Monday, 29 October 2018

Petersen Games - Newsletter

The latest from Petersen Games...
Cthulhu Spotted in Mexico
Our French strategy consultant, Pit Lanzerac, was in Mexico last week and spotted Cthulhu during the Mexican "Día de los Muertos" celebration What wondrous people must live there!
Hyperspace Test Pilots Are Ecstatic
While attending the debut of Utah County's first game convention called Timp Con, we fortuitously ran into one of our Test Pilots, Kolby, who is the organizer of the event.

He became the first Test Pilot to handle the new Hyperspace advance copy. Watch his reaction as he opens up the box and its components.
"In The Belly Of The Beast" News
Our first fiction work, "In The Belly Of The Beast" by Ben Monroe has found it's way into Goodreads, a premier bibliophile site where readers post and review their favorite works. It has 3.5 stars (out of 4) so far. If you've read the book, check it out on Goodreads and add your review! 

If you haven't read it yet, you can get your Kindle or paperbound copy on Amazon here.
First Shipment of Paperback Copies - Author Ben Monroe was exstatic when his first box of printed copies of "In The Belly Of The Beast" arrived at his home last week!
If you prefer reading from a physical copy, they are on sale right now on Amazon
Evil High Priest Found It's Way to Montgomery, AL

Steve Huckabee, Gulf Coast Gaming Events President, sent us this picture of Evil High Priest being played at the Gump City Con last weekend. We sold the first copies of EHP during Gen Con, and the main Kickstarter shipment is on it's way from China! Copies for retail stores will follow shortly after that.
Sandy Petersen and the Team at Petersen Games
Copyright © 2018 Petersen Games, All rights reserved. 

Our mailing address is: 
Petersen Games
3021 Ridge Road
Suite A Box 24
RockwallTX 75032

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