Friday, 22 April 2022

Vampire the Masquerade - V5 - Solo Session - 'The Barony of the Angels'

I'm currently running a Vampire the Masquerade chronicle using the 5th Edition rule-set for a small group of fellow role-players. These are the chronicles of their adventures.
Our chronicle is set in Los Angeles and features a small group of Camarilla agents sent into the 'Free States' to bring them back under Camarilla control. Over a year of plotting allowed the coterie to gain control of two North-Eastern Baronies and a large part of a third. Now they are moving on to the final stage of their campaign and have their eyes on taking over the entire city, either directly or by proxy.
The now obligatory warning bit - Unlike my other RPG write-ups this one will contain swearing, sexual references and other references that might offend. If you can't tell the difference between real             peoples opinions and grown-ups role-playing predators who crave blood then this probably won't be for you. There are however a list of potential triggers listed before the introduction. I've also used actual photographs to represent some characters which I'll give acknowledgements to at the end if I've any idea who they are.
The introduction to this campaign, the first story and all the other parts can be found at the following links and are in chronological order. If you'd prefer a summary of each session rather than read everything then there's a more detailed link page HERE as well as links to the first episode of each story in the blog sidebar.
Chronicle One - 'Infiltrate L.A.' 
Welcome to L.A. - Introductory Session
Story One - 'Three Murders' - Part OneTwo, ThreeFour and Five
Interlude Session - One
Story Two - 'The Pasadena Problem' - Part OneTwoThree, and Four
Solo Session - 'The Neillson Library'
Story Two Continued- 'The Pasadena Problem' - Part FiveSixSeven and Eight
Story Three - 'Becoming Baron' - Part OneTwoThreeFour and Five
Solo Session - 'The Gather'
Story Three Continued - 'Becoming Baron' - Part SixSeven and Eight
Chronicle Two - 'Foothold L.A.' 
Solo Session - 'Hostile Takeover'
Story Four - 'Countdown' - Part OneTwo and Three
Story Five - 'The Missing Chantry' - Part OneTwoThreeFour and Five
Solo Session - 'The Anaheim Assassination'
Story Six - 'A Meeting of Barons' - Part OneTwo and Three
Story Seven - 'The Carmelita Situation' - Part OneTwo and Three
Story Eight - 'The Blount Sisters' - Part One and Two
Story Nine - 'Blood Money' - Part OneTwoThreeFour, Five and Six
Story Ten - 'Anathema' - Part One and Two
Story Eleven - 'Predators and Prey' aka 'The Blount Sisters' - Part Three
Story Twelve - 'Aftermath' - Part One and Two
Story Thirteen - 'The Messiah Complex' - Part OneTwoThree and Four
Chronicle Three - 'Incursion L.A.'
Story Fourteen - 'The Rant'
Story Fifteen - 'Ties of Blood' - Part One and Two
Solo Session - 'A Gathering of Roses'
Story Sixteen - 'The Southern Solution' - Part OneTwo and Three
Story Seventeen - 'The Baker Disappearance' - Part OneTwo and Three
Story Eighteen - 'Inevitable Betrayals' - Part OneTwoThreeFour and Five
Story Nineteen - 'The Marius Contracts' - Part One and Two
Story Twenty - 'The MacNeil Protocols' - Part OneTwoThreeFourFive
Story Twenty - 'The MacNeil Protocols' - Part SixSevenEightNine and Ten
Interlude Session One - After Griffith Park
Interlude Session Two - Divide and Conquer
Interlude Session Three - On the Brink of War
Chronicle Four - 'Conquest L.A.'
Story Twenty One - 'Veni, Vidi, Victor' - Part OneTwoThreeFourFive
Story Twenty One - 'Veni, Vidi, Victor' - Part Six, and Epilogue
Story Twenty Two - 'The Unbound' - Part OneTwoThree and Four
Story Twenty Three - 'The War Council' - Part OneTwoThree and Four
Interlude Session - Recon
Story Twenty Four - 'Resistance' - Part OneTwoThreeFour and Five
Interlude Session - Damage Limitation
Interlude Session - The Killing Spree
Story Twenty Five - 'Personal Agendas' - Part OneTwo and Three
Story Twenty Six - 'Strange Bedfellows' - Part OneTwoThreeFourFive and Six
Story Twenty Seven - 'The Fiorenza Sanction' - Part OneTwo and Three
Story Twenty Eight - 'Hunters Hunted' - Part OneTwoThree, Four and Five
Story Twenty Eight - 'Hunters Hunted' - Epilogue

The PC
Michael Tomassio - Toreador, 'Baron of the North East'
The Storyteller
Garreth - Everyone else...

The player characters stats and backgrounds can be found HERE should any-one be interested, but be warned that the page is usually several stories ahead of the most recent write-up and may contain some spoilers. 

There's also some minor 'house-rules' HERE that have occurred as we went along.

If I think something needs a bit of out of character explanation then those will get a storytellers note that will helpfully be in red. Introductory pieces that I read to the group are in Blue. Where particular NPC's have a mention in a faction profile you will be able to reach it by clicking on their name or faction beneath their picture.

Trigger Warnings for This Session: Blood (Obviously).

Marius Walker, Baron of Downtown, has contacted Michael to inform him that he needs there to be a meeting of the Anarch Council. He hasn't informed the Arbiter what he wants to discuss, but 'The Fixer' actually bothering to speak to the Anarch Council rather than just do what he was going to do anyway, is definite progress.

Scene One - Venture Tower
Michael decided to indulge Marius and call a meeting of the Anarch Council though he decided not to mention that it was Marius who had requested it. That way if it was something that annoyed any or all of the other Barons, he wouldn't be guilty by association. Enough had gone on in Los Angeles recently that a meeting was probably a good idea anyway.

Los Angeles Skyline - Dominated by Venture Tower

The Anarch Council of the Free States met in a meeting room on the top floor of Venture Tower. The tallest building in Los Angeles at exactly one hundred floors, it had previously been the headquarters of Sebastian LaCroix. LaCroix had been the last Camarilla Prince of Los Angeles, though his reign had been abruptly ended by a coffin full of explosives left there in an elaborate hoax by the notable Anarch Smiling Jack.

Venture Tower - Downtown
Marius had acquired many of LaCroix's business interests after his destruction, via Aegis acquisitions, his legitimate business empire. When the need for a meeting place for the newly established council became apparent, Marius, with uncharacteristic generosity, offered the top floors of the building to them.

As well as the meeting room itself, there are also several offices provided for the Barons on the three floors below. Though few use them as anything other than waiting rooms before meetings, they are there for them to utilise nonetheless.

The meeting place itself offered amazing panoramic views of the city and contained a large table, around which were twenty six chairs divided into thirteen pairs. The more elaborate of each pair was for the Baron, while the other was meant to be for their Seneschal or whatever they referred to their advisor as. In the centre of the table was carved a large map of the city and before each Baron there was a circular plaque containing a rendition of their own Barony and the symbol of the Clan of the Baron who currently controlled it.

Gloria Martinez - Brujah
Baron of El Hermandad
There was also seating around the outside of the room for guests and onlooker's on which to sit. The only regular user of this area was Amara Martins, who represented the Caitiff and duskborn of The Liberated, whom Baron Gloria Martinez invited to every meeting as an observer. Gloria had granted them some territory in return for their assistance and it had been generally decided that they should, at the very least, be allowed to see the decision making process that effected them.

A few of the Barons had initially complained that the whole set-up was worryingly similar to that of a Camarilla Primogen council but Michael had pointed out at their first meeting that this table was circular, with no seat that could be considered the 'head of the table'. In short, they were all equals here, none had a position that could be considered to be equivalent to a Prince.

Of course now that was slightly less true. Since the position of Arbiter had been created so that the meetings could be guided more smoothly, it could be argued that one Baron stood above the others. To counter this criticism it had been agreed that the Arbiter would only be allowed to vote in the event of a vote that was tied, six votes to six.

Michael Tomassio, Baron of the North East, was the current holder of the position of Arbiter as he was the closest the Baron had to a neutral party who had also shown a previous tendency for diplomacy. Or at least, that was the image he had struggled to maintain.

Scene Two - The Barony of the Angels
There were no surprises when it came to Seneschal's or guards, as each Baron was accompanied by their favourites in this regard. Though at earlier meetings there had been more variation, it seemed that as time had gone by, the most suitable kindred had become more or less permanent fixtures in these roles.

Once a few minor issues had been discussed, Marius rose and began to address the council.

"I'll get straight to the point. This city is missing something significant, something that made it worthy of the name 'The Free States'. In short, the lack of a 'Barony of the Angels' or some equivalent thereof, undermines what your founders always claimed was the point of this endeavour."

Isaac Abrams - Toreador
Baron of Hollywood
Michael noted two things. Firstly that he used the word 'your' not 'our' when mentioning the founders of the Anarchs and secondly that neither Isaac Abram's, Baron of Hollywood nor 'Priss', Baron of The Border were surprised by this pronouncement. Though all the other Barons most certainly were.

With no interruptions forthcoming Marius laid out his reasoning.

"It's former incarnation was badly implemented, however I think those lessons can be learned from and a new version created that will benefit us all."

The former Barony of the Angels had been the source of many problems for the Anarch Free States which is why it had been divided up between the neighbouring Baronies over a year ago.

"My own Barony of Downtown covers all the territory previously allocated to the Barony of the Angel's so no one here need worry about losing their own domains to this idea. But hear me out..."

This wasn't strictly true. In fact Marius's current domain was actually larger than The Barony of the Angels had ever been, but some areas that it previously covered were now in the territory of other Barons. It was, however, close enough to the truth that no one objected.

"...Nines bar and the newly revitalized Skid Row is a perfect place for the idealistic neonates to learn what it means to be an Anarch from one that we all agree is an exemplar of what that actually stands for. In support of this, I would also be willing to grant the entirety of the area known as 'Skid Row' to Nines as feeding ground to do with as he wishes. As his bar is slap bang in the middle it shouldn't be a problem for him or perhaps Damsel or Skelter to oversee..."
Michael had to give Marius some credit for bringing Nines into the conversation. He was held in high regard by the Anarchs in general and those of Clan Brujah specifically. As the Brujah were the most common kindred within Los Angeles this meant that any perception that Nines approved of the plan would bring about a lot of extra support. Michael made a mental note to contact Damsel after the meeting to find out exactly what Nines crew thought of the idea. If his approval had already been gained then stopping Marius's plan would become considerably more difficult. Should he decide to do so that is.

Lyko Wu - Ventrue
Dragons Head of the Blood Dragons
"...Those escaping from the Kindred of the East could find a temporary home in Chinatown..."

This concept seemed to Michael to be a solution to a problem that didn't really exist. After the Kuei-Jin had been driven from L.A., or simply left of their own accord depending on who you asked, the city hadn't heard anything from them since. In fact even globally their presence had lessened considerably though none of the Western vampires had any idea why. Michael just couldn't see how their would be any demand for such a haven from the Eastern Kindred, though at least from a cultural point of view it gave vampires from the Orient a place to call home.

"...The Consolidated Chantry of Los Angeles supported by its sister Chantry in San Francisco, is open to accepting students set adrift by the shattering of the Tremere pyramid..."

This understandably caused several murmurs of disapproval to echo around the table. Many were already concerned about having a group of blood sorcerers, still nominally loyal to The Camarilla, right in the middle of Los Angeles. Marius's childe Eleanor Braun, who acted as liaison between her sire and the Chantry, had done a good job of keeping the relationship between the Anarchs and the Houses within The Consolidated Chantry of Los Angeles cordial. Michael had a contact within the Chantry and was therefore less concerned than the other Barons. If it's members planned any actions against the Free States then Marie of House Carna would be sure to inform him.

'The Nameless One'
Defacto Ruler of Koreatown
"...Koreatown would obviously be off limits but the Nameless One has agreed to give any who accidentally trespass on his domain a single warning and a chance to leave before taking any action, so any casualties would fall broadly under the umbrella of natural selection...

Michael could see that mention of Koreatown elicited some interest from Baron Fortier of West Los Angeles. This territory was dangerously close to Louis's own borders and no-one liked the idea of having a mass murdering, vampiric vigilante as a neighbour. The fact that 'The Voiceless Ones', a trio of known diablerists, had also made the area their home was hardly reassuring. The Baron of the North East did however have to admit that 'The Nameless One' not killing trespassers on sight might be considered progress.

"...areas beneath my domain are being cleared so any clans who prefer to make their havens beneath the ground rather than above it, may do so. The Swarms mistress will keep her followers out of certain areas and the domains of other subterranean dwellers are clearly delineated..."

Gary Golden scoffed openly at this and Michael had to agree with his assessment. Neither could imagine anyone wanting The Mistress of the Swarms followers anywhere near their Havens. There was also the small matter of the two werewolf tribes that also made their home beneath Downtown

Seemingly on a roll, Marius's next statement focussed the attention of every Baron and their advisors.

Scene Three - Trading Places
Priss - Lasombra
Baron of 'The Border'
"...Priss has also agreed to allow any Lasombra fleeing from the corruption of the Sabbat, and who also have no desire to place themselves under the rule of the Camarilla, to reside in 'The Border'. Therefore I will extend my patrols to encompass that area. Henceforth 'The Border' will be part of Downtown..."

Priss then somewhat melodramatically stood up and leaned her chair against the table on it's two front legs, before walking around and standing behind Marius.

She was followed a moment later by her own advisor, or possibly bodyguard, ‘Nannie’ Gray. Seemingly amused by the chaos he'd caused, Marius continued.

"...this brings me to a related point. With a chair now vacant, perhaps it's time for the duskborn to once more have a place within the politics of this city. I suggest that the territory granted 'The Liberated' be formally declared a Barony. If Amara is willing to take on such a burden?...hopefully, unlike the last Duskborn Baron, she won't try and put a stake through my heart..."

None present, not even Michael, could detect whether Marius's last statement had been made in jest or whether he'd been serious. Gloria Martinez, Baron of El Hermandad made it obvious that she had something to say,  Michael indicated that Gloria should be given an opportunity to speak on the proposal. Needless to say, she didn't seem happy about it.

Amara Martins - Duskborn
Leader of 'The Liberated'
"Your plan does involve me surrendering the substantial feeding ground I have generously granted 'The Liberated' to form this new Barony, without any thought to compensating me for the loss. Suffice to say that neither Amara, nor any of her followers have access to enough boons, influence or even mundane mortal finances to make good on such a debt..."

A few of the more financially astute, or just plain territorial, Barons agreed with Gloria. This was a lot for anyone to be expected to give away. This was also an issue where Amara clearly needed to speak on behalf of those she represented and after quietening down the others, Michael made this point.

"I believe that Amara has the right to talk on this subject. Self determination is the fundamental difference between us and the Camarilla, is it not?"

Amara took this as her cue to address the council and so stood and approached the table of the thirteen.

"What Baron Martinez says is quite true. Though perhaps as it was Baron Walker who cost the Duskborn and Caitiff their last home on Santa Monica Pier, captured our leader and enslaved many of the few survivors of the massacre that he perpetrated, that it is he who should compensate you, not us?"

Jenna Cross - Duskborn
'Messiah', Whereabouts Unknown
This statement raised a few eyebrows around the table, not least of which from Marius who was clearly surprised that Amara, who in his eyes no doubt, he was doing a favour for, was now taking the opportunity to openly criticise him.

Michael also theorized that Baron Martinez objection was not solely to do with the territory granted by her. It also reduced her and Allison's power by giving a subservient ally their independence. The returning Garcia would also have much less leverage with The Liberated if they were truly independent.

Marius didn't wait to be recognised and replied anyway. Though Michael knew that Marius quite liked anything that broke the monotony and often gained a perverse enjoyment from surprises, even unpleasant ones, he was also well aware that he also often reacted poorly to direct criticism.

"Let's not forget who had who chained up like a junkyard dog, while she rattled on about being some kind of fucking messiah. The fact that I allowed any to survive was the height of generosity on my part...and none who entered my service that day have any desire to leave it now...I also shouldn't need to remind Baron Martinez that she actually gave them this territory as a thankyou for the help they gave her...however this seems like something we need an Arbiter to mediate..."

As all eyes turned to Michael, the Toreador was unsure whether Marius had done him a favour by acknowledging the importance of his position, or had thrown him to the wolves. With Marius, either was a possibility.

The Arbiter was however sure of a number of things. Firstly that Marius wouldn't really make any compromises that he hadn't already decided to make. 

Duskborn of the Cross Rebellion
Currently Blood Dolls of Marius
Secondly, that he certainly wouldn't release any of the duskborn that had entered his service, even if initially it had been unwillingly on their part. Thirdly, all present knew that the area granted to The liberated by Gloria wasn't a particularly choice domain anyway, which is why she hadn't minded giving it away in the first place.

Michael decided that he needed to do some grandstanding in order to make his point.

"There has been too much water under too many bridges for us to exist in the past. That is the way of the Ivory Tower, not our way. We have been challenged from the outside and from within and we have prevailed. We have done so without the influence and manipulations of elder kindred, we have forged our own destiny and have done so together."

Michael could see that he had the attention of the other Barons. It seemed that his plan to draw attention away from their rivalries by focussing on their combined achievements was working. He then continued. 

"To risk splitting us apart over something as trivial as payment for something previously given freely, goes against everything we as Anarchs stand for. If Amara feels that she owes any debt to those who gave her and her fellow duskborn their independence, then I'm sure that she will repay those debts when she is able. As distasteful to me as the loss of unlife was during the Cross Rebellion let us not forget that she too acted against the principles of The Free States. How many Princes also think of themselves as Messiahs, granted leadership by right of position and title rather than merit? Too many, in my opinion..."

Storytellers Note - The speech was excellent but I made the player roll Persuasion to see if it was good enough to persuade an entire room of very self-interested Barons. A Blood Surge and a Willpower re-roll gave him an impressive total of ten successes. Which was more than enough.

Scene Four - Checks and Balances
Now Michael decided to see how many compromises that Marius had already decided he was willing to make that he could get him to agree to.

Jeremy MacNeil - Brujah
Baron of Los Angeles, Destroyed
"If we are as a Council are to give our blessing to the Baron of Downtowns plan to effectively become overseer of a new Barony of the Angels then we need to ensure that those individual domains within are truly independent. These groups who are to welcome new kindred to the Anarch cause should not be beholden to any Baron. That was, after all Jeremy MacNeil's original intention for that domain, was it not?"

Marius interrupted once more.

"As he's met his Final Death it's going to be a bit difficult to ask him that question. If we really want to try then I know at least one necromancer..."

Michael gave Marius a dirty look. Several Barons had chuckled at Marius's quip, and others were downright offended at the implication. Rallying himself he continued.

"Despite your less than respectful tone Marius. I've known you long enough to be aware that you have the Anarch spirit, even if you deny it to even yourself. Though your interruption does somewhat underline my point. Should these new sub-domains be expected to give fealty to one so mercurial?"

As Marius rose from his chair, several of the Barons bodyguards tensed. Though violence had never broke out at a meeting of the Anarch Council, the Gangrel Baron had shown his displeasure at the Anarch meetings known as 'The Rants', with physical force on several occasions. Of course he wasn't the only Baron or Anarch to do so, but his outbursts had generally been quite memorable.

Marius after one of his 'Memorable Outbursts'

"You have some suggestions?"

The bodyguards relaxed, but not much, as Michael replied.

Venus Dare - Ghoul of Marius
Manager of Club Confession
"Not specifically, no..." Said Michael, much to the Councils surprise who were used to Michael being more specific.

"...but I'm sure that you had already anticipated some of our objections. We require a more balanced environment than the one currently proposed. The only two kindred friendly establishments within this area are yours and it appears that you are still to be the one who decides exactly what is permissible and what is not..."

Marius smiled. 

Michael was aware that one of two things were about to happen. If violence was to occur it would happen almost instantly. If there was a pause, then they'd get a conversation instead.

After a few seconds Marius began to lay out what concessions he was willing to make.

"In order to further balance the opportunities given to new arrivals, I suggest that both Club Zombie and The Taste of L.A. be reopened as I intend to withdraw the impediments to their operation that I had put in place. Once more, Club Zombie will be under the control of Baron Fortier and, in Garcia's absence, perhaps one of his childer would be willing to take on 'The Taste'? It is my understanding that the ghouls of Garcia who previously ran that place are currently under Gloria's protection..."

Salvador Garcia - Brujah, Anarch Revolutionary and Founding Member

Knowing that he wouldn't have made the statement if he didn't already know that this was the case, Michael was sure that Gloria did indeed have access to these ghouls. Gloria indicated that he was correct with a nod of her head.

"...those, along with my own Club Confession and Nines 'The Last Round', should provide a variety of kindred friendly locations where the existing Barons can discuss the worthiness of their own takes on The Anarch cause and recruit any willing to follow them..."

Therese Voerman - Malkavian
Baron of Santa Monica
Baron Voerman interrupted. "As one is reasonably sure that you have no intention of giving up your Barony, how exactly is this like the Barony of the Angel's of old?"

Therese instantly commanded the attention of the other Barons. She rarely spoke at meetings but when she did it was wise to pay heed. Or face the consequences.

"... because, despite my people patrolling to ensure there is no trouble, access across my borders will not require the visitors to introduce themselves or ask permission. If they wish to show me that courtesy, then they are free to do so, but I will not demand it... I will give new arrivals who ask it of me, shall we say, a lunar month of free board in an adequate haven, and access to enough blood to get by? then they should have been able to decide whether they wish to stay, leave, or join a particular Barony..."

Michael interrupted to add the stipulation that this generosity should not be used to leverage favours from those who received it. Marius agreed, but Michael could already foresee a number of possible loopholes that could be exploited. From the looks on the faces of the other Barons, many too, had their doubts.

"...this does mean that other Baronies would have to allow free passage through their domains to reach Downtown, but that shouldn't be an issue. Unless of course the Free States are, in fact, not 'Free' at all..." Though none of the Barons raised any objections, Michael couldn't help but note that Isaac seemed particularly pleased that there had been no impediments to this 'free passage'.

The 'Original' Barony of the Angels - Divided Between the Barons

"...additionally, the agreement made by us all to allow Michael free access to all territories formally part of the Barony of the Angel's still stands as far as I am concerned. He can therefore monitor the activities within the domain to his hearts content and report back any issues to this council. I see no reason why that shouldn't be a duty that falls under the oversight of The Arbitor of the Anarch Council. Unless Michael feels that the duty is too much of an extra burden?.."

Michael agreed that he was more than happy to comply with this request.

Scene Five - Power Given Freely
Michael Tomassio - Toreador
Arbiter of the Anarch Council
Isaac Abrams, Baron of Hollywood rose as Marius and Michael sat down.

"Since Marius seems to have decided that the job of Arbiter also involves deciding matters outside of a tied vote then I think we need some clarification on the nature of the role..."

"In my opinion, having the position as a none voting one creates more issues than it solves. Now we count allies before considering the actual pros and cons of each decision. We have become no different than a Primogen Council plotting to sway the opinions of a Prince..."

He stopped briefly and addressed Michael directly. "Not that I am in any way comparing your time in this role to that of a wannabe Prince..."

Michael chose to not interrupt.

Isaac then continued. "...With a council of thirteen, decisions will always go one way or the other and Baron Tomassio has demonstrated on multiple occasions that his goal is the betterment of all kindred society, not merely those of us with power. I therefore believe that the Arbiter should be allowed to vote."

"With all due respect Isaac..." interrupted Louis. " is that any different?"

Isaac had apparently already considered this. "We are not the Camarilla. Should Michael ever prove to be consistently overstepping the parameters given to the job then one of us will no doubt quietly assassinate him, to which the others with no time for despotism will turn a blind eye."

'Gorgeous' Gary Golden - Nosferatu
Defacto Baron of 'The Warrens'
Though this was true, many were surprised that the usually subtle Isaac had spoken so directly

"Let's put it to a vote shall we?"

Hank Boyd, Harvey Caplan, Karen Anatos, Isaac Abrams, Marius Walker and Myranda Maria all voted 'for' while Amara Martin's, Allison Maller, Gloria Martinez, Louis Fortier and Therese Voerman had voted 'against'.

All noticed that Gary Golden had yet to vote, as all eyes turned to him and he addressed the council.

"Well, Boss's...I have nothing against Michael and normally wouldn't hesitate to vote in his favour...but, on this occasion I'll have to vote no. Not because I actually object, but because this will tie the voting and the thought that The Arbiter gets to decide whether he gets a vote, or not, amuses me no end..."

This was a difficult decision for Michael and he asked for a moment to consider his response. After a few moments had passed he gave his reply.

"By our very nature we resist change, yet change should be something we embrace. The status quo should not merely be accepted. However, with that being said, I will only accept the modified version of the role suggested by Isaac with the full will of the council. So thank-you Isaac for your faith in me, but I must cast my vote as a 'No'. It seems I have much work left to do to unite us all and hopefully over time I can gain the trust of those who voted against this amendment."

With that, the meeting was adjourned.

The urges of his bloodline had been screaming at him to accept but Michael was playing the long game. He would eventually be trusted and adored by them all, even if they didn't know it yet.

Interlude - An Enemy Within
None could doubt the commanding presence of the ancient kindred as he addressed his brood. All focussed their full attention upon him and it was obvious that he thrived on their worship of him.

Most Favoured Childe
All were young men, blonde, and appeared to be in their early teens. Their adoration had been secured by bonds of blood as well as the supernatural charisma of their master. The majority of these worshippers were his, though some were gifts from the traitor.

He turned to another adolescent who hovered at his right hand. This one, like the others was blonde haired and angelic in features, though was far paler of skin. As the most beautiful of them, he alone had been granted the honour of the embrace. He was also the most cruel, but that was incidental.

Another kindred entered the chamber, he too was handsome and blonde, but older than the others, perhaps in his early twenties. 

"My lord, we have received another message from the betrayer. He is preparing for your arrival and assured you of both his loyalty and that the one you seek is still unaware of your imminent visit."

The elder reclined in his chair and beckoned one of the youths over to him and drank deeply from the offered throat. Then he spoke, his voice powerful, and filled with scorn.

"Tell them that we will keep to our bargain as long as he can provide that which he claims to be able to provide. Though also make them aware that we begin to grow impatient. As each night goes by, the percentage of his empire that we will allow him to retain grows smaller. If he fails us then he may well lose everything, including his unlife..."

Ancient Toreador Methuselah
Identity Currently Unknown
As the messenger backed from the room, doubts once more filled him. This was not the kindred whose emergence from torpor he had awaited. He had become cruel and impatient, his desires more intense. No longer did he hold any regard for the needs of his vessels, his own wants had become paramount.

Before he had crossed the threshold, he heard his masters voice, both in person and within his mind. "Wait..." powerless to resist, he did as commanded. Without seeming to inhabit the space between his throne and the doorway, the ancient appeared just in front of him and cupped his chin in one well manicured hand. If not for the vice like grip, the gesture might almost have seemed tender.

"I sense your doubts and I understand why you may have them..." stated a voice that worked it's way into his mind "...but I can have none in my service whose goals are not in sync with mine own. So I need you to awake early tomorrow and walk into the sun..."

The Methuselah returned to his throne. He had put his faith in another childe once before and had been embarrassed in return, Now he held all in his service to the highest of standards and all who failed him would pay the ultimate price.

He turned to his childe and current favourite and beckoned them closer. This one had real talent to match his beauty and would show that talent to the world through the technology of the modern world.

"Let us discuss our plans for the empire that the turncoat will be passing onto you..."

Storytellers Conclusions
I sometimes like to do a round-up of how the session went in these features but if you couldn't give a shit what I think then feel free to skip this bit....

Solo sessions are always interesting, even if as a Storyteller you do burn through material at an accelerated rate due to the lack of conversation between a group of players. The ending surprised me to be honest as I was expecting the player to make a grab for the power offered.

Portions of the materials are the copyrights and trademarks of White Wolf Entertainment AB, and are used with permission. All rights reserved.

I've used pictures of real people to represent some of the characters and art for others so in no particular order Michael Tomassio is represented by Matt Bomer, Gloria Martinez is Ariadne Artiles, Marius Walker is Tony Curran, Isaac Abrams is Gary Oldman, Nines Rodriguez is Luis Carazo, 'Damsel' is Irina Delnova, Lyko Wu is David E Collier, 'The Nameless One' is Gary J. Tunnicliffe, 'Priss' is Sofia Boutella, Amara Martins is Indira Varma, Jenna Cross is Rhona Mitra, Venus Dare is Sophie Howard, Salvador Garcia is Antonio Banderas, Therese Voerman is Whitney Moore, 'Most Favoured Childe' is Lucas Till and 'Unknown Methuselah' is Michael Douglas.

Everything else is from vampire related folders and searches and is as far as I know is all of the 'fair use' variety. If there's something that you feel should be attributed to some-one then feel free to let me know and I'll happily add an acknowledgement.

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