Monday, 6 April 2015

Brotherhood of the Rail - Rank and File

Our current RPG campaign is using Privateer Press's Iron Kingdoms rule-set. In it our little group of 'heroes' are the senior officers of a rather unusual Mercenary Company.

Information on our own player characters can be found here. The various NPC's that make up our rank and file are detailed below. As well as being a potential catalyst for future missions they also allow people to jump into the campaign with an existing character whose sudden appearance we don't need to explain...

The NPC's use the same format as the Iron Kingdoms uses for encounter characters and for our purposes they have a single career and one bonus Stat point in an appropriate area to keep it simple when the company engages in a full scale battle.

The Brotherhood of the Rail
Originally formed at the last minute as a loose group of guards for the Continental Rail Companies new 'special' delivery service after an unfortunate disagreement caused the original group of mercenaries to abandon the contract. After saving the train from a potentially embarrassing disaster on it's first run this random association of individuals were formed into the semblance of a mercenary company under the captaincy of a Llaelese former military officer using a hastily re-written version of the charter intended for the original guards.

Given their usual employment being the guarding of the Continental Rail Companies 'Special' transport train Mercenary Captain Sebastian LaCroix favours employees with ranged skills and most of the Brotherhood are primarily armed with long range rifles when on their rooftop posts and rapid-fire pistols and close combat weapons that can easily be used in enclosed spaces when working internally. Some of these biases are still prevalent despite the Brotherhood now operating as a more traditional company with Sebastian having a definite preference for ranged killers.

The Brotherhood also employs a large complement of Ogrun and Trollkin Men at Arms to deal with any close-up or counter-assault situations, a scout force, artillery teams, it's own engineering team and a few other specialist teams.

With a growing reputation for success in areas not normally associated with traditional mercenary companies and having fought against forces many times their size and prevailed the Brotherhood is rapidly becoming the 'go-to' organisation for those with 'specialist' requirements or needing results without wanting to now how they are achieved...

The Brotherhood currently consists of two hundred and eighteen members without taking labourers into account and has no restrictions upon race or (despite their name) sex consisting currently of one hundred and seven human members, fifty nine Trollkin, forty Ogrun, seven Pygmy Trolls, two Gobbers, two dwarfs and a single elf with well over a third of the force being female.

New recruits are commonplace but the Brotherhood can now afford to be choosy and only the best or most cunning now gain full membership.

Rank and File
Human Soldiers
Armed with a variety of rifles and some close combat weaponry the initial bulk of the companies fighting strength is made up of former soldiers from a variety of countries and backgrounds. Usually found manning a firing point in one of the carriages or when the vehicle is stationary on one of the roof mounted barricade sections. Now that the Brotherhood also have their own fortress and are receiving new contracts of work their duties are expanding accordingly. Some of the companies soldiers have other skills and abilities but as they are recruited for general duties these often go unnoticed until they're really needed...

Corporals - Loronzo, Degar, Sara
Total Active Soldiers - 30
SPD - 6,  STR - 4, MAT - 5, RAT - 6, DEF - 11, ARM - 10 
Willpower - 9, Initiative - 13, Detect - 4, Sneak - 3
Occupational Skills (Stat already included)
Detection (4), Driving (4). Medicine (4), Survival (4)
Abilities and Benefits
Find Cover, Sentry
Melee Weapons
Sword or Axe - POW (3), P + S (7)
Ranged Weapons
Rifle, Military - RNG 10", RoF 1, AOE 0, POW 11

Human Riflemen
Though the majority of the companies rank and file are armed with rifles there are a few who have elevated it's use to an art-form. These individuals mark out high value targets such as commanders and other officers and leaders and remove them with precision long range shots.

Corporal - Devlin
Total Active Soldiers - 8
SPD - 6,  STR - 4, MAT - 5, RAT - 6
DEF - 11, ARM - 10 
Willpower - 9, Initiative - 13, Detect - 4, Sneak - 3
Occupational Skills (Stat already included)
Climbing (4), Detection (4), Survival (4)
Abilities and Benefits
Crackshot, Dual Shot, Marksman
Melee Weapons
Dagger - POW (1), P + S (5)
Ranged Weapons
Rifle, Repeating - RNG 14", RoF 1, AOE 0, POW 10

Human Pistoleers
Should the enemy manage to make it's way through the rifleman's covering fire the brotherhood employs a smaller number of pistoleers. These individuals are able to lay down an impressive number of short range shots and primarily defend doorways and interior sections that may be prone to attack. They are also on occasion used for bodyguard duties where a pistol is far more useful than a rifle and are currently Captain LaCroix's preferred personal guard.

Corporals - Dana, Wendel
Total Active Soldiers - 12
SPD - 6,  STR - 4, MAT - 5, RAT - 6
DEF - 11, ARM - 10 
Willpower - 9, Initiative - 13, Detect - 4, Sneak - 4
Occupational Skills (Stat already included)
Detection (4), Intimidation (6), Sneak (4)
Abilities and Benefits
Fast Draw, Gunfighter, Return Fire
Melee Weapons
Dagger - POW (1), P + S (5)
Ranged Weapons
Pistol, Repeating x2 - RNG 8", RoF 1, AOE 0, POW 10

Sometimes precision is less important than area of effect and in these situations a cannon is always a useful thing to have to hand and when that cannon is literally 'to hand' then it becomes more useful still. Though they'll never win any awards for accuracy sometimes that's not as necessary as you might think and if that fails then they and their fellow Ogrun 'Bosh' Skullsplitter are more than happy to take the fight to the heart of the enemy. Kuluk is especially keen to prove himself after his rescue from the Dragon's Tongue river Thamarite base and subsequent recruitment to the Brotherhood. The Ogrun compliment has recently been supplemented by a dozen Trollkin from a Kriel local to the Brotherhoods fortress and these newest recruits have proved their worth in battles against the Skorne, Steelheads and other foes though it is still usually the Ogrun who undertake the most dangerous assignments.

Ogrun Men-At-Arms
Corporals - Koluk, Fedun
Total Active Soldiers - 38
SPD - 5,  STR - 7, MAT - 5, RAT - 3
DEF - 10, ARM - 12
Willpower - 9, Initiative - 11, Detect - 2, Sneak - 3
Occupational Skills (Stat already included)
Command (4), Detection (3), Shield (5)
Abilities and Benefits
Defensive Line, Huge Stature, Shield Guard, Specialisation (Halberd)
Melee Weapons
Warcleavers - POW (6), P + S (13)
Shield, Combat - POW (3), P + S (10)
Sword or Axe - POW (3), P + S (10)
Ranged Weapons
Ogrun Battle Cannon - RNG 12", RoF 1, AOE 3, POW 12

Trollkin Men-At-Arms
Corporals - Balasar, Gerlak
Total Active Soldiers - 34
SPD - 5,  STR - 6, MAT - 5, RAT - 2
DEF - 11, ARM - 13
Willpower - 9, Initiative - 12, Detect - 4, Sneak - 3
Occupational Skills (Stat already included)
Command (4), Detection (4), Shield (5)
Abilities and Benefits
Defensive Line, Shield Guard, Revitalise, Tough
Melee Weapons
Halberd - POW (4), P + S (10)
Shield, Combat - POW (3), P + S (9)
Sword or Axe - POW (3), P + S (9)
Ranged Weapons

In an effort to increase the level of protection of their special train service the Transcontinental Rail company has recruited a small complement of artillerists and an experienced commander to organise them. They were originally equipped with a trio of Deck Guns between them though their commander had expressed some doubt about whether this would give them adequate coverage. They have now supplemented these weapons with a number of Chain Guns acquired by the Brotherhood during a recent mission and a pair of Light Cannon looted from the Skornes human allies during the defence of their Bloodstone pass fortress and have increased their membership significantly as well. Several Trollkin recruited by the Brotherhood during the Skorne incursion proved to be valuable additions to the Artillery teams and are now stationed with them permanently where their strength and endurance have become invaluable.

Senior Corporal 'Fuse' Tomard
SPD - 6, STR - 5, MAT - 6, RAT - 6
DEF - 11, ARM - 12
Willpower - 9, Initiative - 13, Detect - 5, Sneak - 3
Occupational Skills (Stat already included)
Command (4), Detection (5), Driving (5), Medicine (4), Survival (5)
Abilities and Benefits
Battle Plan : Close Fire, Find Cover, Scorched Earth, Sentry, Tough
Melee Weapons
Caspian Battleblade - POW (5), P + S (11)
Ranged Weapons
Rifle, Military - RNG 10", RoF 1, AOE 0, POW 11
Slug Gun - RNG 4", RoF 1, AOE (0), POW 14

Human Artillerist
Corporals - Barrington, Muriel
Total Active Soldiers - 18 (Divided into two person teams)
SPD - 6, STR - 4, MAT - 5, RAT - 6
DEF - 11, ARM - 10 
Willpower - 9, Initiative - 13, Detect - 4, Sneak - 3
Occupational Skills (Stat already included)
Command (4), Detection (4), Driving (4)
Abilities and Benefits
Battle Plan : Close Fire, Scorched Earth
Melee Weapons
Sword or Axe - POW (3), P + S (7)
Ranged Weapons
Rifle, Military - RNG 10", RoF 1, AOE 0, POW 11

Trollkin Artillerist
Total Active Soldiers - 10 (Usually attached to human teams as support personnel)
SPD - 5,  STR - 6, MAT - 5, RAT - 3
DEF - 11, ARM - 13
Willpower - 9, Initiative - 12, Detect - 4, Sneak - 3
Occupational Skills (Stat already included)
Command (4), Detection (4), Driving (4)
Abilities and Benefits
Battle Plan : Close Fire, Scorched Earth
Melee Weapons
Axe - POW (3), P + S (9)

Available Artillery Weapons
Deck Guns - RNG 14", RoF 1, AOE 3, POW 13
Chain Guns - RNG 10", RoF 1-3, AOE 0, POW 10
Light Cannons - RNG 15", RoF 1, AOE 3, POW 13

After 'acquiring' a number of war horses in the Brotherhoods usual manner it was decided that a small mounted compliment would be a useful addition to their military forces and Danika has trained them to be a useful and highly mobile force. The heavier elements of the Brotherhoods mounted elements are instead made up of Trollkin Bison riders recruited along with the men at arms, labourers and scouts from the local Trollkin Kriel. Given the cost of quality mounts and effective heavier barding it is unlikely that this force will be expanded significantly unless it has proven itself to be a profitable venture and in this area the Brotherhood has major competition from the nearby Steelheads.

Human Horsemen
Corporals - Ashford, Dowd
Total Active Soldiers - 20
SPD - 6,  STR - 5, MAT - 6, RAT - 5,
DEF - 11, ARM - 10
Willpower - 9, Initiative - 13, Detect - 4, Sneak - 3
Occupational Skills (Stat already included)
Riding (4)
Abilities and Benefits
Cavalry Charge, Combat Rider
Melee Weapons
Sword or Axe - POW (3), P + S (8)
Lance - POW (8), P + S (13), Reach
Ranged Weapons
Pistol, Repeating - RNG 8", RoF 1, POW 10
Horse, war - PHY - 12, SPD - 8, STR - 10, ARM - 18, Vitality - 12
Medium Barding - (ARM +6)

Troll Long Riders
Corporals - Borlas
Total Active Soldiers - 9
SPD - 5,  STR - 6, MAT - 5, RAT - 2
DEF - 11, ARM - 13
Willpower - 9, Initiative - 12, Detect - 4, Sneak - 3
Occupational Skills (Stat already included)
Animal Handling (4), Lore (Trollkin) (4), Rider (4)
Abilities and Benefits
Bull Rush, Cavalry Charge, Trained Rider (Bison)
Melee Weapons
Shield, Combat - POW (3), P + S (9)
Battle Hammer - POW (6), P + S (12)
Ranged Weapons
Bison - PHY - 14, SPD - 7, STR - 14, ARM - 22, Vitality - 14
Heavy Barding - (ARM +8)

Scout Force
Amongst the many Trollkin drawn to the Brotherhood after the mercenaries elimination of their rivals and subsequent impressing of their leader were many who already had significant experience as scouts and rangers. These Trollkin and Pyg's proved to be especially useful tracing the path of the invading Skorne force and have helped give advanced warning of a number of threats to the fortress.

Trollkin Rangers
Corporals - Morlug, Vollus
Total Active Soldiers - 15
SPD - 5, STR - 5, MAT - 5, RAT - 3
DEF - 11, ARM - 11
Willpower - 9, Initiative - 12, Detect - 4, Sneak - 4
Occupational Skills (Stat already included)
Detection (4), Sneak (4), Survival (4), Tracking (4)
Abilities and Benefits
Camouflage, Pathfinder, Revitalise, Tough
Melee Weapons
Sword or Axe - POW (3), P + S (8)
Ranged Weapons
Rifle, Military - RNG 10", RoF 1, AOE 0, POW 11

Pygmy Troll Bushwackers
Corporals - Melethor
Total Active Soldiers - 6
SPD - 6, STR - 4, MAT - 4, RAT - 5
DEF - 12, ARM - 10
Willpower - 8, Initiative - 12, Detect - 4, Sneak - 4
Occupational Skills (Stat already included)
Climbing (4), Detection (4), Sneak (4), Survival (4)
Abilities and Benefits
Crack Shot, Fast Reload, Poison Resistance, Spawn Whelps, Tough, Troll Resilience,
Melee Weapons
Sword or Axe - POW (3), P + S (7)
Ranged Weapons
Rifle, Heavy - RNG 14", RoF 1, AOE 0, POW 12

Ranging from explorers who act as scouts on the rare occasion they're needed, engineers who maintain equipment such as their weapons, 'jack and (more often than they like) the train they're riding upon, expert traders or their Ogrun labourers and shock-troops the Brotherhood employs a number of specialist personnel..though some are 'special' in more ways than one...

Being based on what can effectively be seen as a moving fort has several long as it works that is. After the narrowly avoided disaster of their first mission it was decided that the organisation of those company members with technical knowledge was a high priority. The civilian engineering team is lead by Bragg Halvard with the military arm being under the control of Thorsten Dovur but should they be performing some tasks for Captain LaCroix then this responsibility is taken on by Hayli Rutherford ably assisted by the Gobber 'Bodge'.

Human Field Mechanik
Corporal - Hayli Rutherford
Total Active Engineers - 6
SPD - 6,  STR - 4, MAT - 3, RAT - 5
DEF - 11, ARM - 10 
Willpower - 9, Initiative - 13, Detect - 4, Sneak - 3
Occupational Skills (Stat already included)
Command (6), Craft - Metalworking (6), Mechanikal Engineering (6)
Abilities and Benefits
'Jack Marshal, Bodge, Hit the Deck
Melee Weapons
'Jack Wrench - POW (3), P + S (7)
Ranged Weapons
Rivet Gun - RNG 4", RoF 1, AOE 0, POW 10
Goggles, Mechaniks Tool Kit

Gobber Field Mechanik
SPD - 5,  STR - 3, MAT - 4, RAT - 4
DEF - 13, ARM - 9
Willpower - 8, Initiative - 12, Detect - 3, Sneak - 4
Occupational Skills (Stat already included)
Command (4), Craft - Metalworking (5), Mechanikal Engineering (5)
Abilities and Benefits
'Jack Marshal, Bodge, Hit the Deck
Melee Weapons
'Jack Wrench - POW (3), P + S (6)
Ranged Weapons
Pistol - RNG 8", RoF 1, AOE 0, POW 10
Goggles, Mechaniks Tool Kit

Ogrun Labor Korune
Between stations Krell is nominally part of the engineering team though it's at their regular station stops that her skills really come to the fore. It is her job to ensure that the station workers are organised, cargo items are put where they're meant to go and that all necessary equipment re-stocks are adequate in quantity and correctly stored. She has also been instrumental in the swift construction of the companies new fortress where her skills proved to be exemplary. Few workers would wish to disappoint her...none have ever done so twice. The majority of the permanent labourers employed by the Brotherhood are based at their fortress and consist mainly of local Trollkin. These are currently gainfully employed expanding the Brotherhoods home and base as well as assisting with several other projects such as rebuilding the dockyard to accommodate the new trade negotiated by Rafaldo. 

Corporal Krell
SPD - 5,  STR - 7, MAT - 5, RAT - 3
DEF - 10, ARM - 11
Willpower - 9, Initiative - 11, Detect - 2, Sneak - 3
Occupational Skills (Stat already included)
Command (6), Craft - Carpentry (4), Craft - Metalworking (5), Craft - Stoneworking (5), Negotiation (5), Streetwise (4)
Abilities and Benefits
Iron Will, Low Breeding
Melee Weapons
Knuckledusters - POW (1), P + S (8)
Ranged Weapons
Blunderbuss - RNG 8", RoF 1, AOE 0, POW 12

Trollkin Labourers
30 permanent plus others hired when necessary.
SPD - 5,  STR - 6, MAT - 4, RAT - 2
DEF - 11, ARM - 11
Willpower - 9, Initiative - 12, Detect - 3, Sneak - 3
Occupational Skills (Stat already included)
Craft (4) - Carpentry, Metalworking, Pottery, Stoneworking or Tanning.
Abilities and Benefits
Revitalise, Tough
Melee Weapons
Pickaxe or other Improvised Weapon- POW (4), P + S (9)
Ranged Weapons

Human Bounty Hunter/Investigator
Bosh being now free from bodyguard and Paymaster duties has formed a small unit of operatives whose purpose is the retrieval of high value bounties and this has proven to be a far more profitable venture then was ever expected. Though Bosh is a skilled tracker in his own right and has a talent for intimidation and interrogation it was decided to fill out the rest of this team with individuals whose expertises were spread across a wider variety of investigative techniques including the forensic sciences. However when the targets value is the same dead or alive Bosh has taught them that 'dead' is more often than not preferable...

Bradig, Eliana, Meryl.
SPD - 7,  STR - 5, MAT - 6, RAT - 6
DEF - 14, ARM - 11 
Willpower - 8, Initiative - 16, Detect - 6, Sneak - 4
Occupational Skills (Stat already included)
Detection (6), Forensic Science (5), Interrogation (5), Intimidation (5), Law (5), Medicine (5), Rope-Use (4), Sneak (4), Tracking (6)
Abilities and Benefits
Astute, Binding, Hyper-Perception, Take-down
Melee Weapons
Daggers - POW (1), P + S (6)
Sword (Bradig) - POW (3), P + S (8)
Springblade (Eliana, Meryl) - POW (1), P + S (6)
Ranged Weapons
Pistol, Repeating (Scoped) - RNG 8"/11", RoF 1, POW 10
Goggles, Manacles, Rope, Spyglass, Thief's Tools.

Not all employees of the Brotherhood fit into neatly defined roles and not every task is military in nature. Captain LaCroix's experiences as a resistance fighter have taught him to take advantage of all resources as you never know when some-thing or some-one might come in useful...

Human 'Diplomat'
Working as a diplomat for Transcontinental Rail is an interesting career path to say the least. Given their involvement in business ventures across multiple borders and the volatile nature of relationships between the various kingdoms of Immoren a diplomat for Transcontinental is forced to develop a whole host of less than reputable skills. Thus Amelie has a set of abilities that no Aristocrat should really possess...or would admit to possessing at least. She is also currently running the Llaelese resistance after their recent purge of traitorous elements and is no longer an active Brotherhood member.

SPD - 6,  STR - 5, MAT - 5/6*, RAT - 5
DEF - 13, ARM - 10 
Willpower - 9, Initiative - 14, Detect - 5, Sneak - 6
Occupational Skills (Stat already included)
Bribery (5), Command (5), Deception (6), Detection (5), Disguise (6), Etiquette (5), Escape Artist (5), Lock Picking (6), Pick Pocket (6), Sneak (6), Streetwise (6).
Abilities and Benefits
Ambidextrous, Battle Plan : Shadow, Conniver, Dodger
Melee Weapons
Springblade - POW (1), P + S (6)
Rynnish Fan* -  POW (1), P + S (6)
Ranged Weapons
Throwing Knife - RNG 6", RoF 1, AOE 0, POW 7

Human Explorer
Garfield initially took employment with the Continental Rail Companies new special train service as a convenient way to continue his explorations but has grown to enjoy the lifestyle considerably. The fact that he's more often than not miles away when any-one notices that their maps and rarities are missing is also an asset. His primary contribution to the brotherhood is his extensive knowledge of languages and cultures across most of Western Immoren and in some cases beyond and it's for this reason that LaCroix overlooks his other activities. His extensive recording of the Brotherhoods travels together with his near obsessive desire to acquire maps and local documents has meant that the fortress now possesses a formidable map room.

SPD - 6,  STR - 4, MAT - 5, RAT - 5
DEF - 11, ARM - 10 
Willpower - 9, Initiative - 13, Detect - 4, Sneak - 3
Occupational Skills (Stat already included)
Detection (5), Medicine (4), Navigation (5), Survival (5)
Abilities and Benefits
Big Game Hunter, Language (Multiple), Port of Call
Melee Weapons
Dagger - POW (1), P + S (5)
Ranged Weapons
Rifle, Heavy - RNG 14", RoF 1, AOE 0, POW 12
Map cases, Spyglass

Dwarven Searforge Trader
A member of the legendary 'Searforge' Rhulic Clan 'Monty' is a highly skilled negotiator though much to her consternation is usually only called in just after one of the company officers has exasperated a situation already. Apparently charm only goes so far and Bosh threatening to pull peoples arms and legs off is a somewhat situational negotiation tactic as is Danika's preference for 'enhanced' interrogation fortunately Monty is usually able to salvage something from even the most botched of deals and has been helpful in ensuring that none of their suppliers attempt anything underhand. The only Brotherhood member who she has any real respect for is Rafaldo as he shares her skills in the area of creative negotiation tactics.

SPD - 4,  STR - 5, MAT - 5, RAT - 4
DEF - 10, ARM - 11
Willpower - 11, Initiative - 11, Detect - 3, Sneak - 3
Occupational Skills (Stat already included)
Bribery (5), Law (5), Negotiation (5)
Abilities and Benefits
Appraise, Counter Offer
Melee Weapons
Axe - POW (3), P + S (8)
Ranged Weapons
Pistol, Repeating - RNG 8", RoF 1, AOE 0, POW 10

Human Medic
One of many prisoners rescued by the Brotherhood from the clutches of a Thamarite cult Rosaleen quickly demonstrated her skill as a medic by helping to tend the wounds of the survivors and was more than happy to take up employment with her rescuers. Since then she has proven to be a valuable asset to both the Brotherhood and the Transcontinental Rail Company despite her somewhat distant and aloof personality. Her skills were especially tested when treating the extensive and unusual injuries inflicted by the weapons of the Skorne during the Brotherhoods recent encounters. Bosh has also become somewhat protective of her due to the skill with which she has sewn up his many wounds and credits her personally with his survival on at least one occasion...possibly more...most notably after the recent assault on the Bandit camp in the mountains outside Ternon Crag.

Corporal Rosaleen Doyle
Total Active Medics - 5
SPD - 6,  STR - 4, MAT - 6, RAT - 5
DEF - 13, ARM - 10 
Willpower - 9, Initiative - 13, Detect - 5, Sneak - 5
Occupational Skills (Stat already included)
Detection (5), Forensic Science (5), Interrogation (5), Law (5), Medicine (7), Sneak (5)
Abilities and Benefits
Anatomical Precision, Astute, Back-stab, Hyper Perception, Languages (Various)
Melee Weapons
Scalpels (Count as Daggers) - POW (1), P + S (5)
Ranged Weapons
Pistol - RNG 8", RoF 1, AOE 0, POW 10
Goggles, Sewing Kit, Surgical Kit

Gobber Guttersnipe
Geoff the gobber seems to have a job purely on his ability to amuse Captain long this is sufficient to keep his employment status remains to be seen. It is possible however that he's far more useful than seems obvious at first glance given that he is rarely far from Sebastian's side...

Active - None (situation currently vacant)
Deceased - Geoff
SPD - 5,  STR - 3, MAT - 4, RAT - 5
DEF - 13, ARM - 9
Willpower - 8, Initiative - 12, Detect - 3, Sneak - 5
Occupational Skills (Stat already included)
Deception (4), Escape Artist (5), Sneak (5), Streetwise (4)
Abilities and Benefits
Lost in the Crowd, Low Breeding, Perfect Timing
Melee Weapons
Dagger - POW (1), P + S (4)
Ranged Weapons
Pistol - RNG 8", RoF 1, AOE 0, POW 10

Though only one of the Laborjacks utilised by the Brotherhood actually belongs to them (well, technically it belongs to Bragg Halvard) they have access to three in total due to the continental rail company issuing them a pair for loading and unloading of cargo. This loan was due to Captain LaCroix's objection to the fact that their first mission was significantly hindered when 'his' Ogrun were being utilised moving engine parts at the point that they were attacked by bandits rather than being ready to defend the train. The three laborjacks are of the reliable 'Forager' chassis type and are equipped with standard Steamjack Fists for cargo manipulation. They do however have access to a variety of tools that make excellent improvised weapons should it become necessary.

Extensively re-built using parts salvaged from a partly destroyed Charger Light Warjack chassis acquired by the brotherhood 'Ol Faithful' is now far more formidable. A recent acquisition of a salvageable upgraded cortex and other useful second hand parts has further increased the combat potential of this 'jack though the reconditioned nature of the parts has made 'her' a bit...twitchy... 
Chassis Type - Charger Light Warjack Chassis
Height - 103 inches
Weight - 2.1 Tons
Max Fuel Load - 297 pounds
Fuel Consumption - 6.5 hrs General, 75min Combat

PHY - 8, SPD - 6, STR - 8
AGL - 5, PRW - 5, POI - 5
INT - 2, PER - 2

Initiative - 13
Defence - 13, Armour - 16
MAT - 6, RAT - 6

Melee Weapons
Gaff Hook (AM 0, Reach) - MAT (6), P + S (12)
Rock Pick (AM -1) - MAT (5), P + S (13)

'Two' and 'Three'
Chassis Type - Forager Light Laborjack Chassis
Height - 105 inches
Weight - 2.8 Tons
Max Fuel Load - 300 pounds
Fuel Consumption - 7 hrs General, 1 hr Combat

PHY - 7, SPD - 5, STR - 7
AGL - 4, PRW - 4, POI - 2
INT - 1, PER - 1

Initiative - 10
Defence - 10, Armour - 14
MAT - 4, RAT - 2

Melee Weapons - Standard
Steamjack Fist x2 (AM 0) - MAT (4), P + S (9)
Melee Weapons - Available when needed
Rock Pick (AM -1) - MAT (3), P + S (12)
Gaff Hook x2 (AM 0, Reach) - MAT (4), P + S (11)
Hand Weapon x2 (AM 0) - MAT (4), P + S (10)
Flail (AM 0) - MAT (4), P + S (10)

'Jack Lantern (Special)

The Armoury
Over their various adventures the Brotherhood have acquired a number of weapons and items of equipment that they have used to create a reserve armoury should they need to replace lost equipment or to equip new recruits. These are in the majority basic weapons as the more exotic acquisitions are invariably taken by senior members of the Brotherhood of the Rail for their personal use.

Armour - Light
Alchemists Leather x1 - SPD Modifier (0), DEF Modifier (-1),ARM Modifier (+5)
Armoured Great Coat - SPD Modifier (0), DEF Modifier (-1),ARM Modifier (+5)
Leather Armour - SPD Modifier (0), DEF Modifier (-1), ARM Modifier (+5)
Armour - Medium
Chain Mail Armour - SPD Modifier (0), DEF Modifier (-2), ARM Modifier (+7)
Infantry Armour - SPD Modifier (0), DEF Modifier (-2), ARM Modifier (+7)

Melee Weapons
Melee Weapons - Unarmed Combat
Knuckledusters - Unarmed Combat, Attack Modifier (0), POW (1)
Melee Weapons - Hand Weapon
Axe - Hand Weapon, Attack Modifier (0), POW (3)
Axe, Horseman's - Hand Weapon, Attack Modifier (-1 or 0), POW (3 or 5)
Bayonet - Hand Weapon, Attack Modifier (-1 or 0), POW (2 or 3)
Club - Hand Weapon, Attack Modifier (0), POW (2)
Dagger - Hand Weapon, Attack Modifier (+1), POW (1)
Mace - Hand Weapon, Attack Modifier (-1), POW (4)
Pickaxe - Hand Weapon, Attack Modifier (-1), POW (4)
Springblade - Hand Weapon, Attack Modifier (0), POW (1)
Sword - Hand Weapon, Attack Modifier (0), POW (3)
Melee Weapons - Great Weapon
Axe, Great - Great Weapon, Attack Modifier (0), POW (6)
Club, Banded - Great Weapon, Attack Modifier (-1), POW (4)
Halberd - Great Weapon, Attack Modifier (-1 or 0), POW (4 or 5)
Spear - Great Weapon, Attack Modifier (-1), POW (4 or 5)
Melee Weapons - Lance
Lance - Lance, Attack Modifier (0), POW (8)

Ranged Weapons
Ranged Weapons - Pistol
Pistol - Ammo (1 Light), Range (8"), Attack Modifier (0), POW (10)
Pistol, Holdout - Ammo (1 Light), Range (4"), Attack Modifier (+1), POW (8)
Pistol, Repeating - Ammo (5 Light), Range (8"), Attack Modifier (0), POW (10)
Slug Gun - Ammo (1 Slug Round), Range (4"), Attack Modifier (-1/-2), POW (14)
Ranged Weapons - Rifle
Rifle, Military - Ammo (1 Heavy), Range (10"), Attack Modifier (0), POW (11)
Rifle, Repeating - Ammo (5 Light), Range (14"), Attack Modifier (0), POW (10)

Weapon Accessories
Bandolier - Ammo, Bandolier - Grenade x1, Bipod, Gun Brace, Scope (Rifle x3 or Pistol x1)

Alchemist Kit - Travelling x1, Backpacks, Camouflage Netting, Canteens, Gas Masks x3, Goggles, Lanterns, Manacles, Military Rations, Rope, Rope and Grappling Hook, Spike Traps, Spyglass, Symbols of Faith (Various).

Horse, Draft - PHY 12, SPD 7, STR 12, ARM 12, Vitality 12
Horse, War x6 - PHY 12, SPD 8, STR 10, ARM 12, Vitality 12

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