Monday, 3 March 2014

Unboxing Warzone Resurrection - Bauhaus

With six (soon to be seven) awesome factions that each has their own unique character it's difficult to decide which Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection force is the one for you.

I'm therefore going to do an unboxing (technically an 'unbagging' until they get packaging) on each of those aforementioned factions in order to enable you to come to a (relatively) informed decision. We'll look at the stat, strategy, tactical and gear cards as well as looking at the models in both their unassembled and assembled forms. If there should be any minor assembly issues encountered along the way then we'll cover those as well...

I'm sure you've all seen pictures of things in a bag so we'll skip that bit...

The Bauhaus 'Starter Set' contains enough parts to make one Angelica Drachen, ten Hussars and a Vulkan Battlesuit in various configurations. All Starter sets give you a legal army of one Warlord and two units of five 'troops' as well as additionally giving you some kind of Support unit or Light Vehicle as well.

First we'll show you what you get in 'army list' form as well as the minimum and maximum potential unit values that you can make from your starter set. Obviously some units can be increased in size at a later point and there maximum value will increase accordingly.

Warlord (Close Combat)- Angelica Drachen (170)
No upgrade options though the Combat Doctrines options of other units are based on the Warlord 'type' in this case 'Close Combat'.
Troops - Hussars x5 (80 Min) (170 Max)
This unit can take up to two Combat Doctrines (55 points total for the most expensive two)
This unit has three upgrade options (35 points total for the most expensive two)
Troops - Hussars x5 (80 Min) (170 Max)
This unit can take up to two Combat Doctrines (55 points total for the most expensive two)
This unit has three upgrade options (35 points total for the most expensive two)
Light Vehicle - Vulkan Battlesuit (115 Min) (170 Max)
This unit can take up to two Combat Doctrines (55 points total for the most expensive two)

This gives us a points range of 330 points (Minimum OOC of Warlord and two troops) up to 680 for this starter set though your actual figure will most likely be somewhere in the middle.

Onto the actual bits and pieces then...

We'll look at both sides of the parts 'as they come' without any clean-up in order to give you a complete picture of what you get and what work they need.

Angelica Drachen.

The Hussars.
You get two lots of the pictured parts...

A Vulkan.

We also get a number of resource cards which vary in appearance from faction to faction... well as stat cards for the units in the starter set and a number of 'Strategy', 'Tactical' and 'Gear' cards for use with the advanced rules. Some of these cards are only available with certain models but this is helpfully labelled on each card. Where there are multiple quantities of each card I'll just show one of each type.

Stat Cards.

Tactical, Strategy and Gear cards.
There are often more than one of each card and sometimes as many as three or four but showing the same cards multiple times seemed a bit redundant.

Angelica Drachen.






I suppose we should look at them assembled as well. 

The models come with appropriate bases but unfortunately they have slots in them but this can be easily rectified. Personally I fill them with hobby store matchsticks then base over them though there's any number of other methods. I haven't based these yet.....

Angelica Drachen.

The arm join enables you to pose her in a number of ways. I went with whip up and gun down but the opposite is just as easy or anything in between.

The Hussars come with five bodies with shoulder pads and one without so you could distinguish one model as the leader or use him as the special weapon user (there's a selection of heads for the same reason) and both of the weapon upgrades are also available. 

In effect this means that you can use the Hussar set as a basis for a new squad or as an expansion for an existing one.

The kit comes with four sets of standing legs and a single set of crouching ones.

Weapon upgrades.

Vulkan Battlesuit.

 I used the sealed compartment but the kit comes with a Hussar head if you wish to show the 'pilot'.

A Group Shot.

If this article interested you then you may might want to look at some of the other articles in this series.

Unboxing - The Brotherhood 'Starter Set'.
Unboxing - Capitol 'Starter Set'.
Unboxing - Cybertronic 'Starter Set'.
Unboxing - Dark Legion 'Starter Set'.
Unboxing - Mishima 'Starter Set'.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.


  1. Does anyone know when Warzone will be available at stores? I'd buy them from their web page, but their shipping is outrageous and so far their customer service has been terrible, or non existent.

    1. Titan Games in Lichfield, Birmingham gets them fairly quickly and is where I acquire mine from. They also have a Stourbridge store. Not sure if that helps?


  2. They are still finalising the Kickstarter packages so priority is given to them on stock which can cause delays and 4 people trying to fufill all this was a big job. they are getting more staff more machines etc to speed up the process. i saw them at Overlord this weekend and they are hoping for retail soon.

    Awesome Review Gmorts these are my favourites so glad they came first.

    1. The Alphabet is your friend, lol.

      Brotherhood will be next...not sure how you feel about them...

  3. Great work . And Scaning Cards Exellent Idea

    1. I thought it would be nice for people to get an idea of what each factions cards are like. I think it gives you a good idea of the 'style' of a particular faction.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Here is Mishima starter box cards!9EwSHYKK!Tj6KIDdd4RNsHXDZ5z2Z0ttUh1cCGE28acTWOjr42MQ


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