I'm currently running a Vampire the Masquerade chronicle using the 5th Edition rule-set for a small group of fellow role-players...
Our campaign is set in Los Angeles and features a small group of Camarilla agents sent into the 'Free States' to search for ways to once again bring the Ivory Tower to dominance under the pretence of being disillusioned neonates looking for the freedom of the Anarch way of life. Some in-roads have been made but there's still much to do...
Why LA? - Well it contains a lot of different baronies giving me a lot of interactions to play with, allows me to use some of the more interesting characters from the Bloodlines PC game (which two of the players were familiar with) and is a setting not yet experienced by the players familiar with the Vampire RPG which gives me a chance to keep them on their toes. I've also changed quite a lot and inserted some new characters of my own to make things a bit more interesting...well...interesting for me at least...
The now obligatory warning bit - Unlike my other RPG write-ups this one will contain swearing, sexual references and other references that might offend. If you can't tell the difference between real peoples opinions and grown-ups role-playing predators who crave blood then this probably won't be for you. I've also used actual photographs to represent some characters which I'll give acknowledgements to at the end if I've any idea who they are.
The introduction to this campaign, the first story and all the other parts can be found at the following links and are in chronological order...
Welcome to L.A. - Introductory Session
Story One - 'Three Murders' - Part One, Two, Three, Four and Five
Interlude - One
Story Two - 'The Pasadena Problem' - Part One, Two, Three and Four
Solo Session - 'The Neillson Library'
Why LA? - Well it contains a lot of different baronies giving me a lot of interactions to play with, allows me to use some of the more interesting characters from the Bloodlines PC game (which two of the players were familiar with) and is a setting not yet experienced by the players familiar with the Vampire RPG which gives me a chance to keep them on their toes. I've also changed quite a lot and inserted some new characters of my own to make things a bit more interesting...well...interesting for me at least...
The now obligatory warning bit - Unlike my other RPG write-ups this one will contain swearing, sexual references and other references that might offend. If you can't tell the difference between real peoples opinions and grown-ups role-playing predators who crave blood then this probably won't be for you. I've also used actual photographs to represent some characters which I'll give acknowledgements to at the end if I've any idea who they are.
The introduction to this campaign, the first story and all the other parts can be found at the following links and are in chronological order...
Welcome to L.A. - Introductory Session
Story One - 'Three Murders' - Part One, Two, Three, Four and Five
Interlude - One
Story Two - 'The Pasadena Problem' - Part One, Two, Three and Four
Solo Session - 'The Neillson Library'
The Storyteller
Garreth as Everyone else...
The PC's
Phil as Michael Tomassio - Toreador
Matt as Dr Daniel Matthews - Banu Haqim
Matt as Dr Daniel Matthews - Banu Haqim
Tom as Johnny 'Roach' West - Malkavian
Dave as Vincent 'Vin' Ghast - Brujah
Due to time constraints and availability of players this session only featured Vin and Roach for a fairly short period.
Dave as Vincent 'Vin' Ghast - Brujah
Due to time constraints and availability of players this session only featured Vin and Roach for a fairly short period.
The player characters stats and backgrounds can be found HERE should any-one be interested.
As I have written out introductions and dialogue for certain NPC's and some location descriptions I'll post these more or less as I wrote them so they'll be in a 'reading to the group' style and they'll also be in blue so you can tell them apart from the more traditional write-up sections and occasionally an obscure Malkavian premonition will turn up in purple. If I think something needs a bit of out of character explanation then those will get a storytellers note that will helpfully be in red...
With the advice gained from the Nagaraja 'Pisha' the coterie now has a starting point from which to look at ways of defeating the necromantic force that's protecting the Baron Edward Vignes. However obtaining the items she requires is not without problems of it's own so the coterie has split into two halves. Vin and Roach are looking at ways of getting the results required without continued reliance on the cannibalistic Pisha, while Michael and Daniel are heading to the Vignes mansion...
Scene Thirteen - A Poor Reception
Victoria's response to Roach's request for another meeting with Clara and Sylvia was to say the least unenthusiastic and it was obvious that she wasn't in the best of moods. Nonetheless she agreed to arrange for them to be available but specified quite clearly to keep any interactions brief.
Marius's personal ghoul assistant was even by her standards abrupt when they arrived at Hallowbrook and even through her normally stable aura the Malkavian could detect impatience and not a small amount of irritation. Reasonably sure he'd done nothing to warrant such poor treatment he presumed that it must be some-one else's fault though was somewhat distracted by the thought of once again plundering the witches considerable supply of exotic drugs. Though not a student of human behaviour Vin was however quite adept at detecting threatening situations and could sense that the atmosphere wasn't as relaxed as usual during their visits to Marius's haven.
Almost stampeding into the Drake sisters suite as he headed towards the cabinet he was somewhat surprised to find it closed and firmly locked. Somewhat irritated he strolled over to their laptop where as usual music was playing and attempted to change the song to something else only to be confronted by the password protection screen. "We both like this album..." stated Sylvia "...so we decided to stop you messing around with it" finished Clara. "So what can we help you with this time?"
Uncharacteristically Roach asked Vin to explain the coteries problem while he sidled as casually as possible back to the drugs cabinet and slipped a lock-pick into his hand. The Brujah explained in a matter of fact manner what they'd been told by Pisha and asked if with this information they could help so Roach didn't have to deal with the hospital dwelling cannibal. The mentioning of his name bought the ladies attention back to Roach whose frustration had increased to new levels as he realised that the lock seemed to be changing internally every time he came close to getting it to unlock and that now they were staring in his direction he wouldn't be able to continue.
"It's no use messing around with the lock, I'm afraid..." this time Clara started the sentence "...Victoria has queried our expenses this month, specifically the need to spend another twenty thousand dollars on exotic hallucinogenics" completed Sylvia. "So I'm afraid you've reached the limits of our generosity." "Apparently your acquaintance Vin here needs you to explain the rest of your problem...and we are quite busy..." Roach who had been paying at least some vague attention filled in the more esoteric gaps in the matter of fact account of Vin's but given the mages current attitude didn't expect much help. He wasn't to be disappointed in his assessment.
"As we told you before Necromancy is a very specific and dangerous field of study in which Pisha is the undisputed expert..." "...If she has offered you a solution to the problem..." "...then I suggest you follow her instructions..." "...or abandon the plan completely." they informed him as they finished each others sentences. Roach had been paying close attention to their auras as they spoke and though he couldn't detect outright deceit he did get the distinct impression that this was less about their ability to help and more about their willingness to do so. He doubted that it had anything to do with his changing their music and helping himself to their herbal supplies presuming that something else was going on. Having little as a focus for his abilities of premonition he instead concentrated on the two sisters in an effort to pick up some clue to what was going on here. Unfortunately his mind was also on the horrors that he had witnessed at Pisha's haven...
The Malkavian saw the two mages with three others in a circle deep in the woods somewhere, a young man lay on a slab between them blood gushing from a slash across his neck along grooves in the slab into a ceramic bowl. He has also been brutally eviscerated and his chest bisected, his heart, lungs, kidneys and liver are sitting in an identically marked silver bowl along with what Roach believed to be his reproductive organs. Several empty jars are nearby You hear a voice you recognise firstly as Clara's and then as Sylvia's "We require only a share of the blood and the other fluids we specified..." "...you may keep the rest for your mistress as we agreed...".
As the vision fades you see both the sisters staring at you intently. "You may leave now!" they say simultaneously. You can't help but feel that they know exactly what you saw and now does seem like an ideal time to leave. Sensing the tension Vin moved between Roach and the mages as they made their way to the door, hand close enough to his weapons for ease of access but given where they were not close enough to potentially cause offence. The hulking Brujah may have been direct but one thing he wasn't was a fool and though he knew perfectly well how to start trouble he also knew when to avoid it if necessary.
Scene Fourteen - Alliances
Daniel arrived at the Galerie Sanguine slightly before the agreed upon time as he wished to have a look at the local area and perhaps peruse the gallery a little before his meeting with Michael. He noted that the shutters, doors and the attached locks were also extremely high end and that the doors were also subtly reinforced beyond that of even standard security doors. As he entered his attention went to the security cameras within as he as a matter of course checked out all such systems in any structure he entered. He had to admit that he was impressed by the quality of the system and the cameras had been located so no area was uncovered. He introduced himself to the attractive red-headed girl behind the reception desk who he presumed was the ghoul that Michael had mentioned before being directed to the rear ground floor exhibition area.
Michael was making small-talk with a number of men and women who seemed more interested in the handsome artist than his actual work though he was giving most of his attention to a small group of pretty young ladies who were hanging on his every word. Seeing the Doctor approaching he bid the disappointed admirers goodbye as he informed them that he had an important business meeting. Michael had already informed the Vignes that he would be visiting in order to continue his work on Vera's portrait and that he would be bringing a kindred acquaintance who wished to formally introduce himself. Daniel offered to drive and once alone they began to discuss the specifics of the plan once they arrived.
Storytellers Note - If you haven't read THIS session write-up then the following plan will make very little sense...sorry, lol.
Michael had made a replica of the number '2' they planned to acquire from the dating plaque that was the only old item they could think of that embodied the house for the talisman that Pisha was to create for them. In order to locate whatever 'fetters' bound the supernatural defender to Edward Vignes they needed to acquire something that embodied both the Vignes home and a sample of the vitae of Edward himself. Though the item from the house was something they'd acquire themselves they'd need the assistance of Vera and her lover Henry to obtain the other. After some discussion Daniel decided that taking the item on their way in would be more likely to lead to their discovery than liberating it as they left though if a better opportunity came up he'd take it. Michael deferred to the doctor because as he pointed out "In matters where its best to be unseen you're much more proficient than I am" With the plan itself discussed Daniel had other matters of concern that he wished to talk with the Toreador about.
"I've spoken to Marius about your coterie" started the doctor "and he has stated that my goals and your might be compatible though he wouldn't elaborate. He did however say that he believed I could trust you..." Deciding to start without revealing too much of their allegiances to the Camarilla he instead discussed their plans to remove Edward with the aid of Vera and Henry who would then abdicate leaving the barony free for a more forward thinking kindred ruler. "By which you mean you of course?" stated Daniel.
Michael then explained that he had a vision of a much better future for Los Angeles without the petty power struggles of two dozen baronies and then laid out a layman's version of the history of 'The Dream' a plan of a Toreador elder with whom Michael shared a name who had lived in the ancient city of Constantinople. Though the more romantic concepts were of less interest to Daniel than the idea of a united city under the control of some-one he was allied with he nonetheless could see the passion which Michael bought to the telling of the tale.
Feeling he could trust his new ally and wanting to offer something personal to show that trust he informed Michael that he was being pursued by his sire with whom he'd had a number of differences. Chief among these differences were the fact that though he had no objection to killing he did believe that death should only be inflicted on those deserving of it and that his sire had deceived him into taking a number of lives that in the doctors opinion were innocent. As a result his sire had pursued him relentlessly and he had taken shelter in Los Angeles where he had met the Gangrel Marius who had created him a new identity and a safe haven in return for his service when necessary. Michael who was aware of both the Banu Haqim's skill-sets could easily see how this arrangement would have suited Marius down to the ground giving him access to both a medical man and some-one skilled in stealthy assassination.
Taking on board this revelation the Toreador pointed out that they first required a barony to enable them to interact with their peers at an appropriate level before moving to expand both their mortal business interests through Roach's plans and their political power via Michael's own skills.
He also expressed that they would need those with more aggressive skills in order to deal with some of the more violent aspects of any regime change. The future he envisioned would need to be implemented gradually and carefully in order to avoid the disasters that befell LaCroix and Tara, the two previous kindred to attempt to declare themselves 'Prince'. He further elaborated that the roles of Prince, Seneschal, Sheriff and Scourge would go to those who had supported the plan from the very beginning. The implication was clear that one of those roles would be the doctors should he support them. "I think we can do business" confirmed Daniel
Feeling that they'd reached some level of rapport the doctor expressed his doubts about potentially giving over control of Edwards guardian to the Nagaraja Pisha but as Michael pointed out they may have to take the risk unless Vin and Roach had made any progress with the ghoul mages Clara and Sylvia.
Scene Fifteen - Close Encounters
Henry was of course waiting for them as they arrived at the Vignes Edwardian mansion ready to escort them to their meeting. While Michael set up the tools of his trade, Daniel was shown into the Barons office so as to formally introduce himself.
Having considered that as far as he was aware there were no others of the Banu Haqim clan operating in Los Angeles and given their reputation as assassins and diablerists Daniel decided that a small measure of subterfuge might be in order and introduced himself instead as a member of clan Brujah while making a mental note to inform the others that he'd done so at the first opportunity. "You seem surprisingly well dressed, well spoken and aware of etiquette for one of the rabble" queried the baron in a manner that had the doctor actually been of the Brujah would have been a definite insult.
He decided to explain this by pointing out that as a chauffeur for one of the Toreador he was expected to maintain certain standards. The idea of a brushed-up Brujah at the beck and call of a member of the Toreador clan seemed to amuse Edward enough for the explanation to be excepted and the flattery that Daniel was also including at every opportunity seemed to help also. "It's refreshing to see one of your clan capable of showing the traditions the appropriate level of respect. Consider yourself welcome to accompany your artist master in my domain whenever necessary." "You may now leave...I have several hours work to accomplish before the evening is my own" Considering himself dismissed Daniel left the room where he was met by the ever present Henry who took him to meet his comrade upstairs.
Michael had apparently been awaiting the return of his fellow kindred before discussing their plot and had spent the time productively making some progress on the preliminaries of the painting of Vera in the meantime. Daniel informed Michael that all had gone well and that Edward had claimed to be busy for the next couple of hours so was unlikely to disturb them.
The necessity of acquiring a sample of Edwards Vitae was laid out to them and despite the risks Henry was assured that it was essential to all their plans. In order to preclude the possibility of a direct question from Edward causing the blood bound servant to divulge their plan the Toreador chose to keep as much detail as possible to himself. Henry informed them all that as the baron was religious about reinforcing the blood bond he was due to partake in a couple of days time so would attempt to avoid consuming enough of the blood for them to have a sample. Michael also arranged a coded signal that should the worse occur would indicate that they should evacuate the mansion, he chose the phrase "Is Vera sure about the frame?" as vague enough to avoid arousing suspicion. In his brief look at the mansion Daniel had came to exactly the same conclusion as Vin had done previously and that was that the physical security was laughingly bad. Evidently Edward relied solely on his supernatural defender to protect his home and person. "Is there any chance of a brief tour of the mansion and grounds?" asked Daniel "It'll give Michael some peace and quiet to work." Henry of course knew that there was more to it than a simple desire to look at the decor but he was now so involved in the plot that he doubted he could get in any more trouble than would occur if they failed so agreed.
The few rooms in the house that he observed held no surprises and were as poorly secured as the rest of the building and the grounds seemed to be the same. The assassin did however notice that along one side of the building an extension had been built and though it had been carefully constructed to match the rest of the property it was very obviously a more recent addition. The external door was fitted with the first sturdy lock he had observed in the building and he guessed based on it's position any internal access from the house would be from Edwards study where he remembered there was a door in the corner behind the desk. As they returned to the front of the house Daniel excused himself claiming to have left something in the car and that he'd find his own way back, where he was left alone by Henry. Taking the opportunity he chose this moment to replace the number on the date plaque with the replica created by his Toreador accomplice.
As you remove the number from the sign the nearby shadows coalesce and you feel a dark tendril wrap around your wist with a vice like grip and several more flow from unlikely locations around the veranda, stairs and door-frame. Within a few seconds you are completely immobile though not harmed and an approximation of a face flows into existence and moves next to your ear. You here a quiet, raspy voice whisper into your ear. "Take care, if the Baron discovers what you're attempting, at his command I'll tear you all into tiny, tiny pieces. I cannot help you but I can choose not to hinder you unless you threaten him directly or disturb my prison, he has mundane spies too...be careful..." The grasping shadows become intangible and you are free once more as they fade as if never there. Towards the end of the speech the voice seemed strained as if speaking to you had cost it dearly.
The normally calm and collected doctor took a moment to get himself together before finishing off his task. The speed of the attack and his complete inability to escape the shadowy grip had shaken him considerably especially as his speed had always been his primary advantage. The knowledge that had the entity chose to destroy him it could have done so at will was completely unnerving and he knew that he had to inform Michael immediately, but as far away from this place as possible.
Even some-one without a single iota of empathy couldn't help but notice the extreme agitation of the Banu Haqim and so to Michael he might as well have been screaming it at the top of his voice. "We need to leave...now...like, right now...I'll explain in the car..." Seeing that something significant had occurred he gathered his artist supplies, made his apologies and left with Daniel.
Daniel drove far too fast while constantly checking the rear view mirror until they were out of view of the house before he even spoke to his companion and even then it was difficult to get any sense from him. "It spoke to me, it, spoke, to me..." "You know I'm fast right? you've seen how quickly I can move, yes?" "Tentacles grabbed me, actual tentacles and claws made from shadows grappled me and I couldn't move at all" Attempting to make some sense of the doctors stream of information he attempted to clarify some points but was getting nowhere as the brakes were slammed on and Daniel physically pulled Michael from the car and started babbling again. Seeing little alternative he attempted to calm the situation by focusing his disciplines on the doctor and though he had reservations about using them on an ally he could see no other way to gain the information he needed. A combination of the confused state of the one kindred and another's desire to resolve the situation caused the Toreadors powers to overwhelm the Banu Haqims will significantly.
Storytellers Note - Michael's player couldn't fail a roll, Daniels player only rolled a single success. Needless to say once I'd explained the effects of presence I had trouble keeping a straight face as Matt role-played the now hopelessly infatuated Doctor...
Almost instantly Daniel regretted his hasty actions towards what he was now sure was his best friend in the world. The thought that he might have caused him any distress caused a pang of regret and he immediately apologised for his hasty and completely uncalled for reaction. Michael assured him that he would forgive his hasty actions if he just explained what had occurred and Daniel desperate to please calmed down and relayed the events as they'd happened in between frequent apologies and compliments. Realising that the others needed to be informed and anxious to discover how Roach and Vin had got on at Hallowbrook Michael asked Daniel to get back in the car and drive them to the gallery which he was happy to do. After all he'd been asked by the most wonderful person he knew and wanted to keep him happy. A phone call to Roach proved uninformative due to one word answers but it was obvious that things had not gone to plan.
Scene Sixteen - Return to Pisha
When they returned to the gallery, Michael's ghoul Lisa informed them that Vin had gone out 'for a snack' and that Roach had gone immediately upstairs on his return and hadn't spoken to any-one. As expected the Malakvian was in his usual location on a tatty chair perched near the fire escape smoking something foul smelling. "So I gather the mages couldn't help?" queried Michael. The tone of the reply had all the petulance of a grounded teenager "Couldn't maybe, more likely wouldn't and they wouldn't let me change the music or 'borrow' any drugs because of that bitch Victoria putting them on a budget..." Michael waited for a pause in the litany of complaints before making the statement that he knew was going to create another argument. "Well then it looks like we'll have to deal with Pisha as planned, there's no need for you to go after last time, just give me the map and I'll take Daniel instead."
"No, you can't have it..." As Michael feared Roach was fully committed to protecting them from Pisha by with-holding the one thing they needed to reach her and after a variety of negotiation tactics failed he was forced to resort to using his vampiric disciplines on an ally for the second time that evening. Unfortunately the malicious voice that existed in the souls of all kindred that some called 'the beast' took the opportunity to take advantage of the Toreadors frustration and dark thoughts began to worm into his mind. Despite his efforts to maintain his focus he couldn't help but feel that Roach should have handed over the map simply because he had asked for it and that it was about time the sulking junkie learned who was in charge.
The sheer force of his will, combined with the residual blood-bond from when Michael had used his own vitae to revive Roach a few days ago overpowered the unprepared Malkavian's mental defences. Under the power of Michael's presence he handed over the map completely unsure of why he'd earlier refused to do so, after all Michael wouldn't have asked without good reason. The elation of imposing his will on another soon turned to shame as the realisation that he had succumbed to the beast in spite of his personal quest to elevate himself above such petty desires. It didn't however stop him taking the map and keys from his companion.
Storytellers Note - Michael's player got a stain on his humanity for that. Though some of it was due to him getting a critical failure on the hunger dice he did break his own rules on maintaining his humanity.
The route you take back to Pisha's lair matches that by which you left and as you reach the basement via the elevator you are greeting by the same severed head dangling from the ceiling though there are three decaying corpses slumped against the wall this time rather than two. As you enter a voice you now recognise as the necromancers once again comes from the mouth of the decapitated head "So you chose to return...Marius's hedge wizards would not or more likely could not help you no doubt...". The partially dismembered bodies in the next room are now missing several more chunks of flesh and limbs and the catering blender is full to the brim of what you now know to be the liquidised remains of Pisha's unfortunate meals. "You have bought the items I requested?"
Michael handed over the piece of the mansions plaque which he hoped had the sympathetic link to the magic within the home that the necromancer had claimed she needed and explained that the blood she required should be in their hands within a couple of days. Pisha traced the outline of the number from the plaque with a finger "Yes, this will do fine. It has just the resonance for which I was hoping" She paused a moment "I sense you have something else to tell me?"
The events outside the mansion were relayed in all the detail they could remember and Daniel recollected a few more pieces of information as Pisha prompted him at certain points and asked him to repeat others which in turn inspired new avenues of questioning. Once she was sure she had all the facts that they were able to supply she retrieved several books and began to peruse them while the Toreador and Banu Haqim waited patiently. After a short period of contemplation she appeared to have reached a startling revelation.
"Something I suggested as an outside possibility now in light of this contact now seems more likely in spite of it's rarity." "It's possible that a living creature has been bound somehow and that rather than fetters one of these items that you seek is focusing and amplifying it's powers while the other is enabling Edward to control them. Of course there must also be something binding it or it would simply escape" Daniel and Michael were both curious about the consequences of releasing whatever the entity may be as though they were happy for Edward to be destroyed they really needed Vera and Henry to survive, or more correctly to survive long enough to abdicate control to them. Pisha reiterated what she'd said previously about such things being unpredictable but also reminded them that it seemed to have some manner of self control which indicated that it might be open to reason should they be able to converse with it once more.
As the Nagaraja was very clear that if Edward had such abilities she'd know about them it seemed obvious to Daniel that whatever this was it must have been bought by the Vignes with them from their original place of residence and he made some enquiries in this regard in between attempting to engage her in more casual conversation as he presumed that she might be more helpful towards some-one she considered a friend. With nothing further left to discuss they requested the map they'd need to leave but before they departed Pisha had a request of her own.
"It will take me three days to craft the talisman you require and will necessitate me utilising a number of resources that I have in only limited amounts. Tell the Gangrel I'll need three more 'gifts' to replace what I use to create your trinket..." "...and something for my library, I grow weary of what I have here"
Having little option but to accept her terms they agreed and then left, map in hand. Once safely out of the abandoned hospital Michael decided to phone Marius about Pisha's price as he had apparently been feeding her up to now. Unfortunately he could only get to speak to the much less reasonable Victoria who was very obviously in a foul mood, dispensing with even the semblance of pleasantries "He is currently unavailable, what do you want?" His somewhat long-winded explanation of their request was immediately summarised by the irritated ghoul of their patron.
"So what you're asking is that we murder three people and re-stock an occult library so you can murder a Baron and put yourself in his place? I think we've reached the point that this is beyond 'a favour' or even the trivial boon Marius allowed you to retain and puts you firmly back owing us a boon and a considerable one at that and by 'You' I mean your coterie also. Including your doctor friend who appears to have thrown his lot in with you all" "I'll also need the map...I'll provide you with the most recent version once I've returned"
Michael still feeling guilty about his treatment of Roach and to a lesser extent Daniel came up with a counter offer that enabled them to keep the boons they had accumulated and instead put himself further into debt with the Gangrel 'Fixer'. He offered to personally owe Marius a major boon if the others were considered to be no further in his debt. Victoria informed him that his terms were acceptable and he couldn't help but notice that she didn't seem to feel the need to check with her regnant first. With their short term issues of payment for the cannibal in the basement sorted Michael could only hope that the rest of their plan proceeded without any more boons added to his growing tally...
To Be Continued in 'The Pasadena Problem' - Part Six
In Conclusion
I like to do a round-up of how the session went in these features but if you couldn't give a shit what I think then feel free to skip this bit...
There was some excellent role-playing this session and even my issuing of the first 'Stain' of the campaign was accepted without argument. The majority of the session was in character conversation which despite meaning I had to make a lot of notes made it fairly easy to run and I didn't use as much pre-written material as I expected. I do however have a lot to prepare for the next session as some of their plans have gone in directions I wasn't expecting...
I've used pictures of real people to represent some of the characters and art for others so in no particular order, Michael Tomassio is represented by the actor Matt Bomer, Johnny 'Roach' West is quite obviously Kurt Cobain, 'Vin' is the actor Scott Adkins, Dr Matthews is Mads Mikkelsen, Victoria is a model called either Lorelei Swan or Lilith May depending on where you find her, the Drake sisters are a model called Absentia and another called Elisanth, Vera Vignes is Helen Mirren and Michael's ghoul Lisa is the actress Amanda Righetti. Everything else is from vampire related folders and searches and is as far as I know is all of the 'fair use' variety. If there's something that you feel should be attributed to some-one then feel free to let me know and I'll happily add an acknowledgement...
Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.
With the advice gained from the Nagaraja 'Pisha' the coterie now has a starting point from which to look at ways of defeating the necromantic force that's protecting the Baron Edward Vignes. However obtaining the items she requires is not without problems of it's own so the coterie has split into two halves. Vin and Roach are looking at ways of getting the results required without continued reliance on the cannibalistic Pisha, while Michael and Daniel are heading to the Vignes mansion...
Scene Thirteen - A Poor Reception
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Victoria - Ghoul of Marius |
Marius's personal ghoul assistant was even by her standards abrupt when they arrived at Hallowbrook and even through her normally stable aura the Malkavian could detect impatience and not a small amount of irritation. Reasonably sure he'd done nothing to warrant such poor treatment he presumed that it must be some-one else's fault though was somewhat distracted by the thought of once again plundering the witches considerable supply of exotic drugs. Though not a student of human behaviour Vin was however quite adept at detecting threatening situations and could sense that the atmosphere wasn't as relaxed as usual during their visits to Marius's haven.
Almost stampeding into the Drake sisters suite as he headed towards the cabinet he was somewhat surprised to find it closed and firmly locked. Somewhat irritated he strolled over to their laptop where as usual music was playing and attempted to change the song to something else only to be confronted by the password protection screen. "We both like this album..." stated Sylvia "...so we decided to stop you messing around with it" finished Clara. "So what can we help you with this time?"
Uncharacteristically Roach asked Vin to explain the coteries problem while he sidled as casually as possible back to the drugs cabinet and slipped a lock-pick into his hand. The Brujah explained in a matter of fact manner what they'd been told by Pisha and asked if with this information they could help so Roach didn't have to deal with the hospital dwelling cannibal. The mentioning of his name bought the ladies attention back to Roach whose frustration had increased to new levels as he realised that the lock seemed to be changing internally every time he came close to getting it to unlock and that now they were staring in his direction he wouldn't be able to continue.
"It's no use messing around with the lock, I'm afraid..." this time Clara started the sentence "...Victoria has queried our expenses this month, specifically the need to spend another twenty thousand dollars on exotic hallucinogenics" completed Sylvia. "So I'm afraid you've reached the limits of our generosity." "Apparently your acquaintance Vin here needs you to explain the rest of your problem...and we are quite busy..." Roach who had been paying at least some vague attention filled in the more esoteric gaps in the matter of fact account of Vin's but given the mages current attitude didn't expect much help. He wasn't to be disappointed in his assessment.
Clara and Sylvia Drake - Mages
The Malkavian saw the two mages with three others in a circle deep in the woods somewhere, a young man lay on a slab between them blood gushing from a slash across his neck along grooves in the slab into a ceramic bowl. He has also been brutally eviscerated and his chest bisected, his heart, lungs, kidneys and liver are sitting in an identically marked silver bowl along with what Roach believed to be his reproductive organs. Several empty jars are nearby You hear a voice you recognise firstly as Clara's and then as Sylvia's "We require only a share of the blood and the other fluids we specified..." "...you may keep the rest for your mistress as we agreed...".
As the vision fades you see both the sisters staring at you intently. "You may leave now!" they say simultaneously. You can't help but feel that they know exactly what you saw and now does seem like an ideal time to leave. Sensing the tension Vin moved between Roach and the mages as they made their way to the door, hand close enough to his weapons for ease of access but given where they were not close enough to potentially cause offence. The hulking Brujah may have been direct but one thing he wasn't was a fool and though he knew perfectly well how to start trouble he also knew when to avoid it if necessary.
Scene Fourteen - Alliances
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Lisa - Michael's Ghoul and Retainer |
Michael was making small-talk with a number of men and women who seemed more interested in the handsome artist than his actual work though he was giving most of his attention to a small group of pretty young ladies who were hanging on his every word. Seeing the Doctor approaching he bid the disappointed admirers goodbye as he informed them that he had an important business meeting. Michael had already informed the Vignes that he would be visiting in order to continue his work on Vera's portrait and that he would be bringing a kindred acquaintance who wished to formally introduce himself. Daniel offered to drive and once alone they began to discuss the specifics of the plan once they arrived.
Storytellers Note - If you haven't read THIS session write-up then the following plan will make very little sense...sorry, lol.
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Dr Matthews - Hunting |
"I've spoken to Marius about your coterie" started the doctor "and he has stated that my goals and your might be compatible though he wouldn't elaborate. He did however say that he believed I could trust you..." Deciding to start without revealing too much of their allegiances to the Camarilla he instead discussed their plans to remove Edward with the aid of Vera and Henry who would then abdicate leaving the barony free for a more forward thinking kindred ruler. "By which you mean you of course?" stated Daniel.
Michael then explained that he had a vision of a much better future for Los Angeles without the petty power struggles of two dozen baronies and then laid out a layman's version of the history of 'The Dream' a plan of a Toreador elder with whom Michael shared a name who had lived in the ancient city of Constantinople. Though the more romantic concepts were of less interest to Daniel than the idea of a united city under the control of some-one he was allied with he nonetheless could see the passion which Michael bought to the telling of the tale.
Feeling he could trust his new ally and wanting to offer something personal to show that trust he informed Michael that he was being pursued by his sire with whom he'd had a number of differences. Chief among these differences were the fact that though he had no objection to killing he did believe that death should only be inflicted on those deserving of it and that his sire had deceived him into taking a number of lives that in the doctors opinion were innocent. As a result his sire had pursued him relentlessly and he had taken shelter in Los Angeles where he had met the Gangrel Marius who had created him a new identity and a safe haven in return for his service when necessary. Michael who was aware of both the Banu Haqim's skill-sets could easily see how this arrangement would have suited Marius down to the ground giving him access to both a medical man and some-one skilled in stealthy assassination.
Taking on board this revelation the Toreador pointed out that they first required a barony to enable them to interact with their peers at an appropriate level before moving to expand both their mortal business interests through Roach's plans and their political power via Michael's own skills.
Sebastian LaCroix and Tara, Former Princes of Los Angeles (Deceased)
He also expressed that they would need those with more aggressive skills in order to deal with some of the more violent aspects of any regime change. The future he envisioned would need to be implemented gradually and carefully in order to avoid the disasters that befell LaCroix and Tara, the two previous kindred to attempt to declare themselves 'Prince'. He further elaborated that the roles of Prince, Seneschal, Sheriff and Scourge would go to those who had supported the plan from the very beginning. The implication was clear that one of those roles would be the doctors should he support them. "I think we can do business" confirmed Daniel
Feeling that they'd reached some level of rapport the doctor expressed his doubts about potentially giving over control of Edwards guardian to the Nagaraja Pisha but as Michael pointed out they may have to take the risk unless Vin and Roach had made any progress with the ghoul mages Clara and Sylvia.
Scene Fifteen - Close Encounters
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Edward Vignes - Baron |
Having considered that as far as he was aware there were no others of the Banu Haqim clan operating in Los Angeles and given their reputation as assassins and diablerists Daniel decided that a small measure of subterfuge might be in order and introduced himself instead as a member of clan Brujah while making a mental note to inform the others that he'd done so at the first opportunity. "You seem surprisingly well dressed, well spoken and aware of etiquette for one of the rabble" queried the baron in a manner that had the doctor actually been of the Brujah would have been a definite insult.
He decided to explain this by pointing out that as a chauffeur for one of the Toreador he was expected to maintain certain standards. The idea of a brushed-up Brujah at the beck and call of a member of the Toreador clan seemed to amuse Edward enough for the explanation to be excepted and the flattery that Daniel was also including at every opportunity seemed to help also. "It's refreshing to see one of your clan capable of showing the traditions the appropriate level of respect. Consider yourself welcome to accompany your artist master in my domain whenever necessary." "You may now leave...I have several hours work to accomplish before the evening is my own" Considering himself dismissed Daniel left the room where he was met by the ever present Henry who took him to meet his comrade upstairs.
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Vera Vignes - Baroness |
The necessity of acquiring a sample of Edwards Vitae was laid out to them and despite the risks Henry was assured that it was essential to all their plans. In order to preclude the possibility of a direct question from Edward causing the blood bound servant to divulge their plan the Toreador chose to keep as much detail as possible to himself. Henry informed them all that as the baron was religious about reinforcing the blood bond he was due to partake in a couple of days time so would attempt to avoid consuming enough of the blood for them to have a sample. Michael also arranged a coded signal that should the worse occur would indicate that they should evacuate the mansion, he chose the phrase "Is Vera sure about the frame?" as vague enough to avoid arousing suspicion. In his brief look at the mansion Daniel had came to exactly the same conclusion as Vin had done previously and that was that the physical security was laughingly bad. Evidently Edward relied solely on his supernatural defender to protect his home and person. "Is there any chance of a brief tour of the mansion and grounds?" asked Daniel "It'll give Michael some peace and quiet to work." Henry of course knew that there was more to it than a simple desire to look at the decor but he was now so involved in the plot that he doubted he could get in any more trouble than would occur if they failed so agreed.
The few rooms in the house that he observed held no surprises and were as poorly secured as the rest of the building and the grounds seemed to be the same. The assassin did however notice that along one side of the building an extension had been built and though it had been carefully constructed to match the rest of the property it was very obviously a more recent addition. The external door was fitted with the first sturdy lock he had observed in the building and he guessed based on it's position any internal access from the house would be from Edwards study where he remembered there was a door in the corner behind the desk. As they returned to the front of the house Daniel excused himself claiming to have left something in the car and that he'd find his own way back, where he was left alone by Henry. Taking the opportunity he chose this moment to replace the number on the date plaque with the replica created by his Toreador accomplice.
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The Vignes Entity |
The normally calm and collected doctor took a moment to get himself together before finishing off his task. The speed of the attack and his complete inability to escape the shadowy grip had shaken him considerably especially as his speed had always been his primary advantage. The knowledge that had the entity chose to destroy him it could have done so at will was completely unnerving and he knew that he had to inform Michael immediately, but as far away from this place as possible.
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Michael, Toreador Artist - At Work |
Daniel drove far too fast while constantly checking the rear view mirror until they were out of view of the house before he even spoke to his companion and even then it was difficult to get any sense from him. "It spoke to me, it, spoke, to me..." "You know I'm fast right? you've seen how quickly I can move, yes?" "Tentacles grabbed me, actual tentacles and claws made from shadows grappled me and I couldn't move at all" Attempting to make some sense of the doctors stream of information he attempted to clarify some points but was getting nowhere as the brakes were slammed on and Daniel physically pulled Michael from the car and started babbling again. Seeing little alternative he attempted to calm the situation by focusing his disciplines on the doctor and though he had reservations about using them on an ally he could see no other way to gain the information he needed. A combination of the confused state of the one kindred and another's desire to resolve the situation caused the Toreadors powers to overwhelm the Banu Haqims will significantly.
Storytellers Note - Michael's player couldn't fail a roll, Daniels player only rolled a single success. Needless to say once I'd explained the effects of presence I had trouble keeping a straight face as Matt role-played the now hopelessly infatuated Doctor...
Almost instantly Daniel regretted his hasty actions towards what he was now sure was his best friend in the world. The thought that he might have caused him any distress caused a pang of regret and he immediately apologised for his hasty and completely uncalled for reaction. Michael assured him that he would forgive his hasty actions if he just explained what had occurred and Daniel desperate to please calmed down and relayed the events as they'd happened in between frequent apologies and compliments. Realising that the others needed to be informed and anxious to discover how Roach and Vin had got on at Hallowbrook Michael asked Daniel to get back in the car and drive them to the gallery which he was happy to do. After all he'd been asked by the most wonderful person he knew and wanted to keep him happy. A phone call to Roach proved uninformative due to one word answers but it was obvious that things had not gone to plan.
Scene Sixteen - Return to Pisha
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'Roach' - Malkavian Seer |
"No, you can't have it..." As Michael feared Roach was fully committed to protecting them from Pisha by with-holding the one thing they needed to reach her and after a variety of negotiation tactics failed he was forced to resort to using his vampiric disciplines on an ally for the second time that evening. Unfortunately the malicious voice that existed in the souls of all kindred that some called 'the beast' took the opportunity to take advantage of the Toreadors frustration and dark thoughts began to worm into his mind. Despite his efforts to maintain his focus he couldn't help but feel that Roach should have handed over the map simply because he had asked for it and that it was about time the sulking junkie learned who was in charge.
The sheer force of his will, combined with the residual blood-bond from when Michael had used his own vitae to revive Roach a few days ago overpowered the unprepared Malkavian's mental defences. Under the power of Michael's presence he handed over the map completely unsure of why he'd earlier refused to do so, after all Michael wouldn't have asked without good reason. The elation of imposing his will on another soon turned to shame as the realisation that he had succumbed to the beast in spite of his personal quest to elevate himself above such petty desires. It didn't however stop him taking the map and keys from his companion.
Storytellers Note - Michael's player got a stain on his humanity for that. Though some of it was due to him getting a critical failure on the hunger dice he did break his own rules on maintaining his humanity.
The route you take back to Pisha's lair matches that by which you left and as you reach the basement via the elevator you are greeting by the same severed head dangling from the ceiling though there are three decaying corpses slumped against the wall this time rather than two. As you enter a voice you now recognise as the necromancers once again comes from the mouth of the decapitated head "So you chose to return...Marius's hedge wizards would not or more likely could not help you no doubt...". The partially dismembered bodies in the next room are now missing several more chunks of flesh and limbs and the catering blender is full to the brim of what you now know to be the liquidised remains of Pisha's unfortunate meals. "You have bought the items I requested?"
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Pisha - Nagaraja Necromancer |
The events outside the mansion were relayed in all the detail they could remember and Daniel recollected a few more pieces of information as Pisha prompted him at certain points and asked him to repeat others which in turn inspired new avenues of questioning. Once she was sure she had all the facts that they were able to supply she retrieved several books and began to peruse them while the Toreador and Banu Haqim waited patiently. After a short period of contemplation she appeared to have reached a startling revelation.
"Something I suggested as an outside possibility now in light of this contact now seems more likely in spite of it's rarity." "It's possible that a living creature has been bound somehow and that rather than fetters one of these items that you seek is focusing and amplifying it's powers while the other is enabling Edward to control them. Of course there must also be something binding it or it would simply escape" Daniel and Michael were both curious about the consequences of releasing whatever the entity may be as though they were happy for Edward to be destroyed they really needed Vera and Henry to survive, or more correctly to survive long enough to abdicate control to them. Pisha reiterated what she'd said previously about such things being unpredictable but also reminded them that it seemed to have some manner of self control which indicated that it might be open to reason should they be able to converse with it once more.
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Nagaraja Blood Magic |
"It will take me three days to craft the talisman you require and will necessitate me utilising a number of resources that I have in only limited amounts. Tell the Gangrel I'll need three more 'gifts' to replace what I use to create your trinket..." "...and something for my library, I grow weary of what I have here"
Having little option but to accept her terms they agreed and then left, map in hand. Once safely out of the abandoned hospital Michael decided to phone Marius about Pisha's price as he had apparently been feeding her up to now. Unfortunately he could only get to speak to the much less reasonable Victoria who was very obviously in a foul mood, dispensing with even the semblance of pleasantries "He is currently unavailable, what do you want?" His somewhat long-winded explanation of their request was immediately summarised by the irritated ghoul of their patron.
"So what you're asking is that we murder three people and re-stock an occult library so you can murder a Baron and put yourself in his place? I think we've reached the point that this is beyond 'a favour' or even the trivial boon Marius allowed you to retain and puts you firmly back owing us a boon and a considerable one at that and by 'You' I mean your coterie also. Including your doctor friend who appears to have thrown his lot in with you all" "I'll also need the map...I'll provide you with the most recent version once I've returned"
Michael still feeling guilty about his treatment of Roach and to a lesser extent Daniel came up with a counter offer that enabled them to keep the boons they had accumulated and instead put himself further into debt with the Gangrel 'Fixer'. He offered to personally owe Marius a major boon if the others were considered to be no further in his debt. Victoria informed him that his terms were acceptable and he couldn't help but notice that she didn't seem to feel the need to check with her regnant first. With their short term issues of payment for the cannibal in the basement sorted Michael could only hope that the rest of their plan proceeded without any more boons added to his growing tally...
To Be Continued in 'The Pasadena Problem' - Part Six
In Conclusion
I like to do a round-up of how the session went in these features but if you couldn't give a shit what I think then feel free to skip this bit...
I've used pictures of real people to represent some of the characters and art for others so in no particular order, Michael Tomassio is represented by the actor Matt Bomer, Johnny 'Roach' West is quite obviously Kurt Cobain, 'Vin' is the actor Scott Adkins, Dr Matthews is Mads Mikkelsen, Victoria is a model called either Lorelei Swan or Lilith May depending on where you find her, the Drake sisters are a model called Absentia and another called Elisanth, Vera Vignes is Helen Mirren and Michael's ghoul Lisa is the actress Amanda Righetti. Everything else is from vampire related folders and searches and is as far as I know is all of the 'fair use' variety. If there's something that you feel should be attributed to some-one then feel free to let me know and I'll happily add an acknowledgement...
Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.
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