Saturday, 3 September 2022

Vampire the Masquerade - V5 - Session One Hundred and Eighteen - 'Methuselah' (Part Seven)

I'm currently running a Vampire the Masquerade chronicle using the 5th Edition rule-set for a small group of fellow role-players. These are the chronicles of their adventures.
Our chronicle is set in Los Angeles and features a small group of Camarilla agents sent into the 'Free States' to bring them back under Camarilla control. Over a year of plotting allowed the coterie to gain control of two North-Eastern Baronies and a large part of a third. Now they are moving on to the final stage of their campaign and have their eyes on taking over the entire city, either directly or by proxy.
The now obligatory warning bit - Unlike my other RPG write-ups this one will contain swearing, sexual references and other references that might offend. If you can't tell the difference between real             peoples opinions and grown-ups role-playing predators who crave blood then this probably won't be for you. There are however a list of potential triggers listed before the introduction. I've also used actual photographs to represent some characters which I'll give acknowledgements to at the end if I've any idea who they are.
The introduction to this campaign, the first story and all the other parts can be found at the following links and are in chronological order. If you'd prefer a summary of each session rather than read everything then there's a more detailed link page HERE as well as links to the first episode of each story in the blog sidebar.
Chronicle One - 'Infiltrate L.A.' 
Welcome to L.A. - Introductory Session
Story One - 'Three Murders' - Part OneTwo, ThreeFour and Five
Interlude Session - One
Story Two - 'The Pasadena Problem' - Part OneTwoThree, and Four
Solo Session - 'The Neillson Library'
Story Two Continued- 'The Pasadena Problem' - Part FiveSixSeven and Eight
Story Three - 'Becoming Baron' - Part OneTwoThreeFour and Five
Solo Session - 'The Gather'
Story Three Continued - 'Becoming Baron' - Part SixSeven and Eight
Chronicle Two - 'Foothold L.A.' 
Solo Session - 'Hostile Takeover'
Story Four - 'Countdown' - Part OneTwo and Three
Story Five - 'The Missing Chantry' - Part OneTwoThreeFour and Five
Solo Session - 'The Anaheim Assassination'
Story Six - 'A Meeting of Barons' - Part OneTwo and Three
Story Seven - 'The Carmelita Situation' - Part OneTwo and Three
Story Eight - 'The Blount Sisters' - Part One and Two
Story Nine - 'Blood Money' - Part OneTwoThreeFour, Five and Six
Story Ten - 'Anathema' - Part One and Two
Story Eleven - 'Predators and Prey' aka 'The Blount Sisters' - Part Three
Story Twelve - 'Aftermath' - Part One and Two
Story Thirteen - 'The Messiah Complex' - Part OneTwoThree and Four
Chronicle Three - 'Incursion L.A.'
Story Fourteen - 'The Rant'
Story Fifteen - 'Ties of Blood' - Part One and Two
Solo Session - 'A Gathering of Roses'
Story Sixteen - 'The Southern Solution' - Part OneTwo and Three
Story Seventeen - 'The Baker Disappearance' - Part OneTwo and Three
Story Eighteen - 'Inevitable Betrayals' - Part OneTwoThreeFour and Five
Story Nineteen - 'The Marius Contracts' - Part One and Two
Story Twenty - 'The MacNeil Protocols' - Part OneTwoThreeFourFive
Story Twenty - 'The MacNeil Protocols' - Part SixSevenEightNine and Ten
Interlude Session One - After Griffith Park
Interlude Session Two - Divide and Conquer
Interlude Session Three - On the Brink of War
Chronicle Four - 'Conquest L.A.'
Story Twenty One - 'Veni, Vidi, Victor' - Part OneTwoThreeFourFive
Story Twenty One - 'Veni, Vidi, Victor' - Part Six, and Epilogue
Story Twenty Two - 'The Unbound' - Part OneTwoThree and Four
Story Twenty Three - 'The War Council' - Part OneTwoThree and Four
Interlude Session - Recon
Story Twenty Four - 'Resistance' - Part OneTwoThreeFour and Five
Interlude Session - Damage Limitation
Interlude Session - The Killing Spree
Story Twenty Five - 'Personal Agendas' - Part OneTwo and Three
Story Twenty Six - 'Strange Bedfellows' - Part OneTwoThreeFourFive and Six
Story Twenty Seven - 'The Fiorenza Sanction' - Part OneTwo and Three
Story Twenty Eight - 'Hunters Hunted' - Part OneTwoThreeFour and Five
Story Twenty Eight - 'Hunters Hunted' - Epilogue
Solo Session - 'The Salubri Tome'
Story Twenty Nine - 'Methuselah' - Part OneTwoThreeFourFive
Story Twenty Nine - 'Methuselah' - Part Six

The PC's
Michael Tomassio - Toreador, 'Baron of the North East'
Vincent 'Vin' Ghast - Brujah, 'Constable'
Dr Daniel Matthews - Banu Haqim, 'Fixer'
Hope Romero - Gangrel, 'Census Taker'
Sofia Rivera - Toreador, 'Hollywood Scourge'

The Storyteller
Garreth - Everyone else...

The player characters stats and backgrounds can be found HERE should any-one be interested, but be warned that the page is usually several stories ahead of the most recent write-up and may contain some spoilers. 

There's also some minor 'house-rules' HERE that have occurred as we went along.

If I think something needs a bit of out of character explanation then those will get a storytellers note that will helpfully be in red. Introductory pieces that I read to the group are in Blue. Where particular NPC's have a mention in a faction profile you will be able to reach it by clicking on their name or faction beneath their picture.

Trigger Warnings for This Session: Blood (Obviously)

The coterie has a busy night ahead of it. 

Both Mr Hertz and Vin wish to speak to Michael on matters which they claim need addressing quickly. Hertz is already present and awaiting his Baron's attention and Vin is on his way. 

Pisha has prepared a location from which Michael can interrogate his 'sister of the blood' Sofia, and a Council meeting has been scheduled for early the following night which will, unfortunately, give them little time to discuss the matters necessary. Unfortunately several Barons claim that this is the only time they have available and as far as the coterie can ascertain, this might actually be true, though some have their doubts.

Scene Thirty Eight - Hostile Takeover
Mr Hertz as usual has had his eye on the financial comings and goings of the coterie's kindred rivals within Los Angeles. Michael knew that Hertz wouldn't call a meeting like this unless he'd discovered something very serious.

"I'll get straight to the point as I know you have a lot on this evening..."

"Someone is attempting to gain control over all the kindred controlled business of significance within this city. The 'big three' are, as you know. Isaac Abrams 'Golden Age' companies including a monolithic presence in the media industry..."

Golden Age Jewellery - A minor part of Baron Abrams empire.

"...Fortier's empire accumulated over several centuries of careful investment and manipulation of important individuals of note and Marius's Aegis Acquisitions. Though Aegis is currently the most aggressive in terms of expansion it will still be several years before it eclipses the other two. Of course with those levels of wealth the differences become negligible."

He paused briefly to allow those present to absorb this information.

"Also of note are the Voerman's 'Asylum' franchise which has also allowed the funding of other entertainment, hospitality and construction projects."

"Karen Anatos's unconventional yet inexplicably profitable multi-media corporation and of course Baron Caplan's logistics interests that have given him a near monopoly over the dockyards and ports of Los Angeles. Though these were also being subtly infiltrated, the Voermans seem to have suddenly been left alone, anyway, it is the first three I mentioned that are of most concern."

When no-one interrupted, Mr Hertz continued. It appeared that he had everyone's attention.

"I have some further information and some conjectures based on my own financial knowledge if you wish to hear them?"

Michael indicated that the Nosferatu accountant should continue. This was Hertz's area of expertise and any insights he had were sure to be relevant.

Pentex - A MegaCorporation
"What is unusual is that takeovers of this scale are usually to remove a competitor either by elimination or absorption or because you believe that they will become even more profitable in the future or may be monetized in ways that the current owners have not foreseen. Either way, even mega-corporations like Pentex don't engage in these activities for any reason other than the pursuit of profit. This however is different...the inconceivable amounts of money involved and the methods employed would take decades to recoup even if their target companies and corporations survived, which is itself doubtful, short it seems that someone wants to be the only game in town and doesn't care what it costs to accomplish..."

It was clear to Michael and Daniel that the concept of engaging in such a massive attempted takeover without the motive being to make a profit was quiet alien to Hertz's way of thinking. As the information about the presence of a fourth generation Methuselah with a millennia of resources at his disposal being in the city hadn't yet been shared with Mr Hertz, his confusion was understandable.

Michael decided to keep this information to himself for a while longer so simply asked his accountant who he thought might be responsible.

Methuselah - Nearly Unlimited Wealth
"I have no idea who is doing it, just that it's happening. Even with my skills and contacts there's a level of political and financial power which one of my interests finds, to be quite frank, terrifying. These are the people who never appear on personal or corporate rich-lists and can throw billions of dollars at a problem like it's pocket change. This isn't 'old money' this is 'ancient money'. These, 'whoever the hell they are' own the financial institutions behind every decision. This might sound like conspiracy theories but I assure you they exist."

Daniel had no reason to doubt this assessment. If a mortal could become a billionaire in a single lifetime, then who knows what resources a kindred with the power over the minds of others might accumulate in thousands of years of unlife.

"How are the targets reacting to this hostile takeover?" asked Michael

Mr Hertz had, of course, considered this very question.

Louis Fortier - Ventrue
Baron of West Los Angeles
"Isaac is making no attempt to oppose this takeover, in fact it looks like he's facilitating it, though not as much as he could in theory do, so perhaps there's still some resistance. Fortier is defending his holdings by using his own funds to counter the tactics of this mysterious 'other' and focussing his mortal political allies into putting obstacles in the way of this hostile takeover."

"Marius is also fighting back but in a far less subtle manner. The amount of negotiators, lawyers, and front men that have died suddenly, committed suicide or been brutally killed in accidents, home invasions, 'muggings gone wrong' etc. would be comical if it wasn't such a serious matter. Of course this underlines a weakness of Marius's but that's probably not something that we have time to discuss currently..."

Daniel made a mental note to ask Hertz about this 'weakness' before he finished this meeting. Michael had his own question. "What are the chances of the victims actually winning?"

This had also been considered.

"In my personal opinion, Louis's methods have the best chance of succeeding. Killing people is all well and good, but human nature tends to presume that this sort of thing is going to happen to 'the other guy' not them. It's not like Marius can have every lawyer in the world killed now is it?"

"He might give it a go..." quipped Hope who had just arrived, summoned by Michael in case Vin's visit went badly, as he had no idea what he was coming to discuss. Michael ignored Hope's comment, his interests were closer to home. He needed to know if they were themselves in any immediate danger.

'The Galerie Sanguine' - Pasadena
"The Galerie Sanguine and our other interests are either too small or too unimportant to bother with. I should be insulted but in this instance being beneath their notice is the best we can hope for. We don't have the money or power to defend against such an onslaught...yet...once our franchise scheme has expanded sufficiently to give us footholds in other domains then I foresee that changing. The mall project should also bring in considerable revenue when completed. Not yet, though..."

Michael weighed up the issues with letting Hertz know about Sir Matthew Lubbock, versus the downsides of him walking face-first into this threat without being forewarned. He decided it was worth the risk.

"We have become aware of a new threat to the city..." began Michael. "...we believe that an ancient Methuselah, possibly as low as 4th generation and as old as three millennia, has designs on Los Angeles. He certainly, at least in theory, has the resources to accomplish what you have described and also may be able to exert influence over his bloodline, which would include Isaac Abrams..."

Rather than perturb the Nosferatu, he seemed to simply take the information on board. "That would explain many things..." he replied. "...I shall tread carefully but broaden my investigation now I know the scope of what I'm dealing with."

Marius Walker - Gangrel
Baron of Downtown
Michael had to admit he was impressed. Of all his coterie, Mr Hertz had reacted most favourably to the news. As Hertz turned to leave, Daniel prompted him about his previous comment about Marius's alleged weakness.

"Marius plans are usually long-term and convoluted in the extreme almost as if they were being created by a committee rather than a single individual, though I imagine in seven centuries one picks up a wide variety of methodologies. However, any obstacle that is smaller in scale is dealt with in one of two ways. Either he ignores it completely or he reacts with overwhelming and often unnecessary levels of brutality. Though predicating which method he utilises might as well be decided with a toss of a coin." 

"In short, he overthinks or overreacts, there is seemingly no middle ground."

Before Hertz left, Michael put an idea to him.

"It might be preferable that Marius, and possibly the others, but Marius in particular, become weakened by this ancients interference before we offer any potential solutions that you might discover. As far as we know, both Isaac and Marius are on opposite sides to us and so anything that drains their available resources might actually benefit us. In fact if any become weakened sufficiently for us to take over ourselves..."

Storytellers Note - This was a surprisingly ruthless tactic coming from Michael's player, but it was a very 'vampire' thing to suggest.

Hertz understood completely and it was something he had been considering. However hearing such a suggestion come from Michael took him slightly by surprise. It was an unusually ruthless response for him to take advantage of the situation in such a manner. At least this time he had permission to act which made the usual manoevering around his Baron's moral position, at least on this occasion, unnecessary.

Scene Thirty Nine - 'Sister'
Desdemona Moore - Brujah
Praetor, Red Alastor, Sire of Vin
Both Michael and Daniel were relieved to discover that Vin actually seemed in quite a good mood.

It seemed that he had come to terms with the fact that Michael had kept his knowledge of the Methuselah, Sir Matthew Lubbock to himself for so long. In truth he had accepted Michael's reasoning that this had been for his own safety.

He took a seat at the meeting table and shared his news.

The coterie was aware that Vin had been tasked with locating Georgiana by their sire Desdemona Moore, and she was not the kind of kindred that one wanted to disappoint.

"My 'sister' is indeed below Downtown and has a haven of sorts within the territory of one of The Mistress of the Swarm's lesser childer, named Melinda. Her influence is small compared to that of Quinn and the other 'brother' Blake, but nonetheless her domains borders are respected.

Daniel, like the rest of the coterie, knew of Quinn but was unaware that any other childer of the so-called 'Mistress of the Swarm' held positions of authority. Daniel was curious about what Vin had learned about these other childer. Though slightly irritated at being side-tracked Vin nonetheless replied.

"Melinda is a skinny, gothic looking thing. Doesn't look like much but she's apparently a vicious fucker when riled. Likes setting things on fire too according to Georgiana. Blake I've never met, but he's meant to be a big bastard. But as they're Gangrel I doubt either of them would give you a fair fight if that's what you're asking. Anyway, where was I?"

Melinda - Gangrel
Faction leader of 'The Swarm'
Daniel took this to mean that this was all the answer he was getting.

Hope ignored the dig at her Clan. Clan Brujah and Clan Gangrel had always had a different policy on violence. A Brujah would fight to the death for a cause they believed in, a Gangrel on the other hand would withdraw before their destruction, come back another day and kill you then, preferably while your back was turned. Pragmatism was fundamental to the average Gangrel's survival. Hope, like her early mentor Marius, believed in pushing yourself to the limit, but neither knowingly picked a fight they thought they couldn't win. Whether a fight was 'fair' was largely subjective anyway.

Vin then continued.

"Georgiana has been acting as a sort of advisor on tactical matters which has given Melinda an edge against Blake, though not Quinn or their sire, in return for a place to stay that's unlikely to be disturbed. The Sabbat are unlikely to forgive or forget her betrayal and so laying low seemed like a good plan. She's also been providing intelligence on the Sabbat to Marius in return for feeding vessels and some comforts for her Haven. The Swarm apparently aren't big on such things."

"Part of the deal with Marius was secrecy about her location. It was only when he was contacted personally by our sire that he became open about the subject. I'm not sure whether she used threats, bribery or both, but whatever her methods, I've been granted access to Georgiana."

Daniel had recently concluded that she was the kindred that he and Hope had been soundly defeated by when investigating a cult of ancestor worshipping Brujah over a year ago. That Daniel had shot her during their second encounter was a concern for him and he hoped that he would finally learn exactly what the fuck she had been up to.

Georgiana Landry - Brujah
Childe of Desdemona Moore
"She's not happy about being shot by Daniel...twice...especially as she was only there to explain herself and ask to meet me, and then got jumped by Hope first. She does however understand our position on the matter and has therefore assured me that she will not seek vengeance. Though I'd avoid giving her any excuses if I was Daniel, or Hope for that matter. She's neither as subtle or as patient as I am..."

The fact that Vin saw no irony in describing himself as the patient and subtle one amused Hope. It also gave some indication to how unsubtle his 'sister' was.

"What's most important however is that she has passed on a piece of pertinent information to me. 'The Swarm' have been mapping Los Angeles sewers, warrens and underground tunnels. Not just Downtown but pretty much everywhere except Hollywood, which would be a major issue if not for one significant detail, namely that they're marking routes to very specific locations and these don't seem to be havens or bases of the kindred residents. They have also been accompanied by other kindred which Georgiana has said don't really fit the 'look' of The Swarm, Gangrel aren't exactly known for their fashion sense, but these aren't blood crazed sewer cannibals for sure. She's also sure that Gary Golden knows about it and is staying out of their way. Whatever they're up to doesn't seem to be against the existing power structures of the respective baronies...she's done a bit of research into this 'other' pack. They're quite interesting..."

Tilly Kelly - Gangrel
'Mistress of The Swarm'
Daniel concluded that 'The Swarm' were looking for the primary base of Sir Matthew and his agents. He had suspected that Marius's involvement in Isaac's scheme was to enable him to diablerise either Christopher or Lubbock and this information might indicate that he was correct in this assumption.

Daniel's musing was interrupted as he realised that Vin had continuing talking about this new Gangrel Pack.

"They were apparently one of Xaviar's most favoured packs due to their variety of infiltration skills and one of the last of the former Justicars packs to accept Marius's replacement of Xaviar as their guiding force. Many, Desdemona included, attribute this reticence to one of their alleged purposes being the potential removal of Marius should his preference for diablerie ever be focussed in a direction not to Xaviar's liking. Most of the enemies they have destroyed never even knew that their killers were in the same room as them."

"Wonderful", commented Daniel sarcastically. 'Stealth' Gangrel, he thought, just what the city fucking needed on top of the pyromaniac Gangrel he'd learnt about earlier. At least it couldn't get much worse. Vin ignored the interruption and continued.

"The unseen are also quite rare amongst Xaviar's packs, as they have no ties to Marius outside of his position as their sponsor, and contain no kindred either related to or beholden to him. It's apparently common knowledge that Marius doesn't trust them at all, but plays upon his heritage as first of Xaviars childer, in order to encourage their loyalty."

Flynn Jacobs - Gangrel
Pack Leader of 'The Unseen'
"According to Georgiana, their primary purpose was to infiltrate the domains of rival sects and keep track of their most powerful kindred members and had therefore undergone extensive mental conditioning and training in disciplines not typical of the average Gangrel. So the question is, what is a pack that Marius doesn't really trust and who Xaviar likely had trained to kill the fucker, doing hanging around with the Swarm?"

It was a question that all present were also asking. Nothing sprang immediately to mind. It seemed that Sir Matthews presence within L.A. was creating new problems for them and the city on an almost nightly basis.

Daniel had a question "Would Georgiana be open to giving us specific information on which locations are being mapped? It might be useful to know exactly where in the city we're likely to see trouble occurring in. If one of these is Lubbock's actual base of operations, then that gives us valuable tactical intelligence on which to work."

Vin agreed to ask the question.

Further conjecture would however have to wait until later. For now their main priority was luring Michael's own 'sister of the blood', Sofia to the location prepared by Pisha. Hopefully this ritually prepared room would enable them to interrogate Isaac Abrams Scourge without her masters being aware that she had revealed anything of their plans. That was the theory anyway.

Scene Forty - Crackhouse
The location that has been prepared by Pisha for your meeting with Sofia is in an abandoned 'crackhouse' in one of the areas yet to be regenerated by the cities Aegis sponsored renovation program. An envelope has been delivered to Michael containing a map of the location, directions to the former drug den and a key which looks like one for a heavy duty padlock. Disturbingly you have no idea how this arrived at your office...

Michael rang Sofia and asked her to meet him somewhere quiet as he had something that he wished to discuss with her. He also told her that it was somewhat delicate and therefore he'd rather she didn't share the fact with anyone else. Fortunately her curiosity got the better of her and she agreed.

Storytellers Note - It was actually a spectacularly successful Persuasion roll that did it.

Michael sent Daniel to follow Sofia to the meeting location in order to ensue that she wasn't followed. Hope had been given similar instructions though she was to observe the area from the air. Hope often scouted in raven form so this wasn't an unusual request. Vin accompanied Michael.

An Unfamiliar Gang Sign
The drug den was as derelict and squalid as they expected though the usual of societies detritus that inhabited such areas were strangely absent as if something about the location itself discouraged visitors. The only sign that anyone has been in the location recently was a brand new padlock on the metal grid protecting the only entrance to the former crack den.

An old faded symbol upon one wall was presumably a gang sign of some kind though it didn't coincide with any L.A. gang of which they were aware.

Though Daniel had had his ghouls scout the area first, they had discovered nothing unusual. He himself however had the feeling that they were being watched but could see no sign of any observers. His feeling was less based on visual evidence and more of a suspicion but for some reason he was quite certain that he was correct. Acting on this hunch he began a sweep of the area but found nothing.

From her vantage point high above the slums, Hope watched Daniel wander about aimlessly. She noticed movement a moment before Daniel himself did. Fortunately it was Sofia herself who rounded the corner, not an unknown enemy.

As his 'sister' appeared, Michael vacated his vehicle and walked over to speak with her. Vin was close behind.

Sofia Rivera - Toreador
Baron Abrams 'Census-Taker'
"I appreciate you meeting me. Usually I would select a more aesthetically pleasing locale, but privacy was of paramount necessity. I apologise for keeping you in the dark about my activities of late, hopefully this conversation will redress that in some small manner."

Daniel and Vin were more concerned about the bag that Sofia wore slung across her shoulder. With the aid of his preternatural senses Daniel could hear the slight rattle of chain from within. He was also reasonably sure that she had a weapon tucked into the small of her back.

"I'll explain more thoroughly when we get inside." said Michael as he unlocked the security door. 

The stairs to the upper floors had collapsed and a precarious ladder had been placed there to allow access. Fortunately it is the basement to which they were headed and those stairs were solid stone.

At the bottom of the stairs was a square area containing two doors. An obviously newly replaced door was directly ahead over which a skull and crossbones had been placed recently and using what they were certain were genuine human components.

These had ritual incantations scrawled over them in what was presumably Pisha's vitae. Another door nearby was hanging from one hinge. From this side door emerged Pisha, without the markings upon her skin and dressed in relatively normal clothing, presumably to enable her to travel to this location unnoticed.

Pisha - Nagaraja
Necromancer and Occult Expert
"The preparations are completed, though I have attended personally to ensure that there are no unforeseen complications. My own guardians and wards protect this area so as to ensure that you are undisturbed. Of course if anyone asks, I was never here, several of the Barons get nervous when they think of me wandering Los Angeles unattended." 

The atmosphere became more oppressive and a vague scent of decay began to fill the air as she spoke. The coterie had always associated this aura with Pisha's lairs but apparently it also followed the lady herself.

Michael chose this moment to explain himself fully.

"Pisha has enchanted the room ahead with a ritual that prevents any within from uttering a falsehood. This will apply not only to you but Daniel and myself also. Hopefully this will enable us to have an honest exchange concerning both our activities over the last few months. It will also prevent any outside observer's from perceiving anything we discuss within."

Sofia seemed to consider this for a moment before opening the door and entering the room of her own accord.

"Hope is patrolling the exterior, Vin? If you wouldn't mind guarding the outside of this door while Daniel provides security for us within, it would be most helpful." Vin unzipped the bag containing his automatic shotgun, and placed it at his feet, but left the weapon within. Michael took this as indicating his agreement.

Scene Forty One - The Court of Hallowed Truth
The room contained two chairs and a table, centrally located within. They looked like they'd been sourced from within the building itself so apparently had no bearing on the ritual. The atmosphere within the room itself was quite oppressive and felt, for want of a better term, 'wrong' as if reality itself was offended by the rooms existence.

Michael removed his jacket and placed it over one of the seats. Accepting the obvious invitation, Sofia sat down though placed her bag where she could easily get to it. Daniel noted that she had easy access to where she obviously kept her weaponry but said nothing. There wasn't much he could do about it anyway.

"First things first..." began Michael. "...did you tell anyone about this meeting?"

"I told no-one." replied Sofia, without hesitation.

Michael continued. "Isaac has been more distant of late. I am informed that his time is now spent focussed on another individual. What do you know of them and Isaac's association with them?"

Sofia's reply confirmed some of what they had suspected.

Sir Matthew Lubbock - Toreador
4th Generation Methuselah
"Sir Matthew Lubbock? He is within the city already, he's taken over one of Baron Abrams mansions, the best one to be specific and certainly the most heavily defended. Sir Matthew took it when many of his agents were killed when their locations were leaked to the Sabbat. No idea how they knew but an informer within L.A, is likely. Hollywood was safe because apparently no Sabbat were informed about potential targets there."

"As far as I know he's helping Sir Matthew Lubbock of the 4th generation and childe of Arikel to gain vengeance against a childe who embarrassed him in some manner in Boston about two centuries ago. It's probably vastly more complicated than that but the Baron is keeping the finer points to himself. We've all been ordered to assist in any way we can and not to interfere with Sir Matthew or his agents in any way. The childe is currently out of the city but is due to return within a few weeks. The exact date hasn't been shared with us. None of us are trusted enough it seems, with the possible exception of Miss Velour."

Michael's next question was something that Daniel was also keen to know. "In your opinion, is Isaac under Lubbock's control or acting of his own free will?"

"As for whether he's acting of his own volition I can only guess. I'd say he seems in control. I've seen enough mind control techniques to be able to make an educated assessment though. Our sire is highly proficient in all such techniques and I've seen them all in action. I'd say his plans are his own, yes."

Stéphanie Mayoux - Toreador
Infamous Harpy
Daniel rarely heard Michael speak of his sire so mention of her caught his interest. Toreador's powers over the mind tended to be more subtle so the fact that she wasn't adverse to using more 'brute force' techniques was a surprise to him. Though he imagined that this explained Sofia's approach to problem solving, it didn't explain why Michael's methods were almost exactly the opposite.

"Lubbock predates the Camarilla, is their any sign that they object to this new power player?" prompted Michael.

"I can't see why they'd have a problem with it. By definition if he takes out Christopher, yes I'm aware of him, then that weakens the Free States considerably. Though the politics of kindred that old is going to be incestuous in the extreme. I imagine a few that owe Lubbock boons wouldn't be exactly heartbroken if he met his end here. Though I guess the ideal would be for him to take out Christopher and then get himself destroyed. Best of both worlds, right? Our sire taught us as much about politics as art. This must have occurred to you?"

As Michael was also bound by the rooms enchantment he felt compelled to answer Sofia's question.

"My main concern was that they might support him simply to cause problems for the Free States. It's a win, win for them. We either expend our strength fighting him off, or he wins and they can just walk in behind him. Anyway, you mentioned Velvet earlier. Do you know how she's involved in this scheme?"

Sofia's reply indicated to Michael and Daniel that she wasn't fond of Velvet Velour at all.

Club Vesuvius, Hollywood - Velvet Velour's Haven

"Velvet has made it clear that she won't cooperate if Baron Abrams involves you in his schemes in any way that could cause you to come to harm."

"She's had meetings with one of Baron Caplan's 'Water Rats', a Gangrel called Shantelle, to get Lubbock into the city. Catherine DuBois as a back-up in case Shantelle couldn't find a way through Harvey Caplans security precautions and they needed the airport. Velme, one of Gloria's who informed us about Garcia and Carlyle's movements and Marius."

Shantelle, Gangrel and Velme, Daughter of Cacophony

"Marius was persuaded to recreate the Barony of the Angels so we could smuggle in all of Sir Lubbock's people without drawing attention to them. With all the new movements and chaos it caused, who would notice a few odd movements? No fucking body apparently. No idea what part was planned for you Michael but as I said Velvet wouldn't involve you.

"It's a shame really as you missed out on a fuck, she nailed everyone else she made arrangements with...inventively and frequently from what I heard...Marius got a whole weekend of whoring out of her..."

Velvet Velour - Exotic Dancer and Owner of Club Vesuvius

It didn't take an empath of Michael's talents to pick up the jealousy in Sofia's voice. Michael decided to broach the subject more subtly. Though within this room he could have just asked his 'sister' what her problem with VV was, he considered this to be somewhat of an invasion of privacy.

"I've always been impressed that Velvet manages to maintain her connection to humanity, even if she chooses to express it in a physical as well as on an emotional level."

As Michael had expected, the additional praise got Sofia to bite.

Isaac Abrams - Toreador
Baron of Hollywood
"Everything comes so easy to her, just served up on a plate, her whims indulged by kindred who should fucking well be above such manipulations. I doubt she'd ever had to work for a fucking thing either before or after her embrace..."

Michael smiled disarmingly and then changed the subject. "...and what part is Marius playing in this scheme?"

"Marius has used his contacts to help get Lubbock into the city and provide for some of his...comforts...there's things that Isaac won't do, but Marius will. Basically he's doing the dirty work. Lubbock treats him like shit which I'm not convinced is a great plan considering that Marius is, lets be frank, a complete fucking psychopath in an expensive suit. The sword deal is apparently a big secret between Marius and Isaac. 'A surprise' it seems. Though I doubt it's a pleasant surprise for whoever is concerned..."

"The Gangrel and Isaac have come to some agreement but it's strictly between the two of them and enquiries into what it is have been forbidden. I have no doubt that Isaac will kill to ensure this plan of his, whatever it is, goes smoothly. I've killed for him, but I can just as easily be killed."

"I heard Isaac say that he wasn't happy about 'seven of the bastards brood being in the city all at once'. Presumably he meant Marius and his childer but I only know of four. Mary, Tilly, Emmanuella and Eleanor."

Daniel had also heard rumours of additional of Marius's childer in the city and had drawn the same blank. Usually he's just have asked the man himself but as they were no longer sure whose side he was on, the option was denied him.

"The weapon?" said Daniel who was greatly interested in such things. Apparently he had accidentally phrased it as a question, either that or Sofia had chosen to answer of her own free will. The end result was much the same.

"The weapon? Isaac has it near to him at all times, it's in a weird container that hurts to look at. He says it shields it from scrying as it's 'a surprise for someone that he doesn't want ruined'. Marius didn't want to part with it, that's for sure."

Durga Syn - Ravnos
Ancient foe of Baba Yaga
"Whatever Isaac offered in return for it's loan must have been something he really wanted."

"I know weapons, and I've done a lot of research into vampiric artefacts that fit into that category. I know Durga Syn crafted all sorts of dangerous swords. That one is meant to be Dracul's Talon but I'm not entirely convinced. Something about the description what I remember from my research. Anyway, she made a few so maybe I'm just getting them mixed up...It calls to you. You want it and fear it in equal measure, It's sentient, I'm sure, or something close to sentience anyway. I tried to touch it and if Isaac hadn't been there I might have. With the case shut it's influence seems to be shielded though..."

Daniel decided that there were a couple of other things he also needed to know.

"We've heard that Lubbock has some allies other than Isaac. Any idea who else amongst the Barons we might have to be careful of?"

The Toreador Scourge's reply was not reassuring.

"Lubbock has people in every domain now. They arrived via LAX airport or the docks, then journeyed to the other baronies via the recreated Barony of the Angels. Lubbock has no allies amongst the Anarchs."

Jacob and Esau - Malkavian
"Though Isaac has said that Sir Matthew called in a boon with someone called Jacob in order to prevent the interference of Baron Therese Voerman and another known as Esau to persuade Therese's sister Jeanette to take a backseat from Anarch politics til Lubbock's plan is completed."

"Therese will certainly keep her word though what Jeanette will do is any fuckers guess..."

He was also concerned about the defences of the mansion that had been identified as Sir Matthews current base.

"The whole building is structurally reinforced, next generation security cameras cover every approach and include motion sensors, thermal imaging and some of those Second Inquisition kindred detecting set-ups that he got from god knows where. All the guards are highly trained and mentally conditioned to die on Sir Matthew's behalf without a second thought. They're basically just reflections of his will at this point. There are posterns of course but if anything they're more heavily defended than the normal entrances and exits. If you're not invited then you're going to be lucky to get ten yards into the grounds before getting wasted."

Scene Forty Two - Interruptions
Outside, Hope observed several vehicles approaching and shifted back into humanoid form so she could send a text to Vin. Vin in turn entered the room and called Daniel over.

"We might have some trouble incoming..." Daniel nodded. He had hoped this location was safe but deep down he'd known that it wasn't.

"So..." continued Michael, relying on his coterie to deal with any problems outside. "...does Sir Matthew Lubbock see himself as the next Prince of L.A.?"

Sofia laughed out loud.

"He thinks the title of 'Prince' is beneath one of his power and age. He actually said that anyone who actually calls themselves a Prince is unworthy of the title. They should fear the man, not the title, his words not mine. So no, he doesn't want to be a Prince, he wants Los Angeles as a playground. Can you imagine what someone with his powers could do with control over a city as inherently corrupt as this one. He'd be like a kid in a sweet shop and the Second Inquisition would be certain to follow. He still thinks like it's the fucking dark ages and there's no limit to his appetites..."

Michael left the question that was most personal to himself, until last.

"What did you do that was so abhorrent that you couldn't bring yourself to tell me when we last met..."

Her reply was exactly what Michael had feared.

Carlyle - Brujah
Childe of Salvador Garcia
"I destroyed Garcia's childe Carlyle on Isaac's orders. He didn't want any factions within the city getting too organised and so wanted Salvador distracted. I wasn't happy about it to be honest but I couldn't really say no. At the time I was sure that it was what I wanted to do but now I'm not so sure. It was so easy. I outclassed them in every way and that superiority felt...good...looking back I'm not sure I want to feel that way again....that's how we lose ourselves to the Beast."

Michael sympathised. His bloodline wasn't exactly short of megalomaniacs. Baron Philippe Vollgirre, Michael Unther, Madame Guil, and Helena herself of course to name but four. Also arguably the two most evil kindred he'd ever encountered, the Blount Sisters, were themselves Toreador. 

Meanwhile, Daniel was taking a look at the evolving scene outside. Hope had indicated to him exactly where the approaching vehicles had stopped. It didn't take a tactical genius to realise that all their escape routes were now effectively blocked. He reached for his phone and rang Vin.

"Vin. The situation here is very bad, I need you outside..."

Calling upon his supernatural powers of stealth, Daniel faded from sight and moved towards one of the vehicles. It was centrally located and had the best view of their building so he presumed that this would be where the groups leader had stationed themselves.

The obvious leader of those in the centre group ahead was a handsome, muscular blonde man. The pair flanking him had the look of mercenaries. Their ranged weapons were high calibre and their close combat options, those that you can see at least, are heavy blades. The armament, though still deadly against mortals, seemed to have kindred enemies in mind.

The leader pointed at one of his men and then at the exact spot that Daniel thought he was concealed within. Reacting instantly the Banu Haqim leapt into cover. "You're not invited to this meeting..." quipped Daniel from his new hiding place. He almost instantly regretted the comment as his cover was torn to pieces by armour piercing ammunition. As he once more changed position a round tore through his shoulder. "...if you surrender now, I promise not to kill you." yelled Daniel, over the gunfire.

As he prepared to move once more, the leader of the group appeared right beside him. He'd used the ability himself many times, but having it used against him was still an unpleasant surprise. A punch, and one vastly more powerful than a mere mortal could ever hope to produce, struck Daniel in the chest and sent him flying backwards. Daniel attempted to repair the damage to his undead flesh as he attempted to regain his footing. Hope hurled herself between the two combatants and used her last remnants of vitae to enhance her combat abilities to their fullest potential, and then promptly let the impending frenzy overtake her.

Hope found herself in the unusual position of facing a foe that could match her power and speed and found herself knocked aside by a backhanded blow that fractured her ribs and sent her stumbling backwards. As the kindreds blood-bound allies closed upon them, Daniel hoped that Vin was having more luck.

Vin couldn't immediately identify which of the approaching enemies were kindred and which were mortal so hadn't bothered to change the drum of shotgun rounds from the one containing solid slugs. He preferred a bit more spread when dealing with cannon fodder and rifled slugs for kindred enemies but what the hell, overkill was underrated. The approaching group turned out to be mainly mortal, and very few made it across the killing ground. He slung the now empty shotgun behind his back and drew his machete. Behind the meat shield he saw a creature moving far too quickly to be anything but a kindred. Someone needed to pay the price for threatening his Baron, this foe would have to do.

One of the mercenaries overestimated the damage suffered by Hope and stepped a little too close as they took aim at her head. The Beast instinctively guided her towards this ready source of blood and she tore out their throat and drank deeply. His allies opened fire, with no regard for their fellow mercenary having apparently decided, quite correctly, that they were already dead. The supposedly armour piercing rounds bounced off of the Gangrel's flesh. Daniel took advantage of their focus away from himself and calmly put a 10mm round through the foreheads of the two closest enemies.

Scene Forty Three - Necromancy
Despite being unsure about Marius's loyalties, Michael was currently in the Barony of the Angels which was still under the Baron of Downtown's protection, and was reasonably sure that he'd still have to do something about a gunfight in the middle of his domain. If only for the sake of appearances.

Victoria - Ancient Ghoul of Marius
Psychotic P.A.
As expected, it was Victoria who answered the call. Michael sensed that she wasn't surprised to hear from him.

"Good evening. I hate to bother you, but I thought I should alert Marius to some trouble within the Barony of the Angels. I had arranged a meeting with my sister of the blood to smooth over some troubles between us, with some occult assistance from Pisha which I'm sure your aware of..."

Michael took Victoria's silence as an indication that he should continue.

"...and we have found ourselves the victim of an unprovoked attack, by unknown enemies. I'm sure you already have people on the way, but I thought a courtesy call was warranted..."

Michael's empathy was highly attuned and he was a master at detecting even the smallest hint of emotion, no matter how well hidden. The slight intake of breath as he mentioned being sure that 'her people' were 'on the way' indicated to him that no such help was actually coming. His hope was that now she had no choice but to make at least a token gesture of providing aid or Marius's intentions might begin to be questioned.

"I'll see what's being done about the situation..." she replied, before hanging up.

A moment later, Pisha reached into her pocket and pulled out an old but functional mobile phone. She had apparently been sent a message.

"Downtown's sweepers are otherwise occupied..." began Pisha. " I have been given permission to assist you until reinforcements can be directed to our location."

Pisha - Summoning the Dead...
Michael picked up the slight confusion in her voice. He knew that her ability to roam freely was a carefully guarded secret. Marius had always implied to the other Barons that the Nagaraja was confined to her haven and that her 'meals' were provided. It was this lie that prevented them from objecting to his keeping of a cannibalistic necromancer as an occult advisor. For her to be given permission to use her abilities in such an open manner was clearly unexpected.

Pisha closed her eyes briefly and when she opened them they were pure black. As she spread her arms a foul wind manifested itself and the air became thicker and more oppressive. Michael wasn't sure what was about to be unleashed, but he doubted it would be pleasant.

The bodies of the enemies already destroyed by Michael's coterie began to stir. Dead flesh and bone knitted together sufficient for locomotion to occur and the shambling risen dead advanced on their former friends and allies. Drain covers were pushed aside as long dead victims of gang violence, exsanguinated victims of the kindred of Downtown and those whose death had been caused by a city indifferent to the suffering of it's most downtrodden residents emerged to wreak their revenge upon the living and undead alike. What they lacked in speed and ability they made up for with a mindless and unflinching need to fulfil the will of their dark mistress.

Breaching The Veil
Those spirits who lingered behind the veil that separated the spirit world from the material realm discovered that the barrier had thinned to breaking point and those that still had the will forced their way through. Though they believed that they still had their free will, they nonetheless focussed their attention upon the coteries enemies and not the coterie themselves, unknowingly bound to Pisha's will as they were.

Hope attempted to use the brutally fed upon corpse as a shield but her enemy punched straight through the bloodless body, pulverising both it and most of her side. Vitae fuelled resilience reduced the damage significantly but another such blow would likely be the end of her. Fortunately for her the arrogant Brujah they were fighting had presumed that the full force of his blow had been inflicted and made the mistake of stepping in closer to inspect his handiwork. The resourceful Gangrel leapt at the unprepared foe and used the momentum of her leap to driver her claws through their chest. As her talons tore through them she twisted her hands within the gaping wounds before slicing outwards, separating their torso into two halves. The eviscerated body fell to the ground and began to decompose rapidly.

Blood Sorcery
Daniel heard a scream of rage from his left as another kindred charged at them, eager to avenge their fellow warrior. The Banu Haqim lashed out instinctively with powers from his clans sorcerous heritage and quenched the power of the approaching Brujah's vitae. The sudden feeling of weakness stalled their headlong advance, which gave Hope a moment to intercept. The assassin killed two approaching mercenaries with precise shots before switching to his blades. While Hope dealt with the now weakened foe, Daniel set to work on blood bound mortals too stupid to realise that they were already dead.

Vin finished off the group that had moved towards the crackhouse, but was then immediately assailed by another skirmish force that had extracted themselves from the risen dead who had assaulted them. Though now vanquished the zombies had nonetheless took a terrible toll on the ambushers, and their second deaths had bought the coterie the time it needed to rally itself. Nonetheless the battle still could go either way. Their enemies were reduced, but Hope, Daniel and Vin all had grievous wounds and little vitae left to heal them.

Scene Forty Four - Wave Two
Within the drug den, Michael could hear the fighting drawing closer. He had full confidence in the capabilities of his warriors but they were unprepared.

"I'm going out to help my people..." stated Michael.

"Going to get your hands dirty, 'brother'?" mocked Sofia. "This I need to see..."

Browning Hi-Power - Converted
As Michael left the building to view the carnage, he projected the full force of his charismatic powers ahead of him. There were no subtle manipulations on this occasion. Several of the weaker minded foes immediately found themselves frozen in fear or fleeing in terror. Daniel fired a burst from his converted browning handgun and took down three who were running to their vehicles.

Sofia slipped past her brother and sliced the throat of an unusually brave mortal before moving to reinforce Hope. Vin had abandoned any illusion of technique and cut his way through his enemies with a two handed grip on the weapon gifted to him by his sire. With brutal efficiency he drained a foe in seconds while forcing the others back with broad strokes of his blade. Daniel meanwhile was taking careful aim and dropping mortal foes with precise shots to the head having noted that many of the mercenaries were wearing very efficient body armour. Sofia had moved away from hope and was instead cutting down those who attempted to interfere with Daniels precise and efficient elimination of their enemies. 

Sofia Rivera - Toreador
'Ready for Action'
None of them could take much more damage, but Sofia was unscathed, and her help was tipping the balance in their favour.

Pisha emerged a few moments later and added her fearsome supernatural presence to Michaels own, further breaking the ambushers morale. As the last remaining kindred enemy lunged at Michael, the Nagaraja touched their outstretched arm which blackened and atrophied. As he screamed she laid her other hand almost gently upon their chest and smiled as their entire body convulsed. The torso turned to dust and ash as the now separated limbs fell to the ground in an untidy heap.

"No loose ends." shouted Michael to those fighting for him. All present saw the wisdom of this, sure that what he actually meant was 'no survivors', but knowing that he would never actually issue such a command.

In a few minutes, there were indeed no loose ends and definitely no survivors.

"No reinforcements, and no sirens..." observed Daniel as he tasted a spot of blood from the first of their kindred foes. "...and we got lucky..." Hope raised a questioning eyebrow.

"This fucker was low generation, seventh I'd guess." he clarified. Hope immediately regretted not diablerizing them,

Michael surveyed the carnage. "I will get Mr Hertz to sort out the vehicles, the bodies are going to be another problem..."

"Not necessarily." Interrupted Pisha. As she spread her arms once more the foul stench of the grave returned returned. As it touched each of the bodies they began to turn to dust and the supernatural wind blew them away as if they had never been.

"A useful talent." commented Daniel, though the powers she had exhibited had him wandering just how old and powerful she really was. She was certainly no prisoner, yet seemed to answer to Marius without question. He was to receive no answers from Pishas as she stepped into the shadows and disappeared.

"Now what?" asked Hope.

It was a good question.

Storytellers Conclusions
I sometimes like to do a round-up of how the session went in these features but if you couldn't give a shit what I think then feel free to skip this bit....

Well that was the closest they've come to 'Final Death' in quite a while. The stakes are now very high so we'll see how much longer their luck holds for.

Portions of the materials are the copyrights and trademarks of White Wolf Entertainment AB, and are used with permission. All rights reserved.

I've used pictures of real people to represent some of the characters and art for others so in no particular order Michael Tomassio is represented by Matt Bomer, Vincent Ghast is Scott Adkins, Dr Matthews is Mads Mikkelsen, Hope Romero is Deborah Ann Woll, Sofia Rivera is Eliza Dushku, The Voerman sisters are both Whitney Moore, Harvey Caplan is Harvey Keitel, Karen Anatos is Christina Hendricks, Louis Fortier is Eduardo Verastegui, Marius Walker is Tony Curran, Desdemona Moore is Amanda Donohoe, Melinda is Alice Pagani, Georgiana Landry is Mila Kunis, Tilly Kelly is Anna Paquin, Flynn Jacobs is Brian Cox, Pisha is Ambre Vourvahis, Sir Matthew Lubbock is Michael Douglas, Stephanie Mayoux is Emily Beecham, Shantelle is Marsha Thomason, Velme is Ruby Rose, Velvet Velour is Ilona Lab, Isaac Abrams is Gary Oldman, Carlyle is Kirk Jones and Victoria is Lilith May.

Everything else is from vampire related folders and searches and is as far as I know is all of the 'fair use' variety. If there's something that you feel should be attributed to some-one then feel free to let me know and I'll happily add an acknowledgement.

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