Saturday, 29 January 2011

Throne of Skulls - Ben

I'm sure you all know the format by now.....

A Word From Ben.
I had alot of fun at the event though id say its more of a Hobby weekend than a tournament. this way of running the event gave it a much more relaxed feel and everybody just seemed to have more fun rather than the pressure of an all out Tournament! for myself its not about winning or losing games but the crazy storys and events that happen during the match, and in this department the Throne of skulls delivered!! 

Throughout the event Prince Yriel not only payed for himself! but brunted the work of the two rather lazy and usless Wraith lords who may as well not bothered coming (and in one game they didnt!!)! in game number two after BOTH wraithlords failed there wraithsight on turn one of dawn of war (and subsequently died giving away two kill points before i even started) Yrial single handedly brought us back from the brink buy surviving 17 krack missiles then chopping his way thrugh 3 longfang squads and a rino before finaly getting boltered to death by a grey hunter squad, final count at the end of match 6-4 to my opponent not bad considering I started 2 kill points down!! and in game number four (also against space wolves) after a slow start inwhich one wraithlord Died to a power fist weilding grey hunter the other one spent two turns trying to figure out how his gun worked and both the wave serpent and the fire dragons had met there demise in some stupid way! entering turn 3 at 3-0 to my opponent Yrial puts on his game face duel charges a unit of 15 sky claws with a wolf priest and unit of 10 grey hunters all of whom evaporate under his template attack! during the rest of the game he finishes off the wolf priest, rescues the war walkers from some grey hunters and smashes up a rino! before being gunned down buy two rino storm bolters (doh!) leaving the wraith guard to mop up transports and stragglers end result 7-3 to me Win!!

moral of the story: the new tornement is fun, Prince Yrial HATES Space Wolves and bringing back dead things to fight wars only works on paper!

His Army List.
1500 Pts - Eldar Roster - Ben's Eldar

HQ: Yriel, Prince (1#, 155 pts)
   1 Yriel, Prince @ 155 pts

HQ: Farseer (1#, 153 pts)
   1 Farseer @ 153 pts ( Fortune ;  Guide ; Runes of Warding; Runes of Witnessing; Spirit Stones; Singing Spear)

Elite: Fire Dragons (7#, 226 pts)
   6 Fire Dragons @ 226 pts
      1 Wave Serpent (Spirit Stones; Vectored Engines; TL Shuriken Cannons)

Troops: Rangers (5#, 120 pts)
   5 Rangers @ 120 pts (Pathfinders)

Troops: Wraithguard (11#, 396 pts)
   10 Wraithguard @ 396 pts
      1 Spiritseer (Warlock) ( Conceal ; Spiritseer Upgrade)

Heavy Support: Wraithlord (1#, 140 pts)
   1 Wraithlord @ 140 pts (Flamer x2; Wraithsword; Bright Lance)

Heavy Support: Wraithlord (1#, 125 pts)
   1 Wraithlord @ 125 pts (Flamer x2; Wraithsword; Missile Launcher)

Heavy Support: War Walker Squadron (3#, 180 pts)
   1 War Walker Squadron @ 180 pts
      1 War Walker (Scatter Laser; Scatter Laser)
      1 War Walker (Scatter Laser; Scatter Laser)
      1 War Walker (Scatter Laser; Scatter Laser)

Total Roster Cost: 1495

And now for the all important pictures.

Game 1.
Vs. Tyranids - Result : Win

Game 2. 
Vs. Space Wolves - Result : Loss
Either nothing interesting happened in this game or it was extremely quick as I don't appear to have taken any pictures of it.....Sorry.

Game 3.
Vs Space Marines - Result : Loss

Game 4.
Vs. Space Wolves - Result : Win

Prince Yriel multi-charges 2 units.

Who uses his 'Eye of Wrath' to put quite a dent in them, completely destroying one unit and reducing the other to two slightly surprised looking Skyclaws.

Game 5
Vs. Dark Eldar - Result : Loss

Thoughts, comments and other input are (as usual) most welcome.


  1. Looks did Prince Yriel multicharge 2 units of Sky Claws or whatever they were? Single model units can't do's from the SECOND model in the unit that the assault move options come in..including coming into contact with a second enemy unit..

    Or are we not really saying multicharge? Did he in fact just charge one unit and the other poor bastards were so close that they got caught up in the Eye?

  2. It could happen if the closest model from each unit were standing pretty much next to each other at the same distance from Yriel. Then he'd slot nicely into there front quarters hitting both squads. Doesn't happen much but through poor placement on their part and clever placement on yours it could work.

    That or he just cheated a lil.

    As a footnote Yriel is a girl!

  3. The opposing player had left a gap between two units so small that Yriel fitted in perfectly enabling him to assault both. Perfectly legal, no cheating required ;-)

  4. Did no one tell himm you carnt fail wraithsight when your not on the table yet?

  5. @ Boomstick - Apparently according to the FAQ you roll and if you fail you die. The judges thought so as well.....

  6. Yeah apparently you can fail wraithsight before coming on the table, and fail bad by just dying :) fun times.

  7. That is just lame on Wraithsight. Page 94 even says to ignore any special rule that would stop it from moving.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. There is no FAQ on it. Or at least one i can find anyway.

  10. Yriel is a beast , I still remember one game I charged a squad containing two charcters who were too far away to move into b2b to fight , yriels eye killed nine of the 10 grunts resulting in the characters loosing by quite some margin, promptly fled and got run down by yriel. Was amazing to behold and essentially won the game for me.

    Who needs EW ;o)

  11. @ Boomstick - From the Main 40k Rulebook FAQ.

    Q: What happens when a unit arrives from reserves but is unable to completely move onto the board.
    A: The unit is destroyed and removed from play.

    So as I understand it the Wraithlords fail there Wraithsight roll and are therefore unable to do anything so can't move onto the board and therefore die.

  12. My argument for that though is before he attempts to move, his special rule has no effect as he is not in play as it happens before he moves infact before the movment phase. In the movement phase when he is activly in the game and attempts to move the rules to test have been and gone for that turn.

    No unit special rule has an effect till its on the table this is no different.

  13. @ Boomstick - I agree that it's not a particularly fair ruling but it is unfortunately the interpretation that tournaments seem to be using.

    Of course the fact that it had only a 1 in 36 chance of happening must have added insult to injury somewhat.....

  14. Sorry, I need a diagram of how Yriel managed that's a one in a million charge, it's a terrible shame you don't have a video, or more photos of the actual movement etc. :(


  15. Page 94 of BRB
    If a unit has a special rule forcing it to move in a specific direction...or that could stop it from moving, the rule is ignored in the phase when it arrives from Reserve

    And in the DoW rules it state units arrive like they were in reserve (so no rules lawyering saying its not reserve) so that just about covers that one.

  16. @ Boomstick - Unfortunately every tournament I know of has interpreted it the 'you die' way so it's something people are going to have to deal with if they want to use Wraithlords.

  17. Well the tournament is wrong the rules clearly say so, if they carnt read then thats an event not worth attending and i belive in this case it was ben who made him self role not a ref who made the ruling.
