Friday, 3 May 2019

Vampire the Masquerade V5 - Session Twenty Seven - The Missing Chantry (Part Three)

I'm currently running a Vampire the Masquerade chronicle using the 5th Edition rule-set for a small group of fellow role-players. These are the chronicles of their adventures.
Our campaign is set in Los Angeles and features a small group of Camarilla agents sent into the 'Free States' to search for ways to once again bring the Ivory Tower to dominance under the pretence of being disillusioned neonates looking for the freedom of the Anarch way of life. Now with a barony of their own it's time to consolidate their position and then plan their next move.
The now obligatory warning bit - Unlike my other RPG write-ups this one will contain swearing, sexual references and other references that might offend. If you can't tell the difference between real peoples opinions and grown-ups role-playing predators who crave blood then this probably won't be for you. I've also used actual photographs to represent some characters which I'll give acknowledgements to at the end if I've any idea who they are.
The introduction to this campaign, the first story and all the other parts can be found at the following links and are in chronological order. If you'd prefer a summary of each session rather than read everything then there's a more detailed link page HERE.
'Infiltrate LA' Chronicle
Welcome to L.A. - Introductory Session
Story One - 'Three Murders' - Part OneTwo, ThreeFour and Five
Interlude Session - One
Story Two - 'The Pasadena Problem' - Part OneTwoThree, and Four
Solo Session - 'The Neillson Library'
Story Two Continued- 'The Pasadena Problem' - Part FiveSixSeven and Eight
Story Three - 'Becoming Baron' - Part OneTwoThreeFour and Five
Solo Session - 'The Gather'
Story Three Continued - 'Becoming Baron' - Part SixSeven and Eight
'Foothold LA' Chronicle
Solo Session - 'Hostile Takeover'
Story Four - 'Countdown' - Part OneTwo and Three
Story Five - 'The Missing Chantry' - Part One and Two

The PC's

Phil as Michael Tomassio - Toreador Baron of Pasadena
and Hope Romero - Gangrel Scourge
Tom as Johnny 'Roach' West - Malkavian Seneschal
and Marie - Clan Carna
Matt as Dr Daniel Matthews - Banu Haqim 'Fixer'
Dave as Vincent 'Vin' Ghast - Brujah Sheriff

The player characters stats and backgrounds can be found HERE should any-one be interested. There's also some minor 'house-rules' HERE that have occurred as we went along.

As I have written out introductions and dialogue for certain NPC's and some location descriptions I'll post these more or less as I wrote them so they'll be in a 'reading to the group' style and they'll also be in blue so you can tell them apart from the more traditional write-up sections and occasionally an obscure Malkavian premonition will turn up in purple. If I think something needs a bit of out of character explanation then those will get a storytellers note that will helpfully be in red. Anything covered via player handouts will also be in blue as they're written in the same style as introductions and the like

The coterie have been asked to assist four House Carna blood mages in locating the missing chantry of former Camarilla Primogen and Tremere Regent, Maximillian Strauss. First though they have to avert a potential war between themselves and the Baron of Santa Monica due to an emerging rivalry between Charlie 'Chick' Abbott of Therese's commando coterie and their own 'fixer' Daniel Matthews, both members of the Banu Haqim clan...

Scene Nine - Explanations
A Spirit of the Library
Attempting to find a room not commonly accessed within the gallery in order to keep Daniel away from their guests and a repeat of his hasty behaviour Roach had Vin take him to their library. Those with abilities to see beyond the mundane into the supernatural would have been intrigued to see a young girl sitting in the corner reading a book on medieval blood sacrifice rituals next to a woman in a white dress who was stoking her hair in a somewhat maternal manner. Those without such abilities were only left wandering why all the books in the room had been formed into a giant pyramid in it's centre with a doll perched on it's highest point. Roach made a mental note to purchase some more dolls as they seemed to keep the spirits within occupied and also because they creeped out any-one else entering the room which the Malkavian found amusing.

After escorting Miss Lane, Seneschal of Baron Voerman from the gallery he stormed upstairs to confront Daniel about his actions. "Care to explain why you attempted to threaten violence against the entourage of the representative of Baron Voerman, in our place of business, where there were kine present?" From his tone it was obvious that the explanation would have to be monumentally good. The Banu Haqim repeated the information given to the rest of the coterie before Michael's arrival about his sire actively searching for him with the intention of punishing him for leaving his service and that the appearance of another Banu Haqim that seemed to recognise him had put him on edge enough to make him believe that if he didn't act first, she would have done.

Charlie 'Chick' Abbott - Banu Haqim
Baron Voerman's Commandos
Of course admittedly he'd turned out to be wrong about that but she could still be a threat later even if she hadn't been on that occasion.

Somewhat placated by the explanation it didn't change the fact that a member of his own coterie had acted in a way that indicated that Michael had no control over them while the representative of the Voermans had kept complete control. He also pointed out that the situation "Wasn't going to resolve itself." so some solution had to be implemented. Though not a solution to this problem specifically Roach made the rest aware that the bar he'd acquired when the Pasadena gang leader 'Reaper' had died at their hands was now refurbished enough to use for meetings. It had been their intention to put forward the bar as an Elysium as it had meeting rooms and due to their ally Marie they also had the ability to create 'Refreshments' of a kind palatable to kindred as she could bind blood into normal beverages such as wine. With that in mind it was decided that all meetings between kindred from now on would be at the bar not the gallery so as to separate kindred business from mundane interests involving kine.

Amanda 'Mandi' McBride - Tremere
Baron Voerman's Commandos

Vin then reiterated his suggestion that he meet Banu Haqim as one enforcer to another to attempt to discover her intentions. As it was as good an idea as any suggested so far, Michael agreed to make the suggestion to the appropriate contacts and make the arrangements if an agreement to meet was forthcoming. Marie also added that as the second bodyguard had (based on Roach's abilities) been identified as of Clan Tremere that open combat in the presence of humans would be a poor idea given the masquerade breaking manner of many Tremere combat disciplines.

In short, it was difficult to explain people exploding into clouds of blood or fountains of bodily fluids spraying across the room into a persons mouth. Now that blood magic had been mentioned the conversation progressed to the new issue of whether to help Clan Carna locate the missing chantry of Maximillian Strauss.

Marie who had as usual been carefully eavesdropping clarified certain points on which she was sure. Firstly, in her opinion the followers of Miss Rubeus of House Carna were wrong in suspecting that Marius had already found the Chantry as if such a resource was available to acquire he would have taken it for himself and to do that he would have needed her own knowledge. When it was suggested that the 'Fixer' had other occult resources at his disposal Marie agreed that though this was true their expertise in this specific area was inferior to her own.

Carna, the Princess Witch
Regent of House Carna
Secondly, they had no evidence that these blood magicians were actually representatives of House Carna as there were at least three other major houses who would be interested in a stockpile of occult resources and one of these had Sabbat ties. Daniel also added that the Nosferatu Elder Alonzo had seemed to have detailed knowledge of much going on within Los Angeles and might have relevant knowledge he'd be willing to pass on. Though reluctant to pass on his own extra source of knowledge Michael realised that in this case allowing Marie to accompany him to the Neillson Library to which he had been granted access might be a good idea. After all she would have a far better idea of what to look for in reference to a chantry than he himself would.

Eventually a division of labour was decided. Michael would attempt to arrange a meeting between the Banu Haqim 'Chick' and a representative of his own before visiting the Neillson library along with Marie. While awaiting Michael to be available for a visit to this mysterious resource of his, Marie would visit Marius's ghouled former Verbena mages to see what extra information they might have, besides which she was growing short of good quality belladonna. Vin and Roach meanwhile would sort out their own business ventures but keep themselves available should they be needed. However these were tasks for another night as dawn was fast approaching.

Scene Ten - Lost and Found
Storytellers Note - Technically speaking this is a lot of small events and there was a lot of zig-zagging between players however for the purposes of appropriate disciplines with duration's this night was a 'scene'.

Before pursuing her own enquiries Marie intercepted Daniel before he entered the sewers. "Do you have a preferred blade, Banu Haqim?" Surprised by the random enquiry Daniel confirmed that he did "Then hand it to me...". Curiosity for the moment getting the better of him he handed over one of his karambit knives and watched as Marie drew the blade along her palm and her blood flowed over the blade and seemed to sit along the edges, viscous and unpleasant in colour. "That will have a soporific effect on any kindred or kine that you cut with it. The effect isn't permanent but it should serve if you're the victim of a preemptive attack while in the sewers."

After retrieving the weapon he carefully replaced it in it's concealed scabbard, thanked Marie and then made his way to the galleries secret entrance into the sewer network beyond their escape tunnel.

The Ecstasy of the Vampires Kiss 
Roach had spoken to Michael the previous evening about some issues he had with his blood doll Susannah who was becoming more and more obsessive. Though there was an obvious and permanent solution Roach was aware that neither Vin nor Daniel would kill a defenceless woman for no reason. Vin despite being a terrifyingly effective killing machine when roused had somewhat of a code of honour about when he utilised his skills and Daniel's sense of justice would probably paint Susannah as the victim in this scenario. Playing a hunch he enquired with Marie about whether her rituals for turning blood into poisons could also have the opposite effect of purifying blood instead of corrupting it. Though Marie knew such rituals existed she was certain they would have little effect in this case as Susannah's addiction to Michael was mental not physical. Roach agreed that this was probably the case and reluctantly abandoned this line of reasoning and returned to debating more permanent solutions.

Jane Lane - Malkavian
Seneschal to Baron Voerman
Michael's diplomatic attempts at arranging a meeting were a success though there were several stipulations. Miss Lane insisted that as well as 'Chick' that she would require at least two other members of her coterie to accompany her for reasons of safety considering Daniel's actions the previous night. Vin was unconcerned about being outnumbered three to one but specified that this only applied if all parties were unarmed and that the meeting took place at the bar in Pasadena. Michael further added that he would expect the bars status as an Elysium to be respected during this and any other meetings that took place there to which Therese's Seneschal agreed. A time was then arranged and Roach assured all concerned that the bar would be made ready.

Marie made her way to Marius's tower and casually navigated the security there. Having frequent need to use the facilities of the upper floors when performing tasks for the Gangrel she had all the necessary passes and codes to reach areas forbidden to all but the fixers inner circle. Making her way through the living quarters of the various ghouls lucky enough to have residences there she knocked on the door of the 'Salem Suite' which was home to the Verbena mage sisters who had exchanged access to their occult knowledge for immortality. "Running low on a few ingredients, mind if I help myself?"

The sisters were used to such requests from Marie and the Mistress of Marius's herd Leanna and simply gestured to the shelves containing jars of the more mundane of their ingredients and supplies. Clara was sitting on a spacious sofa reading a large tome of arcane knowledge while her sister Sylvia was mixing various powders with what looked like blood but had the consistency of treacle.

Keeping her tone as casual as possible, Marie broached the real reason for her visit. "Have you heard about the Tremere lot poking about looking for a lost chantry?" Clara and Sylvia had an annoying habit of finishing each others sentences but on this occasion only Clara spoke. "We heard. They annoyed Marius last time so I don't think they'll be back here and he doesn't really like Tremere..." She then remembered who she was talking to "...present company excepted of course. Independent Tremere he's fine with generally, it's the whole pyramid scheme thing I think he objects to." Marie had always suspected it went deeper than that but as she was 'fishing' at the moment didn't think an argument would help.

Heather Taylor - Ghoul
Blood Doll of Marius
"The vacuous blood doll Heather mentioned the other Tremere in the mountains. Wasn't that your home originally?" Sylvia began to pay attention at the mention of their former haven. "We left when we cut our deal with Marius..." She confirmed "...At the time it was a bit of a sore subject between us and the rest of the coven...of course the former students of that Strauss guy rolling in and killing them all and turning their followers into a blood cult dealt with that." The sisters seemed to show no emotion at the thought of their former friends and followers being drained to death but if the rumours were true they had left the coven decades ago so perhaps that was the reason.

"Where about was it exactly?" continued Marie, feigning only a passing interest. Sylvia then chose to interject. "It was quite a pain to get to actually. The road only goes so far, then there's a trail up to the commune. Of course back then the remoteness suited us. It's about as close to Lupine territory as it's safe to get to be honest, maybe too close if your a vampire given how they feel about them."

She paused for a moment "Why the interest?". "Oh, just idle curiosity" lied Marie before making an elaborate show of finally finding the ingredients she needed and leaving. Now armed with a location and some basic background information she felt better prepared for making further enquiries now at least some kind of starting point had been established.

Vin arrived early at the bar and grabbed one of the limited stock of 'special' wines left there by Roach to facilitate meetings such as this. Unfortunately the establishments previous (and entirely accurate) reputation as a dive bar ran by vicious drug dealers and their serial rapist leader meant that there wasn't enough of a mortal clientele yet for feeding on them to be a 'refreshments' option. Roach had therefore transferred some of the blood imbued beverages created by Marie to the bar from the galleries stock. Chick turned up on time along with two of her fellow coterie members and before escorting her to the meeting room he opened his jacket to indicate he was unarmed. In return she did the same though both were experienced enough to be aware that they each could still easily be carrying a whole host of concealed weaponry. The Banu Haqim's two comrades stayed in the bar.

Edward Kaya - Banu Haqim
Sire of Daniel Matthews
Vin began. "So I know what you are and what you do, the question is what do you know about Daniel?". Chick seemed to appreciate the directness of the question and chose to answer in the same straightforward manner. "An influential and powerful Banu Haqim has let it be known that he's looking for one of our clan. The description given is a very good match for your friend 'Daniel'." Vin filled two glasses with 'wine' and pushed one over to the woman opposite though noticed that she didn't drink until he had first. "So what exactly are you planning to do about that?" was the next question. Vin had no real talent for subterfuge but was confident enough in his own abilities that he tended to look relaxed even when ready to strike. this and the directness of his questions had seemed to relax Therese's scourge if only a little. "Well that depends...the price he's offering for the information is considerable and very tempting..." Vin indicated that she should continue "...he is offering to lower the generation of any kindred who leads him direct to his target and as I'm sure you understand that's a difficult price to match with a mere boon." She paused for a moment as if considering whether to add more "It's no idle offer either. I happen to know he has access to the knowledge and resources necessary to fulfil his promise."

Storytellers Note - Yes I did...I made the bounty on Daniel's head something pretty much all of his own coterie would be tempted by...and no, I'm not sorry, lol.

Andrew Francis - Ghoul
Vin agreed that the price was difficult to match and asked for the time to take this information to his Baron. He also requested that she take no action for a few days until he had an answer for her. 'Chick' agreed that she would keep the information to herself for now but if another of her clan also discovered the location of the target that she'd have no choice but to reveal what she knew so not to be beaten to the prize. This seemed entirely reasonable, after all, thought Vin, it was a reward worth having.

Before entering the sewers where he knew the phone signal would become erratic Daniel instructed his pair of ghouls Andrew Francis and Keith Chang to continue their surveillance in Anaheim but to concentrate on only one of the two suspected kindred haven's they'd been observing. Specifically he wanted to know if Tom Weaver slept there during the hours of daylight.

Daniel had spent considerable time mapping the sewers and cross referencing his findings with actual maps as his current obsession with secrecy had led him to believe that travelling underground was currently safer than travelling over it. As the Nosferatu and other kindred had been instrumental in guiding the building of Los Angeles the sewer system was far more spacious and all encompassing than was strictly necessary for it's intended purposes having many redundant areas and useful rooms ideal for the kindred who didn't mind the depths.

Caleb - Nosferatu
Hollywood Warrens
Daniel made his way through the various sections of the underground network of tunnels over the next few hours until he eventually made it to the Nosferatu's domain under Hollywood. As he approached the borders of their territory a familiar voice called out to him. "Evening doc! What brings you down here slumming it with the sewer rats?" Daniel let the young Nosferatu know that he had business with Alonzo and was heading into the ancient tunnels to speak with him. As one of the kindred who had helped clear the warrens of the Tzimisce creation who had made vast areas of it uninhabitable Daniel didn't see any reason why he wouldn't be allowed to continue and was pleased to be proven correct as Caleb waved him past with a theatrical gesture.

Remembering the way from his last journey the Banu Haqim slowed as he reached the area protected by the mass of tentacles whose owner resided in a large stagnant pool along the corridor however when he arrived the watery pit was empty. Daniel was thankful that he wouldn't have to either deal with the creature or circumnavigate the area he was mildly concerned about what had happened to it. As he neared the grid of traps that protected the entrance to what was up until it's recent final death the lair of a Tzimisce fleshcrafter he noted that they had seemingly all been restored. Not wanting to risk himself unnecessarily he waved at the security camera above the door and called out Alonzo's name several times. After a few minutes of this there was an audible grinding of gears from the grid of floor tiles and several raised slightly and then locked into place. As carefully as possible Daniel put his weight upon the first one and as nothing shot at him or attempted to slice him in half he jumped to the next one and then systematically made his way to the double doors which swung open as he arrived.

Alonzo's 'Pet'
The previously unused laboratory equipment in the large chamber was now bubbling away as a variety of liquids flowed between glass tubes and pipes through various pieces of equipment. As a doctor he recognised some of the devices but the majority seemed to be either utterly random or cobbled together from scrap.

The cages that had previously held the Tzimisce's many limbed scout creatures now contained a vast quantity of rats, some of which were far larger than would seem natural. It was likely that Alonzo was carrying on some of the experiments that the original Nosferatu inhabitant of this haven who was known only as 'Boil' had been undertaking. More alarmingly the vast pit in the rooms centre that had once held the gigantic Tzimisce crafted war ghoul now housed the tentacle monster from the corridor and it had clearly grown to fit it's new much larger home.

Alonzo Guillen - Nosferatu Elder
Ancient Warrens
Alonzo muttered something unintelligible at the creature and it drew it's tentacles back into the dark waters of it's new home. "Never mind her..." shouted Alonzo from the opposite side of the room "...she's just showing off. I've told her you can pass". Daniel carefully edged his way around the pit towards the Nosferatu elder who was studying one of many books piled up around him on the desk as well as the floor and a number of straining bookshelves hastily added to the space above him. "Just wandered if I could pick your brains a bit, if that's okay?" Alonzo swivelled around in his chair and indicated that he should continue.

"We've been approached by some delegates from Clan Tremere, They're looking for something...". Having received most of his education in the ways of kindred by a Banu Haqim sire who had a vested interest in minimising his knowledge Daniel was unfortunately unaware of the ancient enmity between the Nosferatu and the Tremere and so continued his enquiry oblivious to any offence he might be causing "...a missing chantry that once belonged to someone called Maximilian Strauss.". Though Alonzo had little regard for the needs of any members of Clan Tremere he was quite well inclined towards the coterie of Baron Tomassio so decided to offer some assistance despite his own misgivings.

Alannah - Clan Tremere
House Tremere
"When Strauss fled LA the rest of his lot ended up getting chased into the mountains where the murdering bastards killed some mages and formed their own blood cult with the mages followers. As far as I know that's where they still are..." He paused as if considering stopping there, but it seemed that his feelings of gratitude overcame his disdain for helping a bunch of blood mages and so he continued. "...If they knew where their former home now was though they'd have taken it for themselves...there was however rumours of a key...if one existed it would be in the possession of their leader Alannah. Of course in my opinion the best solution would be to find the chantry and burn it to the fucking ground complete with any Tremere you could get in it at the time."

Daniel who by this point could tell that the comment about arson was not at all in jest decided to change the focus of the conversation slightly to the suspicions about Marius knowing more than he had let on. Alonzo was positive that the Gangrel had visited the chantry when Strauss had been Regent and based on this was reasonably sure that Marius would have been just as likely to be affected mentally as any other kindred based primarily on the fact that if he knew where the chantry was he'd have looted it by now. While Daniel assimilated this new information Alonzo spoke once more "Unless you're planning on staying here during the day you might want to consider heading back to your haven. It will be morning in about an hour."

Alonzo's Famulus - 'Boil'
Though the walk through the sewers had given the Banu Haqim time to think it had apparently taken him a lot longer than he'd planned. "I can have a guide take you to a convenient exit point in Hollywood where you can find a quicker route back via the surface, if you wish?"

Daniel thanked the Nosferatu for the offer and having no desire to improvise a sleeping place accepted a guide which turned out to be a disturbingly intelligent looking rat. As he was leaving, Alonzo tossed him a book from the pile to his right "That I believe is what your acquaintance Marie was searching for when first we found this place. Give it to her with my complements."

Thanking him once again he followed the vermin guide to a ladder leading to a manhole cover in a back street in Hollywood and after making his way to more inhabited areas hailed himself a cab, arriving at his haven in the nick of time there to sleep out the day.

Scene Eleven - The Neillson Library
Isaac Abrams - Toreador
Baron of Hollywood
Michael informed the Baron of Hollywood, Isaac Abrams that he and a companion would be in his domain on business but didn't elaborate on exactly why as he'd learnt some time ago that as long as the political niceties were kept to Baron Abrams didn't give a fuck about any business but his own. After arranging to pick up one of Vin's hookers to occupy the ghoul guarding the cemetery that contained the Neillson Library, Michael collected Marie and explained to her some of the circumstances of his knowledge of the location.

Storytellers Note - The full 'Neillson Library' story can be found HERE should you want all the details rather than the brief summary that follows.

The Camarilla archaeologist and archivist Carmelita Neillson kept a number of storehouses of knowledge in various locations around the world. These contained books and artefacts of many kinds as well as transcribed accounts of the unlives of various kindred, some of which who were truly ancient. The value of the items and information at these 'libraries' varied wildly and those containing the most precious were well protected. Though all these locations had guardians of a sort only the most comprehensive had occult defences in addition. The one hidden beneath the most ancient monument in the cemetery in Hollywood had both a sophisticated set of occult wards preventing any but the directly invited from entering but was also under the protection of the Gangrel Marius who had made it clear that any interference with it or it's contents would be quite, quite fatal to the transgressor.

Carmelita Neillson - Toreador
Archaeologist and Archivist
Whereas the majority of these storehouses of wisdom were open to any kindred, the one in Los Angeles was 'Invite Only'. Michael had been given his key after impressing Carmelita Neillson herself with his assistance in acquiring certain items of kindred significance despite them belonging to someone else at the time. He had also been considerable better company than the last escort provided which had for some reason been Marius's blood doll Heather. Michael could only theorise that Marius had thought that Heather's knowledge of design might have made for at least some intelligent conversation.

After instructing the young woman they'd bought with them to keep the cemeteries caretaker Romero 'occupied' until they returned Michael took Marie to the strangely ancient crypt at the cemeteries heart. Using the key gifted to him he opened the various locked doors until he reached the antechamber leading to the Library itself.

As Marie's speciality was with occult wards she was fascinated by the intricate and sophisticated defences woven into every aspect of the crypt, aspects which had gone unnoticed to her Toreador guide. As Michael navigated the passageways he explained to Marie that he had been told that leaving the room with any of the libraries contents was forbidden and that the final security precaution required blood to bypass and that only those who had been granted access's blood would suffice.

As Marie scanned the area with her expert eye she noted that if anything Michael was understating the danger of attempting unauthorised access. In her estimation any interloper would be lucky if a bloody smear remained of them after attempting to interfere with the blood magic protecting this place. As she observed, Michael placed his hand in an indentation next to the portcullis and as he pulled it away a circle of bloody pin pricks could be seen in the palm of his hand. A moment later the portcullis slid silently into it's frame and the indistinct blur preventing the room from being seen faded away.

Beyond is a spacious chamber filled with books, cabinets containing odd ornaments and several seating areas some of which have books open on the nearby tables. Pedestals containing a variety of items of significance to kindred history shielded within cases of glass run along one wall as well as in several central locations. 

Marie very much felt like a child in a sweet shop as she scanned the considerable quantity of material before her. She had of course heard of such repositories but was slightly put out that one existed within Los Angeles and she'd never been informed of it by Marius instead having to discover it via Michael. "So where do we start, Baron?".

Michael who was familiar with the lay-out already gestured to a shelf containing a meticulously filed index and began a search himself amongst the area he knew contained various city maps. As they began their research for any reference to the chantry or it's location Marie noticed that there were a few gaps in the indices that seemed deliberate as everything else was perfectly in place.

Upon checking the location of similar books she further became aware that one book was missing from a shelf. As both her own observations and Michael's explanation made her sure that the books removal was unlikely she began to check for any other errors that might show where it had been moved to. After some investigation she followed a trail of misfiled papers and suspiciously relocated books until eventually she discovered the missing tome tucked behind several ancient scrolls. It seemed some-one had wished the book to remain hidden without wanting to risk the explosive consequences of attempting it's removal.

Storytellers Note - Well....."You find a book with all the information you need in it, well done..." would have been too easy. Plus there was a lot of academics, investigation and occult skills that the two characters hadn't used for a while and i wouldn't want to think they'd wasted their xp...

The concealed book was a treatise of information on various Tremere chantries compiled from interviews with many blood magicians over the centuries. The chantry within Los Angeles was apparently one of some interest as the building was implied to be of occult significance long before the Tremere took it for themselves. Maximilian Strauss was mentioned as the Regent but unfortunately there wasn't anything within that would constitute a set of directions. There was however a sketch of the building which at the very least gave Michael some architectural clues to work with. After all the combination of Victorian and Gothic features were fairly memorable or at the very least uncommon enough to be noteworthy.

While searching through the newly discovered evidence the question came to mind about why if the chantry was so important that Strauss hadn't returned to take from it anything of value. Marie theorised that he may have been in Vienna when the Second Inquisition struck against the Tremere there and been destroyed.

'Romero' - Ghoul of Isaac Abrams
Caretaker of Hollywood Cemetery
While Michael sketched a copy of the picture of the building and made some notes, Marie took advantage of her unprecedented access to this stockpile of knowledge and began to do some research into what the elders interviewed knew about blood magic rituals. Noticing that Marie seemed in no hurry to leave, Michael did some personal research of his own before having to virtually drag the blood mage away from the Neillson Library. They picked up the tired but otherwise unharmed prostitute that had been occupying Romero while they did their research and dropped her back at Vin's brothel, they then briefly discussed their next move.

Marie decided to check the information given her by Marius's Verbena mages about the location of their old commune in the Santa Monica mountains that the rogue Tremere mages of Strauss's had taken for themselves. he information had been quite specific so at least that should be easy enough to find.

After dropping off Marie, Michael went to the bar to which he had decided to transfer their less legitimate business meetings. He found that in an unusually considerate act, Roach had left the office un-decorated so the slightly over the top decoration of the rest of the establishment stopped at Michael's door though it at least had the basic office equipment within. With a description of the missing building now available to him he began to do research through legitimate means attempting to match the information he had with an actual structure. He reasoned that though the chantry was now camouflaged it wasn't always so and may have been photographed or logged in some way during it's history. He also remembered that Pisha had been suggested as another possible source of information given the occult connection. That however sounded like a job for some-one else... come to think of it, Daniel often commented that he got on well with the hospital dwelling cannibal...that counted as volunteering as far as Michael was concerned...

To Be Continued in 'The Missing Chantry' Part Four

In Conclusion
I like to do a round-up of how the session went in these features but if you couldn't give a shit what I think then feel free to skip this bit...

Another social based investigation session so I'm sorry if those of you who read these things to see if Vin punches some-ones head off are disappointed.

This session was more or less driven by the players rather than the storyteller as though I have the motivations and stats for all the major players available I had no idea how they would approach the problem and in what order. As it happened they were so thorough that what I thought would be a three session story might end up being four or even five so on the bright side that's two sessions I don't have to write material for. The only downside is that I've a feeling I'm due a curve ball as they've been unusually predictable up to now...

I've used pictures of real people to represent some of the characters and art for others so in no particular order Michael Tomassio is represented by the actor Matt Bomer, Johnny 'Roach' West is quite obviously Kurt Cobain, 'Vin' is the actor Scott Adkins, Dr Matthews is Mads Mikkelsen, Hope is Deborah Ann Woll, Marie is Eva Greene, The Spirit of the Library is a model called Genevieve, 'Charlie' is Lena Headey, The Drake Sisters are Absentia and Elisanth, Heather Taylor is Liz Vicious, Edward Kaya is Laurence Fishburne, Andrew Francis is Ray Stevenson, Alannah is La Esmerelda, Isaac Abrams is Gary Oldman, Carmelita Neillson is Salma Hayek. Everything else is from vampire related folders and searches and is as far as I know is all of the 'fair use' variety. If there's something that you feel should be attributed to some-one then feel free to let me know and I'll happily add an acknowledgement...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.

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