouting expeditions Tuborg encountered a Farrow raiding party, nothing unusual to look at, till he spotted the plunder they'd taken was from his Kriel home. Racing back with his small band of pyg scouts they arrived at a scene of destruction and devastation. Very few wounded left many of his Brothers dead, for Tuborg there was nothing left of home. The remaining members of the Kriel banded together and the highest ranked amongst them decided that they would all head to the safety of Ternon Cragg. Swearing that the tribe of Farrow responsible for the death of his kin would be destroyed, Tuborgs next chapter of his life commenced. 

The journey was long and arduous, travelling through the Thornwood, into occupied Llael and through free Llael eventually arriving at Ternon Cragg to the new Troll Town. Whilst journeying towards Troll Town Tuborg observed many things, he saw his fellow Trollkin leave the journey and join the civilised forces, abandoning the old ways, he saw many atrocities committed by what was referred to as the motherland, but also saw the resistance fighters doing the same. 

Whilst none of this sat comfortably with Tuborg he observed what he perceived as a rather ingenious custom that he picked up. He observed that hats played a large roll in human society and that you had a different hat for each job. Not realising that each hat or piece of head gear served a genuine purpose Tuborg built himself up a rather large collection and frequently changes his head gear, however he is yet to choose a set of head gear for a relevant situation. He has been seen wearing a cow skull to formal dinners, a top hat in the middle of a gunfight, a trencher helmet when he sleeps and even worn a ladies hat whilst scouting, no head gear is safe with Tuborg around.

Race - Pygmy Troll
Level - Hero, XP - 50
Height - 53 inches, Weight - 167 pounds
Careers - Brigand/Bushwacker/Ranger
Archetype - Skilled
Languages - Five Cant, Molgur-Trul, Llaelese
Connections - Helstrom Family, Transcontinental Rail Company, Trolltown Kriel (Ternon Crag)

Quote - "I'll just get my hats..."

PHY - 6, SPD - 6, STR - 4, AGL - 4, PRW - 4, POI - 5, INT - 4, ARC - 0, PER - 5

Injuries - Spitting Blood (Self Stabilised)

Willpower - 10, Initiative - 16
Defence - 13, Armour - 12
Command Range - 5

Abilities and Benefits
Camouflage, Crackshot, Fast Reload, Feat: Untouchable, Find Cover, Gunfighter, Onslaught, Pathfinder, Poison Resistance, Preternatural Awareness, Prowl, Relentless Charge, Return Fire, Sniper, Spawn Whelps, Tough, Troll Resilience, Virtuoso (Rifle)
Military Skills
Hand Weapon (2), Rifle (2)
Occupational Skills
Climbing (2), Command (2), Craft - Gunsmith (2), Craft - Skinner (2), Detection (2), Jumping (1), Medicine (1), Navigation (2), Rope-Use (1), Sneak (2), Survival (2), Tracking (2).

Custom Battle Armour - SPD (0), DEF (-1), ARM (6)
Leather Armour - SPD (0), DEF (-1), ARM (5)
Melee Weapons
Axe (AM 0) - MAT (6), P + S (7)
Bayonet (AM -1) - MAT (6), P + S (6 or 7)
Ice Axe
Pick Axe
Ranged Weapons
Rhulic Carbine
Rhulic Heavy Rifle
Rifle, Repeating - RNG (14), RAT (7), POW (10)
Sawn-Off Scattergun
Backpack, Bed Roll, Canteen, Flares x2, Gunsmiths Kit, Headgear collection (Bowler Hat, Cow Skull x2, Deerstalker, Goggles, Knights Helm, Ladies Hat, Top Hat, Tricorn Hat), Map Case, Military Rations x4, Rope and Grappling Hook, Spyglass, Trap, Steel-Jawed Trap x2.

Lyra Syalyss - Sergeant
Dyth Syalyss was a small shard of tribe Syalyss, located closer to human territory they established themselves as traders, liaising between Nyss and humans to benefit both races.

Lyra’s family were hunters within the shard providing food for both the shard itself and trade. Lyra found the other races of Immoren fascinating from a young age and would often stray far from safe trails to get a closer look at local Kossites or passing soldiers.

As soon as she reached maturity she left the shard as permitted by the fanes of Nyssor to establish herself. She travelled the towns of northern Khador fascinate by the rugged people she found. For a number of years she worked as a bow for hire in small conflicts as well as on the hunting trails but it was the towns she loved, spending hours getting lost side streets and exploring the urban jungle.

It was during her time away from her tribe that the Nyss were betrayed. A few survivors met with Lyra and told her what had befallen her people. The only thing salvaged was a porcelain mask of the visage of Nyssor, her mother’s.

Grief stuck Lyra like a shaft to the heart and for months she wandered lost in sorrow seeking the corrupt beasts her people had become. Her hunt has led her to Rhul where the dragon lords forces are gathering.

Race - Nyss
Level - Hero, XP - 49
Height - 70 inches, Weight - 100 pounds
Careers - Cutthroat/Urban Nomad
Archetype - Skilled
Languages - Aeric, Khadoran, Rhulic
Connections - None

Quote - "Don't run, the chase wouldn't tax me"

PHY - 5, SPD - 7, STR - 6, AGL - 5, PRW - 5, POI - 5, INT - 3, ARC - 0, PER - 5

Injuries - None

Willpower - 8, Initiative - 18
Defence - 17, Armour - 11
Command Range - 6

Abilities and Benefits
Adaptable (Urban), Anatomical Precision, Archer, Backstab, Bodyguard, Crack Shot, Fast Reload, Feat - Untouchable, Keen Eyed, Marksman, Preternatural Awareness, Prowl, Specialisation (Nyss Bow), Specialisation (Nyss Claymore), Targeteer, Virtuoso (Nyss Bow), Virtuoso (Nyss Claymore)
Military Skills
Great Weapon (2), Archery (2), Hand Weapon (2)
Occupational Skills
Detection (2), Sneak (2), Survival (2), Intimidation (2), Climbing (2), Jumping (2)

Nyss Leather - SPD (0), DEF (-1), ARM (6)
Mechanikal Weapons
Melee Weapons
Nyss Claymore (AM 0) - MAT (6), P + S (12)
Daggers (Various) (AM +1) - MAT (6), P + S (7)
Ranged Weapons
Nyss Bow - RNG (12), RAT (7), POW (10)
Arrow (20), Arrow - Barbed (5), Arrow - Concussive (5), Arrow - Fire (5), Arrow - Grappling (2), Arrow - Signal (3), Mask, Quiver, Winter Cloak (+1 ARM Vs. Cold Damage).

Thorsten Dovur - Sergeant

Race - Dwarf
Level - Hero, XP - 48
Height - 58 inches, Weight - 186 pounds
Careers - Arcane Mechanik, Rhulic Warcaster
Archetype - Gifted
Languages - Rhulic, Llaelese
Connections - Dwarven Clan (Dovur)

Quote - "You know that if this was Rhulic engineering it wouldn't have broken..."

PHY - 7, SPD - 4, STR - 6, AGL - 4, PRW - 5, POI - 3, INT - 5, ARC - 4, PER - 3

Injuries - None

Willpower - 12, Initiative - 12
Defence - 8, Armour - 15
Command Range - 5

Abilities and Benefits
Additional Study (Stone Strength), Bodge, Bond (Mechanikal Maul), Bond (Warjack x2), Hit the Deck, Inscribe Formulae, Load Bearing, Magic Sensitivity, Steamo.
Military Skills
Great Weapon (2), Hand Weapon (2), Pistol (1)
Occupational Skills
Command (2), Craft - Glassworking (2), Craft - Gunsmith (2), Craft - Metalworking (2), Craft - Stoneworking (1), Cryptography (1), Detection (2), Lore - Warjack Development (1), Mechanikal Engineer (2), Negotiation (2)
Battering Ram, Molten Metal, Stone Strength

Full Plate - SPD (-1), DEF (-3), ARM (8)
Mechanikal Weapons
Maul (AM 0) - MAT (7), P + S (12), Bond Plate
Melee Weapons
Ranged Weapons
Pistol - RNG (10), RAT (4), POW (10)
Mechaniks Tool Kit

'Udo's Hammer'

Chassis Type - Grundback Runner Light Warjack Chassis
Height - 58 inches
Weight - 3.0 Tons
Max Fuel Load - 350 pounds
Fuel Consumption - 16 hrs General, 4 hrs Combat

PHY - 8, SPD - 5, STR - 6
AGL - 4, PRW - 3, POI - 4
INT - 3, PER - 3

Initiative - 11, Defence - 12, Armour - 18
MAT - 5, RAT - 6
Abilities - Ambidextrous, Two-Weapon Fighting

Melee Weapons
Grundback Light Cannon - RNG (12), RAT (6), POW (12), Ammo (10)

Active service isn't for every-one. Some individuals are better suited to less direct methods of supporting the Brotherhoods goals and others have simply become to rich and important to need to risk themselves unnecessarily...

Sebastian LaCroix - Captain
At the time of the fall of Llaell Sebastian was a captain in the border with the Bloodstone Marches. The posting was a dull one and many of the officers spent more time wining and dining with their Cygnaran counterparts more often than they saw the drill yard.

When news of the invasion reached the Eastern postings it was the Cygnarans who acted first drawing all the soldiers they dared from the border to combat the invaders. Sebastian went with the force heading straight for Merywyn they sought to stem the red tide at the capital.

History records their failure, the reinforcements arrived too late and most were mown down before they even reached the city. Through the self sacrifice of his sergeant Sebastian made it to the city. Quickly he was drawn into the resistance, turning his military training to the benefit of the guerilla fighters.

Over the years the brutality he saw changed Sebastian, still outwardly the bon vivant in love with his easy life his eyes smoulder with a deep hurt. 

Reason for Retirement - It's not exactly retirement...lets call it creative delegation of tasks...
Race - Human
Level - Hero, XP - 39
Height - 74 inches, Weight - 192 pounds
Careers - Military Officer/Pistoleer
Archetype - Skilled
Languages - Cygnaran, Five Cant, Llaelese, Ordic
Connections - Helstrom Family, Llaelese Resistance, Thorn Company (Tarna), Transcontinental Rail Company

Quote - "I just need a don't need to talk to do that do you dear?"

PHY - 6, SPD - 7, STR - 4, AGL - 5, PRW - 4, POI - 5, INT - 4, ARC - 0, PER - 5

Willpower - 8, Initiative - 18
Defence - 16 (17), Armour - 11 (6)
Command Range - 8

Abilities and Benefits
Ambidextrous, Battle Plan : Call to Arms, Drive - Ancillary Attack, Fast Draw, Feat : Untouchable, Good Breeding, Gunfighter, 'Jack Marshal, Natural Leader, Return Fire, Targeteer, Team Leader, Two Weapon Fighting, Virtuoso (Pistol)
Military Skills
Hand Weapon (1), Pistol (2)
Occupational Skills
Command (2), Craft - Gunsmithing (2), Detection (1), Etiquette (2), Intimidation (1), Jumping (2), Medicine (2), Navigation (2), Oratory (2), Sneak (2)

Armored Great Coat - SPD (0), DEF (-1), ARM (5)
Sebastian quite often goes without any armour at all...
Mechanikal Weapons
Pistol, Repeating - RNG (8), RAT (8), POW (11), Accuracy, Flame, Silencer
Pistol, Repeating - RNG (8), RAT (8), POW (11), Accuracy, Cold, Silencer
Melee Weapons
Springblade x2 - MAT (5), P + S (6)
Sword, Dress - MAT (6), P + S (6)
Ranged Weapons
Pistol, Duelling x2 - RNG (10), RAT (7), POW (10)
Pistol, Holdout x2 - RNG (4), RAT (7), POW (8)
Pistol, Collapsible - RNG (7), RAT (7), POW (10)
Farsight Goggles, Garotte, Lock-Picks, Officer Uniform, Pocket Watch

Bragg Halvard - Chief Engineer (Civilian Operations)
Bragg Harvard was born to a small kriel in the Gnarlwood, and was familiar with much of the technologies of western Immoren as a youth due to trading between the united kriels and the Cygnaran government. 

Disagreeing with the united kriels increasingly dismissive attitude to human traders, with fraught confrontations often almost leading to violence, Bragg's kriel fled to independent Odd, joining many kriels before them that had chosen an urban life. 

Quickly assimilating into local society, Bragg used his mechanical skills initially in maintaining machinery and mechanika, and before long found himself in the employ of The Continental Rail Company, maintaining their laborjacks during journeys.

Reason for Retirement - Required at Brotherhood fortress due to extensive engineering projects in progress there.
Race - Trollkin
Level - Hero, XP - 21
Height - 78 inches, Weight - 315 pounds
Careers - Field Mechanik/Soldier
Archetype - Skilled
Languages - Five Cant, Molgur-Trul, Ordic
Connections - Thorn Company (Tarna), Transcontinental Rail Company

Quote - "Fetch me my adjusting big one...and some more nails..."

PHY - 7, SPD - 5, STR - 5, AGL - 3, PRW - 5, POI - 4, INT - 4, ARC - 0, PER - 3

Willpower - 9, Initiative - 13
Defence - 10, Armour - 13
Command Range - 5

Abilities and Benefits
Ace Commander, Bodge, Drive - Ancillary Attack, Hit the Deck, 'Jack Marshal, Revitalise, Scrounge, Tough, Virtuoso - Pistol
Military Skills
Great Weapon (1), Hand Weapon (2), Pistol (2), Unarmed Combat (1)
Occupational Skills
Command (2), Climbing (1), Craft - Metalworking (2), Driving (2), Mechanikal Engineering (2), Medicine (1), Negotiation (1), Rider (1), Survival (2)

Custom Battle Armour - SPD (0), DEF (-1), ARM (6)
Melee Weapons
Pick Axe (AM -1) - MAT (6), P + S (9)
'Jack Wrench (AM-2) - MAT (5), P + S (8)
Warhammer (AM -1) - MAT (5), P + S (10)
Ranged Weapons
Pistol - RNG (8), RAT (6), POW (10)
Rivet Gun - RNG (4), RAT (4), POW (10)
Mechaniks Tool Kit
20 Rivets + Powder
25 'Light' Pistol Rounds
Ol' Faithful

Christophe Mayeux
The first born son in a lower middle-class family Christophe enlisted in the Llaelese military as soon as he was able to do so out of a desire to serve his Country and people. During his military training, testing and stress situations revealed his arcane talent and once this was spotted he was streamlined and began his training in the arts of the gun mage.

After training he joined the Loyal Order of the Amethyst Rose. After time spent serving the Order with dedication he gained the rank of Sergeant and took up a posting in the capital city of Merwyn. During his time in Merwyn he received a letter telling him his brother Lucien had joined the city militia in emulation of Christophe’s military service.

After the death of the King & the disbanding of the Amethyst Rose Order, Christophe took a position as a bodyguard and guard captain for a local Merwyn noble. Whilst Christophe disapproved of the Prime Ministers decision to disband the order his still believed that his leader was doing what was best for the Country. That changed in the winter of 604 AR and the following brutal invasion of Llael by Khadoran forces.

Leadry, Redwall Fortress & Elsinberg quickly fell to the Khadoran forces and the noble employing Christophe fled rather than risk his life. Christophe contacted his fellow gun mages and former squad mates still in the City and the prepared to move against their enemy.

Moving north towards the invaders in an attempt to cut them off en route to the capital, the gun mages and units of the regular army fought in defence of small townships along the way. Christophe and his men were on the backfoot and suffering casualties to combat with several of the gun mages falling, giving their lives to save those of civilians. As the regular army pulled back to protect the capital Chistophe was ordered to retreat and only relented and pulled back at the last moment when he had done all he could for the populace.

Riversmet fell, although the civilian populace was relatively unhurt and Christophe held hope for his family, even his brother may still be safe and Christophe still held hope that the Khadorans could be defeated. The siege of Merwyn followed soon afterwards and finally the Khadorans were held. Then the news reached Christophe’s ears. Riversmet had been razed. Its buildings bought to the ground. Its civilians slaughtered by Doom Reavers. Distraught and full of rage at the almost certain deaths of his family Christophe swore bloody vengeance on the Khadorans and vowed to resist their occupation with until his last breath.

On Rowan 12th, 605 AR Merwyn was surrendered by Prime Minister Glabryn. Christophe managed to retreat with what remained of the Llaelese army, they went South-east to the still free City of Rhydden.

Here Christophe became heavily involved in the resistance taking part in a variety of activities, all of which would earn him death if he was discovered in his activities by the Khadorans. 
Taking on a cover identity, that of an Ordic travelling Alchemist by the name of Johan Holm he returned to Merwyn as a spy, seditionist and saboteur. Holm walks with a walking stick and a pronounced limp and wears a blindfold over his left eye, an injury supposedly from a past alchemical accident.

Reason for Retirement - Left to lead the Llaelese resistance cell formally under the command off the traitor Gregor. 
Race - Human
Level - Hero, XP - 25
Height - 70 inches, Weight - 150 pounds
Careers - Gun Mage/Spy
Archetype - Gifted
Languages - Five Cant, Khadoran, Llaelese, Ordic
Connections - Intelligence Network, Loyal Order of the Amethyst Rose

Quote - "You have one chance. Get out of Llael…or my Magelocks will be the last thing you never hear..."

PHY - 5, SPD - 7, STR - 4, AGL - 5, PRW - 4, POI - 5, INT - 5, ARC - 3, PER - 4

Injuries - Spitting Blood (Stabilised)

Willpower - 10, Initiative - 15
Defence - 15, Armour - 10
Command Range - 6

Abilities and Benefits
Battle Plan : Shadow, Cover Identity (Johan Holm, Alchemist), Craft Rune Shot, Fast Reload, Gunfighter, Warding Circle.
Military Skills
Pistol (2)
Occupational Skills
Alchemy (1), Climb (1), Command (1), Cryptography (1), Deception (2), Detection (2), Disguise (2), Forgery (1), Lock-picking (1), Sneak (1), Streetwise (1),
Occultation, Runeshot : Accuracy, Runeshot : Black Penny, Runeshot : Brutal, Runeshot : Silencer, Runeshot : Trickshot.

Armoured Greatcoat - SPD (0), DEF (-1), ARM (5)
Melee Weapons
Rapier MAT (4), P + S (6)
Springblade - MAT (4), P + S (5)
Ranged Weapons
Dual Magelock x2 - RNG (10), RAT (7), POW (10)
Pistol - RNG (8), RAT (6), POW (10)
Casings for Runeshot Crafting x20, Clockwork Detonators, Johan's Clothes, Johan's Glasses, Johan's Walking Stick, Runeshot Crafting Kit, Thief Tools, Travelling Alchemists Kit, Weighted Cloak.

Life in the Brotherhood of the Rail does have it's dangers...execution as a traitor being one...

Bradick Davalos
As a young enlisted man aboard an Ordic cutter Bradick found himself at the forefront of the prevention of Khadoran smuggling. Over time he developed a taste for explosives and making his own grenades.

It was this that proved the end of his naval career, as a petty officer on the same cutter they intercepted a Khadoran smuggling ship, they tried to stop and board the vessel. However in true Kayazy style they refused and put up a fight. Using several of his grenades Bradick cleared away a section of deck, believing the hold to be filled with weaponry he didn't consider the consequences. Upon investigation the ship was discovered to be smuggling refugees rather than the expected military cargo. Bradick had killed the very women and children he had sworn to protect.

Once back to shore Bradick resigned his post, took his belongings and tried to get as far away from his port of call as possible, never forgetting what had happened he tries to save every helpless person he can whilst making sure the Khadoran smuggling rings pay for what they did.

Cause of Death - Executed as traitor.
Race - Human
Level - Hero, XP - 16
Height - 73 inches, Weight - 215 pounds
Careers - Alchemist/Marine
Archetype - Skilled
Languages - Five Cant, Ordic

Quote - "We could just blow it up I suppose..." or "Sorry about that..."

PHY - 5, SPD - 6, STR - 5, AGL - 4, PRW - 5, POI - 5, INT - 4, ARC - 0, PER - 4

Willpower - 9, Initiative - 15
Defence - 13, Armour - 10
Command Range - 5

Abilities and Benefits
Boarding Action, Deft, Free Style, Grenadier, Poison Resistance, Preternatural Awareness.
Military Skills
Hand Weapon (1), Pistol (1), Thrown Weapon (2)
Occupational Skills
Alchemy (1), Command (1), Craft - Metalworking (1), Detection (1), Jumping (1), Medicine (2), Rider (1), Sailing (1), Swimming (1).

Alchemists Leather - SPD (0), DEF (-1), ARM (5)
Melee Weapons
Cutlass (AM -1) - MAT (5), P + S (9)
Dagger (AM +1) - MAT (7), P+S (6)
Ranged Weapons
Alchemist Grenade - Various
Grenade Launcher - RNG (14), RAT (7), POW (as grenade)
Grenade, Explosive - RNG (8), RAT (7), POW (12), AOE (3)
Grenade, Smoke - RNG (8), RAT (7), POW (0), AOE (3)
Pistol, Repeating - RNG (8), RAT (6), POW (10)
Alchemists Kit - Travelling, Gas Mask, Grenade Bandoleer, Rope and Grappling Hook, Spyglass.

Not everyone has what it takes to lead...

Bert Haroldson
Growing up in northern Cygnar, Bert's family had expected he might follow in his late father's footsteps as a capable field-mechanika position within the Cygnaran military that the burgeoning Gobber community took great pride in.

Not for Bert was such military prestige, however. Upon hearing of the personal freedoms open to Gobber's in independent Ord, he travelled there,seeking some honest employment- in which profession he did not care. Soon, however, he found himself drawn inexorably into the notorious underworld of the port-city of Five Fingers. He took up somewhat dubious employment as a street-fighter. While it was not the honest work he had hoped for originally, he could at least earn a living from it. Soon, the poor company he kept served to loosen his own morals: he was complicit in fixing fights, and made us of hidden blades in fistfights. His cheating did not go unnoticed and he was within a year he found himself on the run, searching for a new home in Order where no one knew his face, and there was he had cheated out of their hard-earned gold to hold a grudge.

Cause of Demotion - Incompetence
Race - Gobber
Level - Hero, XP - 1
Height - 36 inches, Weight - 59 pounds
Careers - Pugilist/Guttersnipe
Archetype - Skilled
Languages - Five Cant, Gobberish, Ordic

Quote - "What's the worse that could happen?"

PHY - 5, SPD - 6, STR - 5, AGL - 5, PRW - 5, POI - 3, INT - 3, ARC - 0, PER - 3

Willpower - 8, Initiative - 14
Defence - 15, Armour - 10
Command Range - 3

Abilities and Benefits
Brawler, Disarm, Hulking PresenceLost in the Crowd, Low Breeding, Perfect Timing
Military Skills
Hand Weapon (1), Pistol (1), Unarmed Combat (2)
Occupational Skills
Deception (1), Detection (1), Escape Artist (1), Intimidation (1), Streetwise (2)

Leather Armour - SPD (0), DEF (-1), ARM (5)
Melee Weapons
Knuckleduster x2 - MAT (7), P + S (6)
Springblade x2 - MAT (6), P + S (6)
Ranged Weapons
Pistol, Holdout - RNG (4), RAT (4), POW (8)

Pictures are acquired from a variety of sources and I'd be lying if I said I keep track of where I get most of them from. Should you see a picture that belongs to you then let me know and I'll put a link to your relevant website, blog, etc. here.

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