Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Privateer Press Newsletter

The latest from Privateer Press...

Insider 12-21-2016: Errata, Community Integrated Development and More
Dear Players of WARMACHINE & HORDES,
Today we are publishing the highly anticipated WARMACHINE & HORDES errata document, along with several announcements concerning some progressive and exciting innovations to the way in which we develop and publish these games. While we are not pleased with ourselves over the necessity to readdress rules so soon after their original publication, the effort to correct our mistakes has illuminated the need for a different approach to the way in which we collect and analyze data as well as how we communicate changes in the rules to the players of WARMACHINE & HORDES. Some of these modifications to our process have been looming on the horizon, though we had expected to take more time to implement them. But over the past three months, we have come to the conclusion that there is no time like the present to adapt and evolve.
Errata Drops! FAQ and Developer's Notes
Coupled with Chief Creative Officer Matt Wilson's Insider are an FAQ to help explain a variety of over-arching questions as well as a new section of Developer's Notes which will come with any future errata.
The FAQ can be found here and the Developer's Notes can be found here.
New Addition: Buy Any 2 Plushies, Get Any 1 Plushy Free!
Adding to Privateer’s range of terrifyingly adorable plushies just in time for the holidays comes the vile Deathripper with its flesh-eating grin. For a limited time only, whenever you buy any 2 Plushies, you’ll get 1 Plushie of your choice for free! What a perfect time to get all 3 Plushies Privateer Press has to offer!
The Privateers I: Watery Graves
Unaware of the forces marshaled against him, Captain Phinneus Shae and the crew of the Talion are headed into uncharted waters. With a doggedly determined killer from his past on his trail and cold-blooded pirates all around him, Shae’s contract to recover the treasure from a sunken ship seems destined to fail. But other, more nefarious individuals are after that same treasure, and whatever it is, it is destined to change the future of the Iron Kingdoms. Whether for good or ill all depends on who finds it first and who is buried at the bottom of the sea in the end…

PIP 612
MSRP $15.99 (Paperback) $7.99 (Digital)
Las Vegas Open 2017: February 3rd to 5th
The Las Vegas Open is a premiere Tabletop Gaming Convention set in fabulous Las Vegas. It takes place at Bally's Casino from February 3rd through the 5th, 2017. They've got tabletop gaming tournaments, narrative events, campaigns, hobby classes, vendors, new product releases, social events and so much more!
Book your room early as the room block will fill up!
© 2001–2016 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privateer Press®, Iron Kingdoms® ,Immoren,The Witchfire Trilogy, WARMACHINE®, Convergence of Cyriss®, Convergence, Cryx®, Cygnar®, Khador®, Protectorate of Menoth®, Protectorate, Retribution of Scyrah®, Retribution, the Mercenaries logo, warcaster®, warjack®, HORDES®, Circle Orboros®, Circle, Legion of Everblight®, Legion, Skorne®, Trollbloods®, Trollblood, the Minions Logo, warbeast, Lock and Load®, Steamroller®, Skull Island eXpeditions, and all associated logos and slogans are trademark property of Privateer Press, Inc.LEVEL 7 is a registered trademark of Matthew D. Wilson, Ind. Some of the information located here maybe forward looking and subject to change. All other trademarks and logos are property of their respective owners.

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